News - How To Win Every Game. Solo Queue Warzone 2 Ranked Play



Rob security is here, and today I have a special article for you all. Last time I made one of these articles, I was in Diamond, but now I'm in Crimson, which means that this allows me to be able to provide you all with even better tips and tricks for a higher rank grind. I'm sure most of us just want to be able to hit iridescent at some point, so today's article, as stated in the thumbnail, is, drum roll, please.

How to win more games plus solo queue efficiently in Modern Warfare 2 ranked play, and what better time to drop this article seeing that today is officially the first day of season three, which means new, season new, opportunities for growth, and ranked play. You're going to want to stay through the whole article to get the most out of all the tips I have to offer today.

And subscribe, as I'm trying to hit my goal of 150 subscribers before the end of the month, and we're doing amazing so far.

New ranked play solo queue mini update

New ranked play solo queue mini update

All Right, guys, let's get right into the good stuff where you really clicked on the article first. First things first, in case many of you are not aware, solo queuing got a bit of a buff, and last week ranked play as a whole got an interesting matchmaking update. Apparently, as of a week ago, you will now get into lobbies closer to your current rank.

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For example, if you are in Gold, you're going to find yourself getting 95 percent of the time in Gold slash Platinum lobbies and maybe five percent of the time with the random diamond on your team or on the enemy team. I found myself getting put against Platinum Players and even occasional goals, and we all know all those games went free.

Anyway, let's get right into the tips, number one use.

Tip 1 - use your mic!

Your mic is now I don't want to have to repeat the same tips that I went over in the last article, but I will briefly go over this tip again, which is to use your mic in game. Chances are you're playing with pre-made teammates that are sitting in a party chat together or even on a Discord call, but trust me, they can still hear you.

When you're solo queuing, you definitely don't want to be hurt. Believe it or not, your calls could be the difference between a win and a loss. If you need more information on this tip, I go over it in my previous article and address even more tips that should be brought to your attention, especially if you want to win.

Tip 2 ␓ your mental is everything

Tip 2 ␓ your mental is everything

Every single game tip, number two accepts, defeats it, and moves on. This is crucial. You're not going to win every game. I promise you that much. You need to get yourself prepared to both win and lose games when you're planning the solo queue. There will be times when you're going to get teammates that have absolutely no idea what's going on during the entire match.

Of course, if you lose a game, keep yourself in a winning mentality and don't let it get to your head. The more you think about that previous loss, the higher your chances of performing even worse in the following match.

Tip 3 ␓ you␙re the mvp!

Tip number three: You're the MVP. I want you guys to believe that you're the most valuable player on your team every time you get into a match as the MVP of the team.

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You want to be able to show your team that your awareness levels are off the chart without saying a word. Look at the weapons your teammates are running with. If you're lacking an AR, use an SMG yourself. If you're lacking an SMG, use one yourself. You see how your team isn't rotating to the hill on time.

Guess who will be the first person on the following hill. A good way to think about this is to consider yourself to be the gap filler, unfortunately. As a solo player, you don't necessarily have a choice in this matter, and you need to understand that if you want to progress and win game after game after game, you need to fill the gap for your team and do what they aren't doing sometimes. Keep yourself constantly aware of your surroundings, and you're going to have major success in ranked play, I promise.

Tip 4 ␓ learn all the maps and spawns!

Tip 4 ␓ learn all the maps and spawns!

You have that much of tip number four to learn: the maps and spawns. Learning the maps is the easy part in ranked play, but as you play more and more, you will naturally become extremely familiar with jump spots and lines of sights under the respective maps.

You need to learn spawns, and this isn't as easy as you may think. One easy way to learn spawns is by hopping into regular pubs, pushing spawns frequently, and trying to analyze where the team is spawning. Another method that's very similar to this, and it's technically the same exact thing but even easier to do, is by doing the same exact thing except in a private match with your friends or with bots setup.

You don't want to just hop into a match cold turkey, have no idea if your aim is good or not, and then get fried. A small trick that I can recommend in terms of spawns is whenever your team is pushed up on an enemy spawn and you see just one person overextending. Now, this is extremely relevant and hard, but in control, spawns aren't necessarily ever fully flipped, so what's one trick that you can use to your advantage?

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I'll give you a good example. If you have your team defending B point and they're holding down spawn, assume that the enemy team is going to be spawning closer to B point and vice versa. For example, a good map that I can give you an example of is the Greenberg Hotel. You're defending that b point from Top Luggage: the enemy team is going to tend to spawn Kitchen Side, and this points back to tip three: keeping your awareness on a high. Knowing this information, you're able to inform your team that they're spawning Kitchen Side, and it's going to give you and your team an easier time defending the Last and final tip number five: use all the tools given to you by Infinity Ward.

Tip 5 ␓ use all tools given to you!

Tip 5 ␓ use all tools given to you!

This is a more general tip, but many people are extremely aware of some of the features that we have in this game, for example, the compass.

We all know that red dots aren't available to us in rank play, so how can you counter this? It's simple: just use your compass. By compass, I mean those lines that you see in War Zone often at the very top center of your screen, or that you see in pubs, multiplayer, and BMZ in any game mode, you have the compass.

The compass shows you the direction in which enemies are shooting at you, and the bigger the red dot is, the closer they are to you. A lot of people didn't know that. By the way, the next most useful feature that Modern Warfare 2 has to offer is pinging. I wish I could explain to you how important pinging is, just like you do in Warzone when you're squatted up with your friends or even randoms.

Rank Up Fast in MW2 Ranked Play 5 Tips for Solo Queuing and Faster Progression.
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