News - Stash Unlimited Items. Tombstone Duplication - Season 1 Reloaded Dupe - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

barrier glitch

So today I have the acquisition stash glitch for the after-season one reloaded patch. Now I'm going to show you two methods that should work, but just know that both of these methods are still being researched and you should do them at your own risk. However, the second method is foolproof, as well as it is just safer to do, so make sure you check out both.

I'd also highly suggest you do this with the duplication glitch; you'll find that at the top right or in the description below, and with that, enjoy. All right, guys, so you can see here I have 119 items out of 110 in my acquisition stash. Clearly. I glitched these items into my acquisition stash, and a lot of people are reporting that when you go to actually replace an item right swap an item with something in your rewards, which is the acquisition stash, glitch, you're going to hit that limit anyway instead of bypassing it.

So there's one simple step that you need to take in between these two things, as you can see here. I'm trying to swap one of my items in my inventory to put in and therefore go up. As you can see, I have 117 out of 110 right now, so for each item that I'm taking out right now, I'm no longer able to put it back.


So now I have a large rock sack with a bunch of rare items, and I have no idea what to do with them. Well, let me get into exactly how you can bypass this new patch. All right, so just a heads up: this is going to be very painful, guys, but what I want you to do is delete everything until you have less than 10 in your stash.

Yes, you heard me right; it sucks. I had to do it, but what you want to do is delete items until you get below 10, and what's going to happen is that it's going to reset your profile. It's going to reset your acquisition stash on your profile so that you have obviously less than 10 and you can store things normally.

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Let's think non-G glitched right; let's just call it that. So you put in an item normally in your acquisition stash; you can store up to 10, etc. But essentially, what happens is that you get yourself below 10, as you can see right here. I'm at 9 out of 10, and what's going to happen is that you're going to actually be able to swap things back into your acquisition stash, so you can see now that the original acquisition stash works again.


Watch I'm at 10, that's normal, but let's do it again just to prove to you I can get above 10. Right there we go; now we're at 11 out of 10. I highly suggest that if you can only get to 19, that what you do is reset your acquisition stash like I just did a minute ago, and what I mean by that is get it below 10; if you get it below 10, it acts normally; then get it up to 10 right so that it's maxed out without erroring; and then try to do the acquisition stash glitch.

cold war

I can pretty much guarantee you guys that it should work; however, just remember that glitches do not always work as intended, but it seems like this is the way around it. You can actually see here that I get above 19, so watch this; here we go, and I'm officially at 20, so there it is. All right guys, so now I'm going to go through method two with you, so this does not require any deleting, but it is still being researched, so make sure that you play around with this, but I'm going to show you what has been found as well as just go through what I'm doing in order to get this glitch right, so the requirements for this glitch You need an operator with a small rock operated with a large rock and 10 plus items, so what I'm going to do first is I'm going to start filling my inventory, and what you're going to see here is that I'm going to fill these last five slots, and then I'm going to try to switch over to this operator with a smaller rock, and you'll notice my items get switched over, two of them get sorted out, and then you'll notice I also have a blank slot there, so let's go into how to do the glitch correctly because you can clearly see something was going on there, so the first step is to fill the first five slots of your inventory.


With junk and then fill the last four slots of your inventory, with legendary items very simple, and what you're going to notice here is I won't have my items, you know, jumbled around in here, but what you'll notice is it also won't tell me to manage my inventory, which you may notice if you put junk items in your inventory if you switch to an operator with a smaller rug, it's actually going to tell you hey, you need to take those items out, but it didn't this time; it actually forced it into my acquisition, stash.

All right, so just for demonstration purposes. I'm going to go ahead and show you that my acquisition status is currently at 35 out of 10, so I'm going to go ahead and switch over to this operator and then switch back, and what you're going to notice is that item is not forced into my acquisition.

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Okay, what's going on? So obviously, you're going to need to play around with this. Like I said, this is still being researched, so you can see I put in a legendary weapon; it did get swapped over. Now I want you guys to know the signature again. Apparently, the sigil works every single time I happen to not have one in my acquisition stash.

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I'll catch you guys next.Time.

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