News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play : Best Taq 56 Class "all Pro Builds


All right YouTube article, we've got a different one for you. We're going to show you guys the best assault rifle class to use in rank play. It's going to be a quick article, but it's going to be very, very helpful for you guys. Here, we have five builds for you guys to use. Stay tuned to the end because the last build is my absolute favorite and it's what I've been using in right play tomorrow.

We're going to have the best SMG build, so make sure you guys drop over 100 likes for that one, and I'll make sure I have it out for you tomorrow. Let's get right into it. So starting off with the first build, this is the most popular build; this is the build that the majority of the pros use, and this is a bit of a fast build.

It's not really a flex build, but it's just a bit faster than the other build we have, so let's take a look at it. Of these builds, three or four attachments are very common, so let's break them down. So, starting off with the barrel, this is by far the most popular barrel to use. Basically, you have to have it on your gun if you want to compete, so make sure you stick this barrel on.


Going over to the underbarrel, one or two of the classes don't actually have this underbarrel, but for this one we're going with the FSS shark fin 90. Then we've got the high velocity. So, those are the three attachments, and then we've got the rare grip. I've tried the FSS combat grip, and it is very good as well, but recently I've moved more towards the demo clean shot grip, and again, this is the one that a lot of the pros use, so I would highly recommend trying it out and seeing how you like it.

It just adds a bit more to your game and makes it a bit more snappy for those close to medium-range gunfights. And, then, here is what we have, in my opinion, the most important attachment to understand because this is where the attachment varies from class to class. Here we have the stock, so for this main class, here is what we have: the TV X line Pro Stock, and you have players like Celium Slash.

I believe Drazar, and all these kinds of flex players, maybe a bit faster Pace players, that use this gun, and I believe Awakening also uses this class generally. Some of those prayers are described as being very fast-paced, so what this does is give you sprint-speed prayers. And more, the Crouch movement speed is quite irrelevant, but this basically improves your ads speed, but what the cost is the Recoil control, and, now if I move on to class number two, the only difference between these two classes are actually the stocks, and this is why it's so important to understand the differences.

So for this first class, what this does is give you a bit more of a fast class with a bit more ads, but if you're into your movement more, this is where this class comes in. I think personally, I'm not really sure which one I prefer. I do know that the optic boys do run this one, and I believe Scrappy also runs this one, so it's quite even; I guess it's 50/50 between the two classes.

It's just up to personal preference, but if I'm going to decide between more ads or more movement. Guess I'll go with the ads one, but the only disadvantage here is the recourse, so again, it's up to you guys. And now for the third class, this is for your long-range AR players; this is for the players that like to play at the back of the map a bit more in an anchor style and just like to kind of lock down the lanes with a lot more recall control on this one, and as you can notice, they've actually also kept the same stock, which is very interesting, but the one thing that I found was the difference is the underbarrel, and I believe players like Seb and accuracy do use it, so I don't think a lot of pros, but I think a lot of the difference is the underbarre, so I think players like Seb, which is the difference is the underbarre I am a bit of a slow and slower assault rifle player, so I am very surprised that SIB does use this class, but the main difference here is the Commando 4 grip.

So basically, they used a Commando 1004 Grip instead of the FSS shark fin 90. If we compare the two here, let's have a look at the FSS shark fin. Right here, you can see that this gives you aiming stability and idle stability, but what the Commander grip actually gives you is a bit more recoil and control, so I guess what you're kind of trading off is a bit of speed for some recoil, but the main importance here is that they actually try this one out as well as the one we mentioned in class two.

So right here, you're losing some aiming stability and adding a bit with the Commando 4 grip, so again, this is a bit of a Long Ranger class, so you can try this one out as well. I feel like it's pretty good, but for me personally, I don't enjoy it as much as I do the first two classes. Here in number four, we've actually got Octane's class, and I believe he is the only Pro to use this class, so it's quite unique, but I thought I'd throw it in here as well, and I think this class is actually for the ultimate recoil.

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Control So, we started off with a bit more of an ad build, then we moved to the movement build as an assault rifle, a bit more of a pace movement, then we've got the long range build, and this is the absolute beam. I've tried out an absolute beast build here that I've tried out myself, and I was quite impressed with the way the build was.

I was very surprised because only Octane uses it again; it's not my favorite build, but if you are playing those long-range maps, it's definitely helpful in those situations, maybe even on Ella Silo; it's pretty good on that map, so yeah, so the main change here is he actually doesn't run a stock instead, he runs a muzzle, and you can see here he has to come out of heavy, so the downside is he does lose the ads speed and he also loses some stability, but he gains a lot of horizontal recoil.

So as I was saying, this is more like the ARs playing at the back of the map; you're going to be preaming a lot and holding down your irons, and it's just a lot more kind of used for those long ranges, so I definitely recommend trying this out if you are into that, and here we have my favorite build.

Actually, I believe it's actually the second build here, so looking back at you, I'm pretty sure it's the second build here. Let's just have a quick look. I ran a little poll on Twitter, and I saw that 50 of you guys did run tuning, and 50 of you guys did it, so I decided to give it a go, and I can notice the difference right away with tuning.

I feel like your guns just feel a lot snappier now, per my personal preference. In my opinion, tuning should be kind of banned in ranked play, but while it's not banned. I feel like if you guys are trying to climb the ladder, especially if you're playing solo, and you're going up against teams of four that are cheating, why not go head-to-head and tune yourself?

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In this video I am going to show you the best PRO TAQ 56 builds for Ranked Play.
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