News - Warzone 2: Change Your Meta Loadouts Asap. You're Building Them Wrong. Warzone 2 Best Setups

I should say, on your recoil there, down to 0.94. Right, so while these do have great velocities, if you can't land your shots, that doesn't matter, and that to me knocks off both of these options right away; they're just straight up not worth using. So then we look at their first four options here, right, and you can see that our first basic option here is All right, you're getting basically a 10 reduction there to point 0.9 on The View kick and the gun kick, which is solid now, but it does have the slowest ads, so, well, it has slow ads.

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Usually, you're sacrificing speed for better control, but as you can see here, that's just not the case. So I feel like that also knocks out our first option here, the basic 762 build. So you can actually see that with the second tread on there just straight up swapped, you're getting much, much better control, right?

better control than with the Zulu suppressor on there, but then we go back up to that velocity, which is so low, so again, while you're getting better control, you still have basically the second slowest ads speed out of these three and the worst velocity that to me knocks the 762, sack, and shred off of there, and then we just have these two, so basically you'd be swapping out either an under barrel or a barrel, and truly.

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I don't think there is a wrong answer between these two. The ads speed is much better when you have no barrel on there and just an underbarrel, but then you get to the control, and you can see there is a very minimal difference here—the difference here is one percent. Basically, we're talking about the vertical gun kick and the horizontal view kick.

is the same, so whether you're using an underbarrel or not, control doesn't really change all that much, so really you're just factoring in: do you want the high velocity with the barely worst control or the faster ads with the slightly better control like I said? I said, "This initial cast of the 762 is not one that's really all that good; we'll go ahead and delete that one second shred straight up trading for that Zulu suppressor." Not that good; we'll go ahead and delete the Zulu with no underbarrel and high velocity, which is great.

meta loadouts warzone 2

Great velocity overall but terrible control—that's not worth it, and then even if you drop the barrel, your ads might be better but still the control is not all that good, so it comes down to these two builds here that stand out to me the most, where you're using a sack and a tread 40 muzzle, and keep in mind even though you don't have a suppressor, you're not showing up on the minimap and you're not showing up on the compass when you shoot—unless.

Of course, there's a UAV, which is going to make you show up regardless, even with the 40-round mag, high-velocity ammo, and the Ripper under barrel. You could also use the lock grip Precision or any other under barrel you're super comfortable with; that is option 1A. Option 1B would be just trading out the under barrel for the 584 barrel in this case, and this is something I want to keep in mind.

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Also, please pay attention to this for your other setups as well. This same style of build can be applied to basically all other long-range guns, dropping out a suppressor in exchange for a compensator, focusing on high velocity, and then adjusting between the barrels and the under barrels as needed on any given gun.

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That's a setup that can sort of be copied and pasted amongst. All the long-range top-tier guns The Rao, the RPK, the Scar, all sorts of stuff like that, so it's not just the 762; that's obviously just the gun we used and as an example here; but both of these setups work really well, and they're absolutely improvements from what you might be using on your standard setup, as it is right now.

So that's going to wrap things up for this one. I'll catch you guys later. Peace

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