News - Warzone 2 Duplication Glitch. Pack-a-punch Level 4 (without Tombstone) Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch


Wesley is here, and today I'm going to be showing you guys how to duplicate two Wonder Weapons at the same time. Let's get into it. So before I go over the requirements for this glitch and how to actually do this glitch I just wanted to show you guys what you can actually do as a result of this glitch and you saw that right you can actually apply ether tools to both of your weapons as well as obviously Pack-a-Punch Crystal them and what this is going to allow is you're going to have the most powerful weapons, in the game to date now if you've seen the original article that I posted as far as duplicating, or rather getting Pack-a-Punch 4 as you've seen in a lot of articles this is not the same method this is a new method that was just discovered and this allows you to duplicate two weapons at the same time it's extremely useful and it's really helpful if you have a team or four or more you can actually share all these weapons and take less cases into your, game.

The other thing I wanted to show you guys is sheer power. Behind these weapons so I would suggest as a set up your scorcher and ray gun as your two weapons and what that's going to allow is the ray gun is obviously fast, agile weapon that you can Sprint fast with if you have stamina, and then it's also very powerful you can see I mean it's one tapping zombies in tier three and then in tier two I was getting double kills, or even triple kills sometimes and then obviously this funny moment happened so I just wanted to show you guys the mega Abomination literally got knocked into the water so make sure you bring a pet dog if you're in this area it's just a really cool thing that I saw I also got two cluster mine and some Essence for killing an Abomination, so yeah you know total waste of time there but anyway let's get into the requirements of this glitch.

barrier glitch

All right so what you are going to need for this glitch are a few items so make sure that you bring them into the game or you bring the essence to buy some of these so first of all you need two weapons and in this case in this article we're focusing on Wonder Weapons so that's what I'm going to have in my first and second slot next you're going to need some legendary ether tools and some Pap crystals, if you want to upgrade these weapons I highly suggest that you do so you're also going to need juggernauts, so at least one every single time that you do the duplication, as well as a self-revive every time you do the duplication so just to be clear you need a juggernaut, and a self-revive every single time that you do this glitch to duplicate both weapons, so if you have a scorcher like me the easiest way to do step two is to shoot yourself up in the air so that you fall and down yourself so the second step to this glitch is to down yourself if you have a ray gun you can also shoot it at the ground or just jump off a.


Building, so once you've been down, your dog or your self-revive will be needed to pick yourself up. If you are using self-revive again, you're going to need them every single time you do this glitch, or your pet dog should pick you up, and you can replace it with that. Just make sure that you're aware of what your pet dog's health is.

So the next two steps of this glitch are fairly easy. You want to make sure that you drop both of your weapons, and then go ahead and call in a juggernaut. All right guys, so this is the portion where the actual duplication of the weapons happens, but make sure you follow the steps after this step so that you can add Rarity to them to make them useful, so go ahead and get that Juggernaut called in and pick it up while your weapons are dropped on the ground.


That's key here. Make sure you've dropped your weapons before you grab them, and once you actually run through Juggernaut, you're going to notice you're going to get those weapons back. I dropped both of those weapons; it doesn't matter what order they were in or which one I dropped first. Like the old glitch with duplicating these weapons, this glitch actually duplicates both at the same time, so once I picked it up, you may actually notice on the bottom right that there is no rarity on this one, so you can actually switch this for the other guns, and you'll notice that the original ones actually do have gold on the bottom right, but when you pull up your inventory, it doesn't actually matter; it shows the gold there, and so there's a little bit of glitching going on there, and that's why you guys need to follow these instructions pretty carefully because this is going to be how you actually apply rarity to these weapons, so let's go ahead and do that now.

So I'm going to go ahead and drop all my items on the ground just as a demonstration, and you're going to notice the one that had gray on the bottom right. I can actually apply a legendary ether tool too, as well as the ray gun here, so the key difference here is that gold is less than orange, right?

cold war

Just think of it that way: legendary is worth more than gold, so when you get a wonder weapon, think of gold as a particular level of legendary. Right like you have your uncommon. And then you have your legendary, like, two very different ones, right, and you'll notice when I pick them up back to back, you can't tell which one is which, so I pick it up after I've dropped it, and it actually shows it, so that's just a key here, guys, so you can see now they're switching correctly, so just make sure that you do that.


So if you guys run into any blockers, right, and you're like, Hey, I keep picking up the weapons, and they're both orange, did I just get a legendary free weapon? The answer is no. You want to make sure that you drop your weapons right whenever you're going to apply these ether tools and such, because what that'll do is that when you drop the weapon on the ground and pick it back up, it will have the original rarity no matter what it is, and just know if you want to swap out the weapons directly, sometimes it will stick from a visual perspective.

So what I mean by that is that if you pick it up and you just saw it happen a minute ago, it happened, and both are orange or both are gold. Just know again that you did not get a free legendary, or you did not lose your legendary. If you enjoyed it, I'll catch you guys next

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