News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play : 3 Broken Mechanics To Turn You Into A Pro



This will guarantee that you will climb the ranks. Let's get right into it. There are three movement mechanics. There are three slightly broken kinds of things I want to show you. Let's start off with the first, which is, in my opinion, my absolute favorite. It's called, um, I don't really know what it's called, but let's call it the prone double jump, Nice little short name So what you want to do is essentially pose.

Prone double jump

You can't exactly walk around the map prone and then use it, but what it's going to be for going to be for situations where an opponent is chasing you. For example, say I was here right now. Let's say this guy made me weak; he was going to push me. This guy was coming from the stairs. Open up; he's pushing me here.


I back off, and I go here, majorities. By the time he comes and chows me here. I'm probably dead because I'm weak; he's just going to literally. Jump around the corner and I'm you get the first shot on, but again because I'm weak with the time to kill, he'll absolutely gun me so, instead, you'll probably go prone, but once again, that's quite predictable, so even though I'm prone because of the headshot multiplier who actually got me maybe even quicker if he gets that first head shot on.

I'm basically dead. So, what you do in this situation is called the prone double jump, and it's a very good mechanic. You go prone, and as they come around the corner again with the sound cues in this game, you'll be able to hear them so quickly, especially in respawn, as they come around the corner as soon as they approach the stairs, and you just get ready by double jumping, and, now, what that does is, again, on this screen, it doesn't look too impressive; it looks quite basic, but when you go for that double jump, you actually go from a proning position all the way to a jumping position within milliseconds.

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I'm going to show you exactly how this looks in the game and tell you exactly when you can use it. This mechanic is best used when you're approaching a gunfight where you know where the enemies are going to be. Right here on Fortress, I knew they were going to push me from the front, so I laid down and used a double jump shot.

I'm thinking it's quite aggressive; I actually jumped around the corner while making it so much harder for my enemy to track her out, but this is my favorite of the bunch. I have no reason to win that gun fight, but this broken mechanic allowed me to get the kill like.

Narrow jump chall

Narrow jump chall

I hope you guys enjoyed that first little mechanic, and now you're ready for number two. Once you implement that first one into your game, you should start to see a lot more success in your 50/50 gun fights, but now I'm going to talk about the other approach instead, of being the one that's kind of waiting for the challenger.

I'm going to show you exactly what to do when you are challenging, and I saw Beezy and Selium do this, and once I saw this, it absolutely blew my mind because I realized I've been jumping around corners wrong and I've not been taking the facts to them. So what I normally do, and I feel like a lot of people normally do in situations like this, is say, again, the same case scenario, but from the other perspective.


Let's say the opponent is standing here. Know what he's doing while dudes most of the time is I'll come around this corner and I'll jump around the corner like that, but what the problem is what I find is that sometimes as I go around the corner like that in that small, slight millisecond, if they're kind of expecting the gunfight, they could actually win the gunfight more times than not, and I feel like sometimes you're actually leaving it as a 50/50, so what I've realized the reason why I realized this is because I saw Celium do this a dash there was a place on I believe it was Mercado or something.

I don't Dashi was in a building, and Stadium had no right to win the gun; in fact, he literally just jumped around the corner slightly and beamed me off the window, and I realized he was actually cambering. Dashi, so what I tried to do was to get the practice off, and I realized what he did instead of wide-chatting all the time sometimes.

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It's good to watch out. The times I would say it's good to watch out are when the opponents aren't expecting it and they're kind of running at you if you could hear them running. It's good to watch out because the momentum will bring you forward, and it'll be a lot harder for your opponents to get you.

But if you know where an enemy is going to be and they're predicting you instead of challenging you, just make sure you shoot ciao. So what that means is essentially, essentially. You want to jump over the wall. You basically want to basically you, want to get your legs to land just at the edge of the wall, and then you can kind of go for a little bunny hop because, again, the bunny hop doesn't really do much, but what you can do is just carry off that slight momentum, so as you go around the corner, you want to just jump here, and then what you've realized is that when you're on that second bunny jump, you're actually seeing them the millisecond before they see you, and it's just a lot cleaner than when you're going for the wide shower, if you.

By the time you get your gun out. I feel like it takes an extra second or something, but when you do this, you can literally go around pre-firing, and it's just a very, very good mechanic. Let me show you how it looks in the game. Here are just some examples of some gunfights where I jumped around the corner it's kind of guessing it's, going to be as you can see in the Lorry there and it just really allows me to have a favor in the gunfire you can see in all these situations that when I'm jumping around I'm literally in, favor I'm ready for the gunfight before my opponent so you can see me get hero McCarter what a kill right there jumping, around the corner and you can just see I'm always ready for the gunfight Make sure to implement this narrow jump into your game because it always catches your opponents off guard.

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It's one of the best movements to use outside. Right, we've been through two tips here; we've shown you two game mechanics that are completely broken, and now it's time for the third and final one, which is snaking.

In this video I am going to show you 3 broken mechanics to help you win more gunfights in Ranked Play.
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