News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play Hardpoint Spawn Guide. Skidrow

coach crowder

P1 spawns

YouTube what is going on crowder here aka the Atlanta phase head coach and I'm here to help you out with the skid R hardpoint spawn so you have a better ranked experience let's get into it all right so we are on P1, of the skid R right now and basically you have a bottom garage spawn a side garage spawn over here which these are more of like the rarer spawns you have the tunnel side spawns which is going to be back here by the P3 area and then you also have the back alley spawns, this is P4 I apologize.

Sometimes when a spawn is open it happens and that is always going to be a possibility so that's why you can see that some of the you know the white hours obviously still making sure that nothing is going on where that guy is spawning there and then as number five spawns here or dies here he's going to spawn towards the back alley so when you're playing on this P1, a lot of the times people will be spawning over here or on this side of the alley and that will give you the general just kind of idea of what you need to look at when you're playing and you can see now that we are kind of blocking that tunnel spawn and I kind of pushed up so the kills that we're going to get are going to actually spawn them behind us that way so that is basically simple.

P1 scenario

P1 scenario

P1 hardpoint 101, hopefully that helps you and I'm going to show you an in-game scenario just to help you out a little bit more and now that we're back to the in-game scenarios this time I'll be using gameplay for myself this is a rank play game I'm not going super hard we're just having some fun on stream but you're still going to be able to see some of the decisions that I make while playing the game so right here if you play this and you see what's going on I just died I'm coming off spawn, there's 30 seconds left on this hill you can't see it right there it's a weird time to pause and you know you look up to the top left mini map and I see that there is a guy by the garage area kind of fighting the old Hill one of my teammates is dead kill is coming off a spawn, and it looks like the tunnel side is open so my assumption here is that there's 30 seconds left P2 is a big money Hill so what I need to do is obviously rotate towards that P2.

coach crowder cdl

To make sure that I'm securing that next Hill and if there's a chance that they're spawning tunnel I have to make sure I'm ready for a gunfight right here so as I spawn in I'm rotating and I'm going to make sure here I'm sliding and being very aware that there could be someone running down that tunnel, even sometimes if that guy spawns here this guy could still be halfway down tunnel and my teammate spawns there it's definitely weird so I clear out tunnel and now once I've cleared tunnel and I see my teammate come off spawn towards the tunnel side my next decision is going to actually be making sure I'm looking to the right because if this teammate spawns tunnel and I just spawn garage, most likely that means they're getting that back alley spawn if they're getting that back alley spawn I have to turn around and watch my right that's exactly what I do I throw some stuns and some grenades.

Over toward the right side of the map just because I'm making sure these guys don't rotate, and if you pause it here, you can see that the majority of the other team is actually at old times, so there's nothing too much to worry about, but again, that is kind of how you just break down your in-game decisions of where you need to look.

Also read:

Now i don't get any kills here just because this other team kind of all hit old time, but still. I was able to know exactly where to look and when to look just to make sure I could actually cut off lanes, and now if these guys are all at old time and I'm holding the right side. I can relay the information.

Also read:

Yo, I have the far right ticket. Side, someone needs to get my garage, so if this guy's spawning tunnel, he runs through the tunnel and gets my garage, so then we have every single thing cut off, and then we're ready for that P2, let's move on to the next hill, and now that we're on the P2.

P2 spawns

P2 spawns

I'm going to explain to you guys the spawn system really quick before we let these arrows play, and really quick the first spawn is going to be the majority of a lot of you know the P4 area that barber shop spawn going through the tunnel we call it the tunnel spawn and then of course you have your bottom garage spawn like garage area that can happen a lot, and then also this back alley spawn over here where number five and number seven are so if you let these arrows play out and some kills go down you're going to see how this kind of plays out but this one's pretty simple for the most part it's not that complicated of a hill just because of how it kind of kind of plays out especially if you're holding this hill it's a very easy hold just to watch some Lanes.

But you're going to see that those kills that we got are going to be spawning tunnels. And you know that's very predictable, thing so as we're pushing this hill, we have to know that we want to try and cross to this hill and obviously you know put a pressure here but also the people that we just got killed, we're probably going to have to kill again and they're going to be running through tunnel so as you're breaking this if you're coming from over here if number six spawns over by the back alley ticket side he says yo most likely they're spawning tunnel make sure we're looking through tunnel throw your tacks throw your nades and all that stuff so you'll know exactly kind of way to look, while you're breaking and also while you're holding so you can see as I was saying the back eye spawns very hot and of course this parber shop the P4 spawn is also very possible, a lot of the times if you do block you know the back alley ticket side and tunnel at the same time they will usually spawn bottom garage which is like right in between both, that one's a little bit more rare but in rank play when people aren't playing Super properly.

P2 scenario

P2 scenario

Definitely a very big thing so if you're obviously you know running through this like ticket side and you see a person like you know pinch tunnel, or one of your teammates spawns tunnel, know that they're probably spawning in garage so like number six would have to look close right or number eight would have to look at the garage door and now with the P2 spawns explained let's show you a P2 ingame scenario, and now here's the in-game scenario for P2 now I'm pretty sure I don't die for this entire Hill so I'm going to explain it in a little bit of a different way so I get the tunnel spawn with P1 still up so if you guys don't know too I know I've mentioned this in a lot of my other articles but just in case you're new and this is your first article you're watching, every single spawn system is activated when the hill is up and then as soon as it switches.

MW3 Ranked Play Hardpoint Spawn Guide | Skidrow. Welcome to the another episode of mastering spawns in Ranked Play hardpoint. The next map we will go over is Skidrow. I'll be showing you the general understanding of the spawns along with in-game scenarios to back it up.
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