News - Stop Making These 10 Mistakes Warzone 2 Ranked Play



make sure you are avoiding these 10 mistakes in mod Warfare 3 rank play by avoiding these mistakes you'll help to improve your own game play get more wins and get more Sr to climb up the L in rank Play Just quickly before we get into the article if any of these tips do help today I'd really appreciate it if you can drop a like on the vid and a sub to the channel now let's get into this article the first mistake I see people making and this is more so at the lower ranks is not using the correct loadouts, so you know the main weapons here are the MCW and the Rival 9, and when I've been playing my bronze to bronze to iridescent solo konus series.

Mistake 1

I've seen a lot of people using that WSP swarm, and now it is a very good gun at extremely close range, but anything more than like 5 to 10 m in front of you. And this gun has way too much recoil, which is the exact same reason why the pros don't use it, so what you want to be doing is you want to be always making sure that you're using either the MCW or the Rival N because if you go to any kind of high rank, whether it's like Crimson or Iridescent, or you watch any of the pro streams, they will always be using the MCW and the Rival because they are the best guns in the game because if you are using the other guns, yes the wsp Swarm is very good at those close range but you are putting yourself at a disservice at those medium to long range gunfights especially when you are using the SMGs, because the Rival 9 does absolutely shred, so make sure you're using the correct loadouts. Now let's get into number.

Mistake 2

Mistake 2

The second Miss you want to avoid in mod Warfare 3 rank play is the ching off point location, Time, so you can't time yourself if you want to avoid as much as possible. Know to ching out like this to certain people when you're in the time because if you die at this time and you take an unnecessary 50-50 gun fight, you were literally potentially having a 50/50 coin flip of giving up the time you've got now.

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There are certain situations where we will need to change time, sorry, especially on P1, but you know quite often people can lay down here to watch the spawns from double doors. But, you know, if there's only one of you the only person on the time, you should let people come to you. For example, just sit in little corners.


Rather than sitting here, think, Let's try to get people to the hill that's going to get you killed, so only have ch out from the hill; there's two of you on there, in particular. This is very prevalent for certain hills, such as P2, P5, to a certain extent. Because again, if you're in P2, what you should be doing here is playing for information.

Updating: move to just snaking and playing for information. Call them out to your team. You're like a snake here; there's one garage, one garage, and then once your teammates shoot him, you can just help and get a team shot in. Or, in the same way, if people are in a tunnel, if they call that weak tunnel quickly, go there.

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You don't want to be involved in any unnecessary 50/50 gun fights when you don't have to. Again, you can just help call out your team and provide some information because what you don't want to be doing is you don't want to be stood here out of the open trying to get shots down range, and all it takes is for one person to just fall you across the map, and then you just lose some time, especially if you are the only one left at the time.


You know you just want to be playing in the right corner. I'm just hoping someone pushes here or pushes from the front. You don't want to be jumping off trying to shoot people as they run up because, potentially, if you're The Last One Alive and you die, you could lose a full 60c from an unnecessary shot, and I see it all the time, especially when you've got a full setup.

You've got someone around here; you've got someone garaging; you've got someone with tickets. There is almost no reason to be like fully challenged like yes you will need to, do some team shots, and provide a bit of assistance but you don't need to be sat there trying to get someone off one of these God Hees like this he cuz someone from here you know if you're sat in the open there it's so easy to get you compared to that head that head glp sorry it's so hard to get and that's what happens a lot of the time where know the enem is trying to break they get a kill here then all of a sudden the person on here or the garage has to turn around and try and fill them with the time, and then by the time they Sprint to the time they get killed from behind and you lose the whole har just because one person CH on the time.

Mistake 3

Mistake 3

When it was unnecessary. And now, continuing on to the theme of P2, the next mistake is maybe for this map to prefer what a lot of people do when you spawn on this side; their first thoughts are even on the other side. Right, I'm going to go and sit P2 straight off the rip. Just go sit there second straight now.

This seems like a good idea. However, for P1, there are two primary spawn locations. The first primary SP location is in the barers shop where P4 is, and then the second primary spawn location is behind the double doors in their P3, the only one. Time, you might maybe get a spawn in their bottom mid but you don't ever really get a spawn on P2, so people sit there thinking you know I'm going to Anchor the spawns with P2 just sit back and watch it and like even though it may seem good you don't actually spawn your team there if anything you got to spawn your team on, the barber shop side which when you're running up the stairs into the middle you just get funneled through that top mid, because in terms of holding P1 you always kind of want this side because it's so much easier to get to the hill there's a couple different areas whereas if you know people are on this side they can only come through one doorway or they all the way through Bott M, so it is obviously very important to Anchor P2 early but what you want to be doing is May pushing the hill for 20 seconds then when it's about 40 35 seconds left then send one to two people to go and rotate for those P to that P2 hole.

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Again. I've seen in my games a couple times that, straight away, they sit here for 45 seconds, they don't see anyone, and then they look the wrong way, and then they get killed, so they'll sit there for 45 seconds.

Mistake 4

Mistake 4

Reling, and then potentially they get killed and you lose Smalls anyway, so the fourth mistake you want to try and stop making is trying your hardest not to moan or rage and gain. Not everyone does this at certain points; I do it even myself when it seems like you get bored out of a certain kill and everyone's going to have those gunfights where maybe the bullet rage wasn't quite there and you think how on Earth has that person killed me.

In this video, I'm covering 10 mistakes people make which can help you to improve your gameplay and win more games in MW3 Ranked Play.
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