News - Warzone 2 Just Got Destroyed

If we're going to be real here, you know the audience was cracking up, and you know it's pretty well known now that this campaign was not up to par. So accept it and keep doing what you're doing. You guys are already doing a fantastic job. Well. But back to what I was saying, Sled Chamber is doing a great job at, you know, working with multiplayer, listening to the community, and making sure everything is polished up in multiplayer.

Honestly, this is probably the best multiplayer launch we've had in a long time because War Zone usually gets hyperfocused. But you know, I've been really enjoying what there is to play, and it seems that Sledgehammer is dedicated to making sure the community is happy, and they should just keep pushing with that.

modern warfare 3 game awards joke

You know, it is what the campaign did, and Activision screwed them. It is what it is, but they can keep pumping, doing their thing, staying silent, and letting the backlash hit where it hurts on Activision; they just have to understand and just rub it off their shoulders. It's kind of like working in retail.

You know what I'm saying. You've got to build up that to Toler an to people and understand when they're coming in angry and they're coming in pissed it's not directly at you their anger is obviously directed, at you because you're the person that has to help them but in all reality it's the business it's the corporation it's the people that they're coming from that did business with them so on so forth maybe it was you if you're being asked them but at the end of the day nine times out of 10 it's because of a product being messed up, or something being messed up or you know whatever.

modern warfare 3 game awards roast

But they have to deal with it; that's the developer right now. You know activision screwed them, and they're going to get backlash, but they got to find a way to let that roll off their shoulders and fall onto the people who are truly responsible for the outcome of Modern Warfare 3's, you know, development cycle, and if they can do that, you know, that might actually be some good fight back for once, and hopefully.

Microsoft will see what happened with Modern Warfare 3, and that will never, ever reoccur again, where the developers have to be crunched. So harshly to the point that you know it's probably the worst and most chaotic. Do you think that Christopher was on the right track with his joke? Do you think that was just poking fun—good fun, you know, not harsh fun?

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Or do you think that Christopher went a little too far and should have kept it a bit more professional at the game awards, honestly, like I said? I didn't mind it. You know, I chuckled a bit myself. You know, I didn't think it was harsh. I took it pretty well. You know, maybe it's differently because obviously I didn't work on the game, but I think that it was it.

modern warfare 3 playercount

It was a good, you know, shot-firing moment. You know, it wasn't too harsh; it wasn't saying that the game was garbage.

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