News - All Season 2 Operator Bundles Early Gameplay Showcase. Tracers, Ultra Skins, Warzone 2

All 16 season 2 operator bundles gameplay showcase

All 16 season 2 operator bundles gameplay showcase

Zombies aether worm bundle gameplay showcase

Cod Points features an all-new Strike Team slot as well for active duty, so this is like an extra slot for the zombies, and then you get two different weapon blueprints; they don't have tracers or rounds on them, but it's called the ET obsidian for the DG58.

Biorobotic bundle gameplay showcase

And the second one is called the sear obsidian and that's for the Longbow, you also get refined ethereum crystals which is only one of them and then finally ends it off with the other Cosmetics which is a large decal and a brand new weapon charm the next operator bundle that we have is called the biorobotic, which features an operator skin called Expo for Swagger this is what the operator skin will look like you also get a Strike Team slot which is going to be the same thing that we just talked about you're going to get it in this bundle as well so an additional slot for you to use in zombies There's also going to be two different weapon blueprints that will be included the first one will be for the dg58.

Cryptids nessie bundle gameplay showcase

Cryptids nessie bundle gameplay showcase

This one is called the gajin no Trace arounds or effects I don't think this bundle will be costing more than 2, 000 it also has a wsp swarm submachine gun and then there's other things like a refin ethereum Crystal a brand new large decal a weapon sticker and a weapon charm going on to the next operator bundle that we have this is called the crypted Nessie operator bundle which will only feature five different items you have the Nessie operator which will be for Pathfinder, this is what the operator will look like it sort of reminds me of like Aliens versus Predators type of thing going on right there they're using a lot of this futuristic theme then you have two different weapon blueprints one for the tack Eradicator.

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There are no different trace arounds or effects, which is why I think this bundle is probably going to cost under $2, 000, maybe like $1, 800.

Cryptids mothman bundle gameplay showcase


The second weapon blueprint is called the cryptus and that's for the xrk stalker sniper and finally you have a large decal and finally a weapon charm they're doing another version of the Cryptids and this one is called the Cryptids Moth Man once again it's only going to be five different items included you have the hatch operator skin for jabber this is the operator he has wings resembles a mod but at the same time it's like a little futuristic reminds me a little bit of Advanced Warfare but this is the operator you got two weapon blueprints one called the flutter for the striker 9 s SMG doesn't have any Trace arounds or effects to it and then the second one is called the riveters nocturn.

And that one also doesn't have anything like that. Then you have the large metamorph decal and, finally, a brand new weapon charm. It's probably going to be the same exact price as the other Cryptids one that we saw, so probably 1800 Cod points to 2, 000. The next bundle is going to be a little bit more expensive.

cod season 2 skins

This one is called Tracer Pack Zodiac Scorpio Hero Ultra Skin, and because it is an ultra skin and it has a tracer pack, yeah, it's probably going to cost $2400. This features the co-operator skin for Riptide, so it seems like it's once again following that futuristic. Type of thing starting to look more like a Transformers, to me but other than this operator skin you get one weapon blueprint and that is going to be for the striker 9 called Orion's ban this does have Tracer rounds to it and these are what the Tracer effects will look like has like yellow firework type of Sparks going on with that and then you have a brand new calling card a large decal, a weapon sticker, an emblem, as well as a weapon charm the next bundle that we have this one is called the Cupid's arrow Tracer pack and this is going to be a tracer pack so probably 2400 Cod points and the skin is called the castan NOA this one's coming in for enigma, this is what a showcasing of that skin will look like I think he does have wings you can barely see them when he turns a little bit so like really small wings and then he has two different weapon blueprints the AOS for the crossbow.

Cupids arrow tracer pack bundle gameplay showcase

Cupids arrow tracer pack bundle gameplay showcase

This does have Tracer rounds called the Bleeding Heart Tracers, and this is just a little showcasing of what those Tracer rounds are going to look like, and it's like a little pink powder. I guess, and then the second weapon blueprint is for HRM 9, and this one is called The Embers. It also has Trac Sur rounds to it.

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I think this one looks a little bit different compared to the crossbow; it's more sparks than that smoke. There's a large decal, a brand new weapon sticker, and finally a one-hour double-weapon XP token. This is the bundle, and then the next one that we have is , called the striation.

Striation suit bundle gameplay showcase

Bundle, I'm not even sure how to say this strian soup bundle.

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This will feature the fiber Ops operator skin for Nolan; it doesn't look like this is going to be a tracer bundle, so maybe it'll probably cost still 2400, just because the way this operator skin looks pretty crazy and then the weapon blueprint is the tenderizer. For the TAC evolver, it looks something like this, and then the second weapon blueprint is going to be for the haym maker, and that's what it will look like, and then you got other items coming in, like a large decal that says do you even lift, and then you have a weird flex but okay weapon sticker, a Warriors Way weapon charm, and finally a 1 hour double battle pass XP token, which I think is like the first time they've ever added one of these in a bundle.

Walking dead michonne tracer pack bundle gameplay showcase

Walking dead michonne tracer pack bundle gameplay showcase

The next operator skin bundle we have is going to be called The Walking Dead Michonne Tracer Pack Operator Bundle. You already know this one's going to cost $2,400. Cod points out what makes it unique: this comes in for a brand new operator for Michonne; she has her own unique voice lines; she will have her own brand new finishing move; and then on top of that, there's also the two different or three different weapon blueprints included in this bundle; you have the Lone Wolf for the MCW, which comes in with the death and decay tracers, as well as a death effect called Michonne specialty.

That's what the Tracer effects will look like. You also have it for three different weapon blueprints other than the MCW; you have one for the longbow.

Green ghoul tracer pack bundle gameplay showcase

cod update

It is called The Wraith, and it has a green and black type of style going on. This is what the Tracer rounds will look like; it doesn't look like the Tracer rounds even really match the skin itself; it looks like it's more of a yellowish color rather than the green of the bundle theme.

ALL Season 2 Operator Bundles EARLY Gameplay Showcase! Tracers, Ultra Skins, - Modern Warfare 3.
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