News - Warzone 2 Best Graphics Settings - Great Visuals And High Fps

This will make some of the shadows in the game look nicer, and it only seems to affect vram usage rather than your frame rate. Lighting I've got this on low for the same reason as before: it doesn't seem to make that much difference; it doesn't objectively look better with it turned up high for ambient occlusion, so this has to do with the shadows on objects; the shadows that are cast are like from objects onto other objects.

I've put that on static objects only if you put it on the top setting, which is dynamic objects, or both then. You end up hitting your frame rate pretty hard, so I don't really like that screen. Space Reflections is another one I would leave at "normal." I've seen lots of these guys say to turn it off.

I think it makes the game look really ugly. There are actually quite a lot of surfaces that cast reflections in this game, lots of shiny flaws and stuff like that. I think it looks way nicer with this on normal, so that's what I've left it on. The reflection quality I've put on high again. This is a vram thing, so I personally don't need to worry about it too much, but if you've got a graphics card with less vram, that might be something to turn off because it doesn't matter that much.

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Grid volumes I've left are normal because I think weather effects might be interesting in a warzone. Warzone This might be something that I could potentially just turn off if it ends up not being a big deal in Warzone at all. Now, we get onto some settings that say a little bit more about your sort of personal taste for NVIDIA reflex low latency.

If you've got an Nvidia card, I would have this on, and boosting makes the game feel a little bit more, like there's reduced latency in your controls supposedly. I'm i'm not really sure how much of a difference that makes, but everyone says to turn it on, so I do. Um, for "depth of field," I would always turn it off.

It looks nice, but it can actually mess up your gameplay because it makes it harder to see people who are a long way away if you're not aiming directly at them. World motion blur and weapon motion blur: personally. I would turn it off again; it's just about clarity; you want things to be as clear as possible when you're playing the game, and again, film green turn at zero because clarity, then the finals page is the view.

Now, all of this stuff is pretty much just up to your sensibilities, your choices, and your taste, but this is how I've got it set up so far: field of view, I've got 105. I think that's pretty normal for a lot of people, obviously. If you want to see the absolute most you possibly can, you can put it all the way up to 120, but I would say that makes a really weird kind of fisheye effect that can sometimes make you feel like the game's running a bit too fast in some ways, and it actually makes people who are a long way away seem a little bit further away, which can be a bit of a problem because you want people in the middle of the screen to be a bit bigger, so I think finding a balance between 90 and 110 seems to be the sweet spot for most people.

I would definitely remain unaffected. You want your ads and stuff to be affected by "field of view" or "weapon field of view." I personally leave this on by default because I like the way it looks. I know lots of people will put it on wide, which will actually make it so your gun seems smaller on the screen so you can see a little bit more, and that might be useful if you're using particularly big guns.

So, one way you could improve clarity a little bit is by setting up your third person. Field view I don't really pay for third person, so I haven't really messed with this at all, and as for vehicle field of view, I haven't really had any problems with it, so I've left it at default. Now this is another really nice setting to change the person's and camera's movements.

I would just set it to the absolute minimum, to at least this, which stops all of the effects of shaking around and running around. There's a first-person one and a third-person one. I would just set them both, at least, because you don't want that kind of screen. So if you liked the article, don't forget to leave a like and consider subscribing; there's going to be a bunch of Warzone 2 content coming tomorrow.

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Lots of Warzone 2 Graphics Guide Videos just focus on getting the highest possible FPS.
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