News - Best" Settings To Use For Warzone 2. Pc & Console

best 2 controller settings

Yeah yeah, good YouTube in today's article. Before I do any of that, though, I want to give a huge shout out to Gossy. Shane. Like I said. One is the controller tab, if you guys don't know. I play on a controller, not a keyboard or mouse, so if you are on a keyboard or mouse, look for those settings.

I do apologize, but, like I said. I have this off by default because I don't play with controller vibration, but I've been a strong believer since Modern Warfare 2 that I genuinely believe that it does affect my aim. I know a lot of people disagree with me, but do what you want to do there; that's all preference, and then of course for my sensitivity, which is a very highly requested section.

I have these seven cents, at least that's what I've been running with Modern Warfare 2. I might tweak this a little bit over time for Star Wars: Episode II, but of course I will drop an updated article in the future, and of course, as you keep going down your sensitivity multiplier. I do have 0.8, one, and one; there's also an entirely separate ad sensitivity multiplier as well that I'll showcase in a second, but this is what I'm running right here on the vertical aim axis: I have standard all the way through, then as you keep scrolling down.

best 2 settings

I have hold for my ads, sprint attack sprint, and focus for my changing room shared input. I have automatic tactical sprint enabled, which is a very important setting in my opinion. This is the same thing I had on Warzone One; it just lets you get way more elusive around the map, and of course you have hold for your equipment ads, plus melee for your mounting again.

All preferences aside, you can do whatever you want here, and for me. I prioritize Reload right here because they actually don't have a contextual tap like a war zone one, so I feel like prioritizing Reload is probably the most beneficial. Of course, you have a Ply one for your plates, which I am very much an outlier with because a lot of people like to apply all, but for me.

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I feel like I have more control over my fights when I've applied one. Well, hopping into the advanced, now we have the target aim assist on, with the Black Ops aim assist type. I feel like that's the strongest and I feel the most smooth with it, and then of course the gyro I have it turned off, so none of this matters; I have it turned off; I have no idea that's a new setting; and then, of course, scrolling down, just like in Warzone 1, my aim-response curve type is dynamic with the 1.0 AdSense, multiplier focus, and the instant transition timing, and then, like I said, we have a whole new table for the custom sensitivity presumed, so I run a 0.880 essence multiplier from slow zoom all the way through six to seven zoom, and of course.

I run a one and one for the eight to nine in high zoom, and then for my dead zones. I have 0.05 for my left and. 07, for my right which is exactly like my Warzone one dead zones so whatever you had on Warzone one it matched that right here and then of course you have 0.99, and 0.99 for your maximum with the zero for your triggers because you want zero delay at all and then as you're gonna keep scrolling down you're gonna see I have toggle off double tap which doesn't really matter too much because I do have automatic tactical Sprint from before with, the off-grounded.

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Mantle off automatic, airborne mantle, and off automatic, ground mantle, so you don't auto-mantle whatsoever, and when you're mid-fight, you don't jump on anything, and then of course from here I have standard movement off on and mantle only a ton of random settings. I'm driving into the graphic settings all right, starting with display.

I'm on wide, 16.9 aspect ratio, with my vsync gameplay and menus both off, and that's really about it for the display settings. Let's jump directly into the quality of the important settings. I have mine fully customized with 100-resolution Fidelity FX Cas, which you show as having 100, and then for your anti-aliasing.

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I have the filmic version instead of the normal because I have a lot of black dots on my screen. This does make it a little bit more grainy, but it's a little bit of a trade-off, and then I have anti-elson quality low with the 80 article memory scale, and then for my details and textures. I have low, low for some reason; I don't have a setting here, but I think the best one you want to go with is short, and then I have low, very low, off medium, minimum, and off like I said.

I have streaming quality, volume match quality, deferred, physics quality, and water caustics, all low and off the lowest you can get, and then for your shadows and lighting. I have normal, off-high, low, and off again, all the lowest stuff. Your game is still going to look good. Do not be running motion blur; you have it off.

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Zero; that's it for the quality. I have 120. third person FOB, you have 90, and then vehicle FLV, you have default, and then for the last step, all your movement should be the least; you don't want to be shaking a lot on your screen, so you have at least first person ads and game perspective, of course, like I said, those are all my graphic settings, so now we've been through controller and graphics plus hopped directly into audio, which is all right for my audio.

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I have a PC with 65, 20, 40, 60, and 60 GB. I always turn this stuff really far down because my game is significantly louder and I feel like anybody else's too. I have no idea why, but this game is unbelievably loud. I have default settings of 20 short, and then this is actually really important when you hop into color customization.

I run Filter 2 to make my game a little bit more vibrant with both color filters. Target with 100 and 100 on the intensities, and then for the last thing you're going to do here, you're going to go down to the red color and click on the red color to apply a custom color. I think if you don't have this, there should be a "custom color" button.

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You're going to max out your saturation and brightness and then apply it, and that's just basically going to make the enemy red dots as visible as humanly possible. They're going to keep scrolling below me in Modern Warfare 2019. I only have the first three boxes, which are these three right here, just telling you about your PC.

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