News - Huge Free Cheat Weekends Issue Warzone 2



In today's article, we're going to be talking about a brand new issue that is occurring in Modern Warfare 3 and is kind of going to be a continuous problem, I believe. In the future, you'll probably wonder what I'm talking about. You've probably seen the title thumbnail and understand that this article is going to be about cheating.

This is not the first time we covered cheating on the channel, but we are covering it again here in Modern Warfare 3. It's been a problem now in Call of Duty for quite a while and only seems to be getting worse, and there is now an even bigger issue upon us, so just this past weekend, or as of me recording this article in about 2 hours.

I believe, is the end of the free-to-play weekend, which is a great thing, and we're glad that Call of Duty does this. I know, of course, it's just a marketing thing. They want people to play the game, and then you know they might get a few sales from it. That's cool, right? And at the end of the day, I know some of you were on the fence about playing the game and stuff.

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Some of you guys tell me you like it. Some of you guys tell me you hate it. Some of you haven't bought it yet, of course, but these free-to-play weekends of course allow you the opportunity to play the game, try TR yourself, and see whether you like it or not. It does actually give quite a variety; they let you play TDM and shipment. You play all the best game modes, and you play with the people who obviously already have the game, which is a bit of an issue because, of course, you know they've got all the guns leveled up in there, which might skew your sort of impression of the game, but it gives you a chance to play the game for free.

Free mw3 cheats issue

Free mw3 cheats issue

However, there is a new issue upon us, and I don't think I'd say a new issue. I do believe this happened before, but I have seen it this weekend, which is the notorious cheating company, which, if you do not know, is Engino. Right, most of the people you see cheating in Call of Duty, whether it be just a random cheater or that one YouTuber who gets caught out with their cheats, the streamers that get C out, it does happen; we see it all the time, engine owning right; they make cheats for God knows what games I'm seeing it right now on their Twitter.

Right now, they make it; they even make cheats for Power World. I didn't even know why people would want cheats for the power world, but people want cheats for the power world, but they make cheats, of course, and just this weekend they put out a tweet saying free weekend to MW. Free War Zone. You're probably wondering what that means.


Enjoy our MW3 War Zone cheat for free until the 12th of February. There is also a 20% discount on all subs for the chi, so yes, every time we get a free-to-play weekend, it seems. Engine owning is going to come out with a free cheat weekend, and this is a big, big problem, all right. Because yes this is entices the people who are you know messed about and just want to troll you know with a free account and stuff and can go in, no issues at all don't even have to pay for the game for of course of the weekend, and just cheat for the sake of it right because what does it mean to them if they get banned so be it was a free to-play weekend they could do whatever they want then there's the people who of course, pay for the game anyway they get a chance and it's going to entice some people you know cuz some people rage hack or get annoyed or want to you know just going to be honest aren't good at the game and then want to find a way around you know get better at the game and the best way to get better at the game is to have blatant War hacks right so, these free cheat weekends.

We are going to cause some massive issues for all of us. War Zone already has this issue because, of course, War Zone is free. You can see cheaters are in there quite often just because it is free. Anyone can play it. You can make a new account all the time. When they ban you, they don't actually properly ban you.

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If they even ban the account, you can just make a new one. So that's why I don't read too much into the 50, 000 accounts banned this month, this year, or whatever. Because they just made a new account.

Mw3 cheaters don't get banned

Mw3 cheaters don't get banned

I have proof of this. Well, I say proof of this. I have a conversation from Modern 2. If you want to see that article. You know, you're flicking through, you're looking at memes. You're looking at Call of Duty articles, you're looking at football, whatever it may be, and you get a random live stream, and it's someone just blatantly spinning around, aimbotting, hacking, you name it.


I ran into one of those people, and he told me exactly how it works. He's told me he just uses numerous accounts, and when one gets Shadow banned, it's permanently banned. He says he hasn't had any permanently banned he might have done but he said to me that they hadn't had any permanently banned and when one account gets Shadow banned and you know he kind of gets put in lobbies with cheaters with other cheaters, he just goes into another account and he has an entire Discord filled with people who just give him accounts to use streams the cheats sells the cheats on of course to the people watching and stuff, it's insane he does it for reactions he does it for you know to get paid and stuff, simple as that right and these free-to-play weekends now are going to cause even more issues because now we're going to have even more players on the game, which is a great thing.

We want more people to play in the game; it just makes it better for the community, makes it better for us as players to have as many people playing the game as possible, and makes the game more lively, of course. And the issue now is that we're going to see cheats every single time we get these free weekends because engine owning is probably not the only company, but engine owning is obviously the most notorious company, for it is going to be putting out free cheat weekends.


And I want to know what Activision in Call of Duty is going to do about this, okay? Because the problem is, we've been at this cheating issue for years now, ever since the crossplay. You know, PlayStation and Xbox can face, you know, PC players. We've had a massive surge in cheating. Right, it's been a massive issue.

HUGE FREE CHEAT Weekends Issue in MW3! Hope u enjoyed today's video discussing cheating in modern warfare 3 and the new issue that is going to cause a huge rise in mw3 cheaters as cheating companies release free mw3 cheat weekends alongside the mw3 free to play weekends for everyone to use in modern warfare 3 multiplayer.
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