News - Warzone 2 Best Graphics Settings - Great Visuals And High Fps

I was getting some really harsh stutters, literally every few seconds. It was really annoying me. I know there have been changes with the NVIDIA drivers and stuff like that to try and solve this, but still, if I put this on 90, I get quite bad stuttering. If I lower it, the more I lower it to 70, the more the stuttering goes away, and I'm still not getting anywhere near hitting my limit of article memory that I'm using for this, so I've got it at 70 at the moment.

I did actually use it on 60, and I didn't get any stutters when I was doing that, so I would mess around with this if you're getting that stuttering. Lower this down, especially if you've got so much RAM; it doesn't really hit that limit anyway. texture, Resolution I would put it on high because I think this is one of the settings that makes the biggest difference in how the game looks.

I don't know if you're playing competitively; probably so. Texture filter, enteroscopic I think you just set it to low. Even on the image they show, you can see the difference it makes. I can barely tell the difference there, so I would just make sure that that's on low because it doesn't really matter; it does have a medium effect on your GPU apparently nearby; level of detail I put on high because I think this does make quite a big difference, like if you're pushing up against cover and stuff, you want it to look nice, you don't want it to look blurry, so I leave that on high distant; level of detail also leaves that on high; I personally leave it on high because I have noticed that it makes a massive difference on my frame rates when I've tried setting it to low; when I've tried setting it to be playing Warzone 2, obviously you're going to be doing a lot of stuff where you're going to be looking in the distance, so I think this is worth having on high clutter I think you can just have it on short; this just makes things like grass and stuff like that show up; you don't need that rendering a long way out, and, actually.

I don't know what the War Zone 2 map is going to be like in this regard because it's quite dense. But, in some games, people can actually hide a little bit better if there's more clutter a long way away, so I think having this on short is probably a good idea. With particle quality set on low, I don't really notice the difference between having this on high or anything like that; same for particle quality level.

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I think that's an easy one to put on low to get a few more frames, but it impacts and sprays. I personally leave this on because I like it. I think it makes it a bit more immersive, and it looks good. It doesn't have that much of an effect on your frame rate, so I personally would leave this on.

Shader quality is low now. This is something that I think you could do to make the game look quite a bit nicer by turning it up. You do have to reinstall shaders every time you change the settings, so it's kind of an annoying once-off test, but I do gain a lot of frames by leaving it on low, so I've put it on low.

It says on there that it has a slight impact on the colorization of the surfaces; it's just about lighting and how it interacts with surfaces. I genuinely do think it makes stuff look quite a lot nicer, but it has such a big impact on frame rate. I put it on low destination; I can put it on near; I wouldn't turn this off.

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I've seen some guys say to turn it off again. I think it does make quite a difference. You know, if you're prone or something like that, it makes the ground look a lot nicer with the vegetation on, but you don't really need it from a distance; it doesn't make that much difference for the far tessellations of terrain.

Memory is something I put on Max again; this is to do with playing something like War Zone 2, where you're going to be looking across long distances a lot of the time. So, I really like having the terrain memory as high as possible, but if you don't have the VU RAM for it, I guess you could turn that one down.

Demand for texture streaming I would just turn it off again now. You can make this look nicer, you can make the game look nicer, and you can have high-resolution textures. turning this on, but it does seem to cause, occasionally, some stuttering. This is another possible source of stuttering. I've turned it off for now.

If there's something where, like. I'm looking for Easter eggs and I need to be looking at posters and reading them and stuff. I might turn this on again, but it does seem like there's some kind of issue with it; maybe it has to do with hard drive speed. I'm not really sure, but I'll turn this off for now.

The streaming quality is now back to normal. This is really talking about streaming stuff, and that's a long way away if you're traveling quickly in Warzone. I think it'd be nicer if stuff looked nice and you didn't have too much pop-out detail and stuff like that. I've only just turned this down to low, actually.

I do think some of the things like shafts of light, fog, clouds, and stuff like that can look really nice in the game, particularly in single player; in multiplayer, it doesn't really make any difference because there aren't that many maps that use this kind of stuff. Warzone I might turn this back up again depending on the effects of things like the soundstorm and stuff like that.

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We'll see how that one goes, but this one might be a good one to turn up a little bit if you wanted to make it look nicer. Third-quality physics I would definitely leave this on high if you have this turn to you; I can see the options at low or even off it, but it makes the water look terrible, like it just means that water doesn't interact with anything; it makes the water look very flat.

I think that looks really bad now; obviously, in most multiplayer maps, that doesn't matter because there's only water on one map on the hydroelectric dam, but in War Zone 2, there's quite a lot of water, so personally. I would have this on high if you can afford to, and the same with watercolor sticks, which I leave on because when you're swimming underwater, it looks so cool, like the water in this game.

The way the water affects you when you're underwater looks so good, so I personally would leave this on. Lucian I have it on very low at the moment, which means that the shadows are a bit blurry. If you set this really high sometimes, the shadows are a little bit distracting; they're a little bit weird looking, but you can still tell what's going on with them.

You can see in that preview image there that when they're a little bit softer, I don't think it actually looks that bad, so I think that's another easy way to get a few more frames back. I have this on low; you can turn it off if you want, but because it does affect stuff that's very close to you, like your gun in front of you.

I think it's nice to have some shadows on that otherwise it looks like you're not really in the scene, if you know what I mean. Spot and shadow quality I leave on medium. Again, you can put this on low or high, but I haven't noticed that much difference in frame rate, and it does seem to make things look a little bit nicer, so I turned this up to ultra just because I've got loads of vram; you can easily turn this down if you don't have much vram, but I thought, why not?

Lots of Warzone 2 Graphics Guide Videos just focus on getting the highest possible FPS.
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