News - Secret Warzone 2 Update Patch Notes, Free Animated Camo, Leaked Events & More. Warzone 2

Secret mw3 update now live

Secret mw3 update now live

Welcome back to a brand new article. In this one, we got a small secret update, and I got all the details that you need to know about it. We have some free rewards that you can get for a brand new event. There's also a hidden bunker that has now opened up, teasing at some future content, and so much more.

Before we get into it, a quick word from our sponsor, {522}. It's a store that can get you the most exclusive operators, help you complete your Mastery Camo challenges, and much more.

Fastest way to complete year of the dragon event

The Year of the Dragon event has now begun, and it is now live on all platforms and in all modes. You need to gain yourself over $500,000.


In order to complete the entire event, we covered the rewards in yesterday's article, but this is just a better recap so you can see what these rewards look like. One thing that's actually pretty bad news though is that you only have 4 days and 20 hours to get all that XP because the event started on a Friday today and it actually ends on Wednesday, giving you under a week to complete this entire event.

Some tips that I can give you are to try to play longer modes. My personal favorite is just going into the war zone. Resurgence, any type of mode that will last a little bit longer, you will usually always gain XP while you are in the lobby, and that will save you some time from sitting in the pregame lobby if you were to play like Stash House 24/7.

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You can get high kill games and get XP that way, but you're probably going to spend a lot of time loading up to the next match because these matches are going to last under 5 minutes. Another tip is to complete your daily and weekly challenges; these will give you XP for each one you do; they can range from 5 to 10, 000 XP, and this will also help you towards the challenges that you'll need to complete in order to get the new rotten Inferno camo, which Sledgehammer actually showed us an early preview of, and this is what it looks like—so much better than the coherence camo, and this is what it looks like, so it's definitely going to be worth the grind.

If you want to stay up to date with all these weekly challenges, make sure you knock out the first week that's currently available, so that way you only need a few weeks left anyway.

Massive store update & new operator bundles

Massive store update & new operator bundles

going on to the The next thing that we have is a brand new massive store update. This store update actually brought in quite a couple of bundles. It brought in some older MW2 bundles that are now on sale. We have the year of the rabbit bundle, and we have the Tracer Pack Shinobi, the Tracer Pack Golden Blossom, as well as the Tracer Pack anime Boogie, and all these are 33%.

Off they do all involve MW2 weapons because that's when they release, so they're doing like a little sale. I guess to see if anyone wants to buy them, and the new bundle that we have is called the Demong Glow Pack, which comes in with the C operator for Enigma. This is going to cost you $2,400. Cod points Other than that, for the first time ever, they have also introduced a Strike Team slot, so that means you will get an extra slot.

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If you purchase this bundle for zombies, on top of that, you will also get two different weapon blueprints. They don't have trace around, but they are animated with the little camo effect that they have. The first one is for the HRM, called the Rebellion. The second one is for the new weapon called the Ram 9 in the Dark.

If you don't have the Ram 9, this bundle will automatically unlock it for you. You also get two rare ether tools for zombies: A large decal, a weapon charm, an animated calling card, an animated emblem, and I believe the last one is.

Secret bunker update now open

Secret bunker update now open

A weapon sticker Jumping into the next topic, we got a secret update to the year-old Stand Battle Royale map, apparently right under Oldtown.

The bunker that was previously closed, which is the number five bunker, has now opened up, and sadly, it doesn't look like there's any Easter eggs involved. There's really no great loot that you can get from there. It just randomly opened up this new bunker, but within the bunker, it looks very familiar to Advanced Warfare's biolab map that we saw previously, and if you guys recall, we talked about how there could potentially be an Advanced Warfare season in season 3, and maybe that could be a tease for that.

I have no idea, but it looks like there are zombies in these tubes. The zombie version of Years Extended didn't get this bunker update, and it's not open at all, so it's only available in War Zone, and this might indicate an upcoming Easter egg. Maybe there's something in the future when you go deeper into this bunker; there's actually another hatch that is still closed.

Maybe it'll open up in the future. I have no idea, but they have started opening as of right now. More than likely, within future updates, the remaining bunkers will open up. Maybe they will be connected to reveal more locations, and maybe they will have to do with an in-game event that will take place.

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I also noticed that two of the tubes were missing the zombies in them, so potentially. Maybe they could have escaped; that's the reason why the bunker opened. That could have to do with the storyline. Or maybe a future mission or something like that—a contract—that, if you will, because we already see zombies added to Fortune, maybe they plan on bringing it to a greater extent.

I have no idea going into the next topic.

New fortunes keep easter eggs & rewards

New fortunes keep easter eggs & rewards

It looks like there's a couple of Easter eggs that are now available for you to complete over on the new Fortune. Keep in mind that some of them could get you a reward, which is the Crimson Worm camel we talked a little bit about in yesterday's article. I told you guys that, as soon as I figure it out, I'll show you guys how to do it.

I did make a article over on my War Zone channel doing a full guide on how to unlock it, so be sure to check that article. The light will turn on. You want to focus it on one of the buildings, which is a blue building, and then you want to go to that blue building. Once you line it up, there will be lenses that drop from binoculars that are nearby these buildings.

You want to knock on those, get the lenses, and take them to the top of that blue building. You activate that there, and then you want to work your way up to the second location, which is by the winery. And then you want to go to the third location and do the same exact thing, which is by the terrace.

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I do cover that in full detail, so if you want the full guide, check it out. It's not that hard; it took a couple of matches just to get everything down and figure out where all the parts go and what goes on with that, but once you get the hang of that, especially if you have some friends, you can split up.

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