News - Warzone 2 Season 1 First Look: Early Gameplay Overview & Initial Impressions

My initial impressions on season 1 of modern warfare 3

My initial impressions on season 1 of modern warfare 3

modern warfare 3 multiplayer

We'll see if actually does. All in all, though I'm at least for the immediate future happy with what we saw here, it's nice to see we're getting original content, especially after a launch of 16 remastered or rather remade maps. It kind of seems like we're just like backwards in the approach now at this point where just to get this game ready to ship and ready to launch, the remasters of course came as that priority because they already had a base they didn't take as much time to design, and so therefore now you have on the back end. Cuz if you look at it I mean there were some high points in Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 ended up coming with nine Maps here with this but that was with four Upfront for gunfight so that was with a launch but that was a decently large season in terms of maps that only gave you three weapons though the best balance season I'd say in terms of comparable content for Modern Warfare 2 was season 5 you had five Maps two Originals one remake and two gunfights, and five weapons introduced but before that you kind of have to go all the way back to like cold war season 5 was the last solid MP Focus season with five Maps across 6v6 in face off and a handful of their weapons thrown in the mix there so, anyways I mean that's kind of where I'm at here at this that is my initial Impressions and general overview of what you can expect with the maps weapons and all that kind of stuff coming within season 1 and what I got Hands-On gameplay with but that said that's your first look at season 1 gameplay here from multiplayer.

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Come back later tonight. That's what we're going to call it. Take care, and.

Also read:
Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 kicks off Wednesday and today I've got a bit of early access multiplayer content to share. I wanted to start with my thoughts on Season 1 of Modern Warfare 3 and then later in the afternoon evening for our regularly scheduled content I wanted to bring you our standard "Weapons of the Season" video we normally do, but this time with actual footage early on which is nice instead of just screenshots for them all. But today I wanted to run down a general look at Season 1 and not only the content, but the information at hand in regards to gameplay changes and all.
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