News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play Hardpoint Spawn Guide. Skidrow


Also, just in general, if you're spawning, you can actually hop out of the fire and, kind of, like, you know, run to the top fire window here, take this line of sight to see if there's any on the playground, and then also pinch and/or go to the God steps. So this one's a little bit of a confusing one the more you kind of practice it and are actually aware of these spawns happening. I think you'll get used to it, but I'm going to show you an in-game scenario to help you out just a little bit more, and then we're going to move on to our final hill.

P4 scenario

P4 scenario

So here for the in-game scenario: I have just come back off of Spawn after grenading myself, and I'm going to be making sure you know that with one second left, I'm again playing rank play.

I'm going to pressure the old hill just because I'm having some fun. And I'm going to see if anyone's on the old hill, which obviously I know there is, so I'm going to be, you know, expecting him to kind of hit me here with 0 seconds left. I figured he would try and pinch our spawn, but since I aim here and don't see him.

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I'm basically saying to myself. Why didn't he like he just took off middle to kind of go towards the P4, but I was actually completely wrong; he's actually back alley. And yeah, he doesn't really know what he's doing, but you know, as I'm getting these kills up top here in the middle right now. I know there's two things that can happen: they can either spawn or tunnel, or below me, like I was just saying, even though I'm up top, and realistically, that apartment spawn is kind of wide open.

crowder cod

There's a possibility that someone spawns there, but there's also a high possibility that they're either spawning in the bottom middle garage or towards the tunnel. And even if they spawn, like you know, towards the tunnel, they can kind of run through the bottom middle to take a pinch through the back.

crowder gaming

I'm going to go immediately to this fire window I don't see anything playground and you're notice that I take this fight right here bottom middle because I knew exactly that those guys are going to be coming off a spawn this guy just got team, so he got that bottom garage spawn and he's going to be running it down through the middle so I play for this fight and I end up getting killed but again I was kind of expecting that gunfight to happen right there so now I spawn here I spawn in the back apt and this is another good play that I was going to show you guys is if your teammates are getting kills in the scenario, which my teammates are not you can actually spawn back apps and completely cut off the top middle spawn and the bottom middle spawn and the entire pinch this way.

While you're kind of funneling them, the only one area right would be through the tunnel or through that top middle to the god stairs, and if your teammates are on god stairs, you can do a really, really kind of nasty spawn trap if you're holding this pinch and one of your teammates are on god stairs watching the top, that means they can only come through tunnel, and you can do a lot of damage that way, so right now I'm kind of just trolling and I'm saying like I have your entire pinch I have your entire pinch with my teammate, all dying I should be flooding the hill right here and I realize you know it's probably time for me to flood the hill and kind of get moving so.

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They're probably either spawning in the middle and hitting the top God stairs or they're coming through the tunnel, and so that means I have to obviously play the back of this hill and make sure I'm sliding on these guys.

P5 spawns

P5 spawns

I get this kill here again, and they're all pressuring the old and I die but again you can see just kind of how you can break down the map every time you spawn in by just using your mini map and the amount of time left on the hill let's move on to this last and final Hill and finally for these P5 spawns you're going to have like the tunnel area the barber area spawns you're going to have the back alley spawns there is a top middle spawn, a bottom middle spawn and bottom garage spawn area those are all the spawns that you could possibly get so we're going to let these arrows play out and just kind of Watch What Happens so as the you know the white arrows are all spawning back alley for the most part the other team's going to be kind of spawning tunnel that's kind of the general idea of what happens on this P5 for the most part, there can be those weird times where you know if you're leaving garage open or if you're obviously blocking both you can get those middle spawns.

crowder mw3

But for the most part as you're watching it out you're just going to see that we're, kind of just getting the same spawns from across each other so number four and number six are just spawning across the map we're getting the tunnel, versus the back alley spawn and obviously you know you can try to flood this and do what you can, and you're going to see that people are trying to pinch through the middle to try and cut these people off now if you can win your trades and get through garage and actually get across here you're going to be able to really cut off people tunnel pretty badly especially if you get into the hill you can watch the tunnel Spawn from the hill which with some pretty good head glitches.


But this one's a pretty simple hill in general. You know, spawn in the back alley; they're spawn in the tunnel, and you just kind of have to make your move from there. Those top and bottom middle garage spawns don't happen often because most of the time you're not going to spawn up the back alley and take a really, really deep pinch tunnel; it just wouldn't make very much sense, so I would say this is a pretty simple one when it comes to Skid Row in general.

P5 scenario

P5 scenario

hardpoint mw3

Now let's go through an in-game scenario and wrap this article up, and for the final in-game scenario, you have me here on P5. I'm getting the tunnel spawn and since I'm getting the tunnel spawn I know that they're probably coming from ticket or garage so I'm going to try and just pressure the old Hill and the good play right here for me is to just get up top P2 and make sure this kind of Overlook the hill in general so I'm overlooking the hill I'm going to be able to do some damage here I got some people over here by the dumpster, and like I was just showing you again if they're coming from the alley they're going to do one of two things they're going to either try and cross ticket booth which is right here or they're going to go through the garage so this top P2 is a very good spot to be like basically in a power position, to get some kills and to do a lot of damage to help your team actually cross sometimes this is more of like a main AR's role in general most of the time especially in like a rank play but you're going to see that as I just kind of get up here I have all these gunfights that I can be taking.

MW3 Ranked Play Hardpoint Spawn Guide | Skidrow. Welcome to the another episode of mastering spawns in Ranked Play hardpoint. The next map we will go over is Skidrow. I'll be showing you the general understanding of the spawns along with in-game scenarios to back it up.
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