News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play : 3 Broken Mechanics To Turn You Into A Pro



Let's get right into what snaking is and when to use it. Is essentially you go to a head glitch like this is probably the best head glitch in the game to snake and what you want to do is normally, let's say opponent's hair right and you're in a 50 gone by your Challenger game head on head you just right here you can and the worst thing you want to do is stand still because for him that's a very easy gunfight he's going to assault rifle it's gonna be very easy for him to kill you maybe, better case scenario is to sn't strafe like this because at least you're making a bit harder but an, even better scenario this is the best case scenario is to snake what you want to do the way I snake is actually two versions of snaking.

First i'll show you the crouch, which, to be honest. I'm not perfect at it because I don't really do it, but I believe for the crouch one, you literally just go crouch, and as you do this, what you want to do is as you crouch, you want to move your left analog stick forward, because what that makes you do is it essentially makes you do is it goes running, so you want to go forward go, right go, forward go crouch.

For them, from their perspective, it's just like it's literally like a big head just moving left to right like it's not doing it, and they're just really confused, so you can see a head here, and they can shoot your hair. Then within two seconds you could be there, so it's very, very hard for them to kill you, so let's just say there's an opponent in the open field.

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I'm here i could just do this. I could jump around to the left. Or I could just do this. I can go left. I could go left. I could go right It's just very difficult for them to kill you. What I personally do in my preference is I like to do the prone one, which I just find a lot easier in my hands.

I just find it—I don't know if I find it a lot easier because I'm more used to it—so instead of crouching and doing this, which is probably just as good, I actually go prone. So I just go prone, and then I look up and. The reason why I kind of prefer the prune is because I feel like it allows for bigger gaps between the jumps, and what that allows me to do is it allows me to move my head a lot more, so it allows me to only take three or four of these little snakings while being prone to go from the left to the right, if that makes sense.

So with the crouching one, I feel like you're constantly going up and down, and you can be seen constantly. But let's just say there's an enemy here. What I do is prone, knowing he's there, get a bullet off, and as I prone again. Come up and I'll just shoot, and then again, once you're weak, you can just go back off, and you can also implement the other trick I taught you, so as you go in here, you can double jump, and as you double jump, you just kind of wall bang them, and it's just a very, very broken mechanic.

So definitely, abuse snaking, let me show you some clips and show you exactly how to do it, so right here, once again on the desk heavy, you can just see how it works. You just sneak these little couches here, and you can just see how it works right here. I'm going to prey. I know exactly how I'm going to snake it; it'll find it so hard to kill me, and right there, to move out of the way to make sure I get the kill here.

Another example we get is: Now it's time to snake the best caddy, and just like that, we take him out for the three-piece, and this is on McCarter; this is my favorite clip so far, and we managed to get the victory from this one spot. Look at me snaking like this; it's so hard for my opponents to kill me.

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I'm going left to right; I'm doing the crux; I'm doing the prone snake, and you could just see how hard it is and how much time I'm actually buying for the team. I managed to get another guy into my side; you want to take up a second, and just like that, we get the win. If you did, make sure to drop a like, and I'll catch you guys on the next

In this video I am going to show you 3 broken mechanics to help you win more gunfights in Ranked Play.
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