News - Warzone 2 Is A Dumpster Fire. This Is Horrible All Around

Wait a minute, this isn't working. And I kind of feel bad at the same time for Sledgehammer, because. They obviously don't want this to happen with your game, right? You don't want updates or anything like that, but honestly, it just comes down to them not even testing their update whatsoever. Because if they had, none of these issues would have happened in the first place.

You know what I mean, like going back to Raven Software, the current state of the update does not meet our standards for quality in gameplay. Well, did it not happen when you were testing it, like when you were testing it, things were all okay and everything was hunky dory, or did you literally not test it whatsoever and you just pushed it out because you don't care anymore?

modern warfare iii multiplayer

The shop's working just fine as soon as I boot up the game. After reading about how terrible the update was today, the first thing I see is you promoting a $30 battle pass. You can really see where their priorities lie here, and in my most recent article, which you guys saw, it was a very positive article.

I'm like, dudes, season one reloaded looks pretty good, like the new game modes, the new map, and the new guns. It does sound pretty good, like the content drought is over, we're going to have new stuff to play around with, it's going to be fun, it's going to be enjoyable, and then the update goes through with this multi-billion.

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Dollar company I just bought it. What was it like? Did Microsoft just buy Active Vision blizzard for $60 billion? Do they not have any more money left over to pay QA testers, or, like, what's even happening anymore, man? I would expect this kind of [__] from like an indie developer, like there are games out there that are made by one person that don't have this amount of issues but a multi-billion dollar company that has over what was it?

mw3 broken

What's the meme? 3, 000 employees are all working on the same game. Well, maybe you have too many damn people and too many cooks in the kitchen working on this. Maybe you should tone that back a little bit because you got 3, 000 people and you guys came and put out a normal update like this was nothing big like you add a couple game modes right you add the new Champions Quest To War Zone like you didn't have to do a whole lot with this update really you just have to expand upon the stuff that was already existing and you just broke everything somehow I don't get it and I fundamentally don't get it I'm not a game developer, and I don't know the ins and outs of this, but when you're a multi-billion dollar business and you're all professionals, this is what you do for a living; you've been doing it for like the last 10 years.

How does this happen in the first place? Hire some [__] QA testers. Let's stop this [__]. Now, and good on Treyarch, I suppose, for trying to be the ones to kind of let you know their updates didn't really break anything. I do believe there are some long-standing glitches still in Zombies, but regardless, it's like.

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What the hell, man, what's the craziest part? I'm not even surprised. Are you guys are you guys surprised about this whatsoever? It's more like, really, they actually did this again. Like stuff like this has happened in the past; it just blows my mind that, as you know, it just turned 2024, but for the sake of argument in 2024.

I don't get it; it's a terrible look. It's going to get a lot of negative PR, but you know what the crazy part is? Cod is so big that people aren't even surprised by it anymore. People are going to make articles like this, they're going to make news articles about it, eventually shit's going to get fixed, and then we're all just going to forget that the see even happened because that's how caught it is.

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It's going to be something new next week when some other [__] ends up happening and we forget all about what happened today. It's ridiculous, man. It's actually pretty ridiculous. Ladies and gentlemen, there is the long and the shore of the dumpster fire that is Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone right now.

I'm looking forward to actually playing the update, assuming things start working. I want to try out the new SMG. Get to know the new map a little better, try out the new game modes, especially that 6v6 gunfight that sounds kind of cool, but yeah, just right now, it's hard to enjoy the game when so many things are broken, and again, hire some QA testers.

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For the love of God, you bought the company for $60 billion. I think you can afford a couple of QA testers before you push out an update because it's very clear that nothing here was tested in any capacity whatsoever, but ladies and gentlemen, there you guys have it. Have a wonderful

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