News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play Breakdown: Karachi Hardpoint (warzone 2 Season 1)

With 35 seconds here, I should probably be pushing around to the left. If I did get picked up, I would have been better off there pushing up. P2, but now that it's 25 seconds here, we really have two people setting up for P2. Now I'm just trying to get control of this top AC, just covering all the lanes and making sure that we've picked up as much stuff as possible, trying to clear out red.

clear out a lot of red, then I thought, I'll get some red control myself rather than just up on top of AC. Unfortunately, I get picked up off guard from time to time. I shouldn't really be challenged in that because, nine times out of 10, you're always going to lose that gun fight, but then we're setting up for P2 here again.

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Looking at the mini map, teammate is in red pillars teammates on Hill teammates on P5, so I need to just watch the back here cuz the team should have all of red covered, but the guy in red did just get picked up, so I throw a St just to check that back alley. It seems clear so far, but I know that there was one on the pillar, but I've seen my teammates spawn on the back alley, so the back alley should be clear.

Again, playing and looking at that mini map is so important. It gives you so much information, especially now that they have fixed the spawn slightly. They are a lot more logical, so if your team does spawn next to you 90% of the time, that side of the map is clear. Pick up a nice kill on the P5.


I get a call from VBU and the bus, so I know I'm weak. I know I'm going to get traded, so I'm just pre-firing as much as possible just to get a couple bullets off, and it gets very weak enough where my guy. L.C picks up the. Trade, and then we're going up to P3 here. It's a bit of a late rotation with 12 seconds left, and we don't have full control, but again, I'm pushing that top first side of the map.

It's so key on this side of the map. There's a guy who gets called out on cars, so I trade him instantly, changing my position so I'm not just getting pre-AED on top third. I think I absolutely love this go to the back car park, which is a proper lucky kill on that Jesse guy, and now we've got control of the hill and back spawns, so I'm just destroying that trophy.

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Getting my trophy down, this is a good little spot to sit here on the barrel, because people are pushing for the top third, and they have to overextend and jump out in order to kill you on this spot here, and on top of this as well, you can also watch the midcut, so whoever's on Hill can just lay down behind them.

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Desk i'm just throwing my stuns out here, trying to get any information. I now get a hit marker on that street, so there is one in the tunnel, but my teammate gets the trade on the assist there, so we know we got two dead here, but I'm only looking for two. I do unfortunately lose that gunfight, but again, you're getting weak, and you're in a 4v2 situation against one weak guy.

It's easy to just hold that hill; we've got a massive 100-point lead now going into this P4 hill, and again, you know, thinking about those spawns. They're all going to be on that back P4 side of the map by BS and D, so I'm hitting a flank with that dead silence. It's so key to use in this game. I see someone just jumping past that white fan.

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I wasn't sure if he saw me here on this, so I was playing it slowly. And I thought if he had seen me, he would have pinched me in the back, so I just ran behind him and got a kill. And look again at where my team is. They're on the red side of the map, so we're going to be spawning on that red side; they're going to be spawning there, but I thought they would have been spawning there and got it again.

karachi mw3

I spawned there and got it again. I mean, the spawns are good 90% of the time, but you can see my team just got killed, so that's why we actually spawned out because they got pushed. So in the future, if you get a split spawn like that, you need to call out to your team. I spawn out; you're getting pushed; watch your back; and I'm just looking for anyone sitting on this alleyway here.

But we only need 20 seconds to finish up this game, so it's looking pretty manageable. Just playing for that top red control, trying to get a pick before we break the hill, because if we get a pick and then break the hill, it just means you can hold it so much easier than if you kill the hill and you're just going to get sweeped up from behind, trying to look like they're all around the back of P4.

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Some guys were shooting the back, and one accidentally ran into the doorway, but I did pick up a two-piece. I think I try for the three pieces and just don't get them. But again, we've still got a nice 100-point lead. We only need 15 seconds to' spawn next to the P5 chucker trophy in the hill from the team getting that red control, unfortunately caught out sprinting and throwing a stun grenade, but at this point, the team picked up a two-piece and still got two on the hill with a 2v2 situation around the hill.

They do get picked up. So I'm playing toward the bus here. Do get picked off from behind; unfortunately, maybe I should have pushed through P2, but she did see me from behind her. Get a bit of a deep spawn out, so our team is all getting pushed from the front, so I just want to get some top red control here and get the cut off to the front, but my team is all getting the kills.

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And just playing that top R control, I know there's one guy in the hill, so I'm just pre-aiming it to get the two-piece on the hill to catch up the last few seconds, and that is the game, guys. I can't wait for mod Warfare 3 rank play; it's going to be so good when it works, so I'll catch you guys in the next one, Peace.

Yo guys in this video, I'm giving you a breakdown of Karachi Hardpoint whilst I am playing it in BPL 8s.
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