News - Warzone 2: Everything Coming Season 2. Warzone And Zombies

everything coming in season 2

Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time once again. Next week we are getting season 2, which means today we got the entire season. Road map, for season 2 everything that is coming within season 2 we have laid out for us today and that is exactly what we're going to be going over there is a ton of content here with war zone with zombies with Modern Warfare 3 and we are going to be going over all of it in this article and some of it is like brand new things that we didn't expect to be coming so you'll see what I mean by that once we dive in so without further Ado, let's hop in and look at what is coming or everything that is coming within season 2, all right so here it is this is the road map and you can kind of see some of the bigger things throughout this first off we have Fortune keep as well as the maps within multiplayer, there's also various different events in multiplayer we have The Walking Dead event we have the Dune part 2 event as well as zombies called horde hunt but instead of just going through the entire road map here it listed out and explains everything that is coming so that is what we're are going to do instead.

But it starts out here with a brief overview of the trailer that we looked at yesterday and once again that road map, but let's dive into Modern Warfare 3. If you're looking for just war zones, zombies, or anything like that, I will have time stamps on this article to keep you guys informed as to where to look.

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So it goes over everything here, but then it breaks it down in more detail. So as far as multiplayer maps, we have four new core 6v6. Maps also really sweet shot of ghost there after this though we have our first map which is called departures, this one is a 6v6 map and it is a midsize you can see the layout over here to me this map looks a ton like Express from Black Ops 2 but throughout this there is no reference to that whatsoever.

everything coming in season 2 modern warfare 3

But what this is essentially another terminal it takes place at Zak of International Airport, and it's not terminal it's a brand new terminal if you will so kind of interesting aesthetic to that one then we have Stash House this is a very small siiz, map in fact this looks like one of the smallest Maps we have ever seen look at this it looks smaller than nuke town I am very excited to see how this one plays it looks very cool and yeah probably going to be a new fan favorite after this we have Vista this is a mediumsized map however it does look smaller than the departure map that we saw up there and this one is on a Brazilian Mountaintop looks pretty cool the Aesthetics are absolutely amazing, and then we have Doss house but this Doss house is not normal dos house this do house is on top of a giant skyscraper so think high-rise.

everything coming in season 2 mw3

Meets do house, and of course this is a small map too. And remember how we were talking about the Stash House map? Look how big this map is compared to that one that might be even smaller than Shipman; it's going to be a wild, wild map. Now also, there are two new map variants, so the first one we have is called Airborne, and essentially, this is a post-apocalyptic.

Version of terminal this looks absolutely amazing and I'm very curious to get some games time in on that and then we have skidrow this one's kind of like the overgown version of skidrow, honestly it doesn't look that much different it essentially looks like skidrow but skidrow meets The Last of Us is essentially the easiest way to look at it I guess it's supposed to be the walking dead but you know what I'm saying then we have our new war map so this one is called operation Tin Man and if you look at this one it is once again, on top of that tower that we just saw dokabi get put into within.

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Yukan, and as far as this one goes, I don't know how the progression of this one is going to work, but all in all, it looks pretty cool. As far as game modes go, we have five new game modes, starting off with the Team Gun game, so that's a gun game, but you play on a team, which is pretty straightforward.

everything coming in season 2 warzone

Then we have only snipers. This is obviously a game mode with only snipers. Then we have Hord Point, which, if you didn't know, is a hardpoint. But with zombies on the map, they introduced this in Call of Duty: World War II, and it is back once again. This should be an interesting one. After this, we have Jugger Mosh, which is, I guess, kill confirmed domination and hardpoint, but every single character is a juggernaut that's coming at midseason.

And then finally, we have Bounty, and this is the one where your team has a high-value target that you have to protect. I believe we've seen a game mode like this before, but that one is also coming in midseason as well. Also, at midseason we are getting a Vortex Decay realm limited-time event, and this is when we are going to see those changed maps within multiplayer.

modern warfare 3

Also, more information with ranked: they are updating ranked, having camos things like that. I'm not going to go as far in depth as that. Then, after this, we have the ninja vest, and this one is strange, so the description of it is silent melee and throwing weapon specialist. This one has three equipment slots for tactical, lethal, and field upgrades, as well as three gear slots for gloves, boots, and gear, so that's completely normal.

However, what it does is eliminate your footstep sounds, making you immune to movement reduction effects. Bonus shuriken and throwing knife ammo, and you resupply shuriken and throwing knife every 25 seconds, so this is a very powerful vest, and I'm interested to see how that one's going to play out and how it's going to fit into the meta now that is multiplayer, moving into zombies now.

modern warfare 3 season 2

As far as what we know about this one, there isn't too much information. Act 4 is going to continue, but this is coming at midseason, so this is not going to be there at launch either. Another entry into the second Rift, so there is another Rift coming, which is that there's going to be a new way of getting into it, of course, again coming midseason, so really, not anything there at the launch of season 2.

On top of this, we are getting a vr11 Wonder weapon schematic, so that's the weapon that's already in the game, and there's going to be a schematic that goes for it. There's also going to be mags of holding as well as the blood burner key, so these don't seem as powerful as the one from season 1, but what the mags of holding do is that you don't have to reload your weapon, and the blood burner key gives you access to the blood burner vehicle, and of course that'll have a cooldown associated with it as well.

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Also, there's a new warlord coming up mid-season; this one's called K's. I think that's right, and he is going to be at Orav Military Base again midseason. All of this is midseason, so in other words, nothing for zombies at the launch of season 2, then we get into War Zone. This is going to be a big section because we have a new map.

Today we got HUGE information on everything coming in Season 2 of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. In this we breakdown everything new coming in season 2. Weapons, Killstreaks, zombies, New Warzone Map and much much more! I Hope you enjoy.
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