News - This Needs To Be Said About Warzone 2

broken warzone

Champions Quest was being added in, and when it actually came out, well, a lot of it didn't come out or was just completely, completely broken, and if you don't know what I mean by that. I've just taken some clips from around the community and put them together to show you what I mean, whether you were just walking around and on Tik Tok.

I did post about this weird line in the ground, and now it's quite dramatic. That's so much worse, whether you win or not. Goog, yo. I don't see these guys like where they, what the or whether you picked up a load out, what the f it was completely and utterly broken now; needless to say, this made the community pretty mad.

This big update comes out, everyone wants to play, and the game is basically completely broken. Not just to mention that the ranked version of multiplayer was supposed to come out with season 1.5, but it didn't come out right at the beginning either. They put out an announcement saying that they wanted to make sure it was working perfectly before it came out, so people were also very mad about that, so I have a pretty different opinion than most people are going to have on this situation.


And that is what I wanted to talk about in this article. Essentially, what I'm saying is that this needs to be said about Modern Warfare 3, but before I say it, let me tell you about today's article sponsor. So I don't know about you, but whenever I'm doing something, whether just some housework or I'm working out.

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Raycon com and you can get yourself 15%. Off your order when you use code Inc at checkout. So to me, there are two different parts, to the point where it was completely and utterly broken, to the point where it was not even playable. You couldn't get into a game of War Zone without some sort of bug happening.

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All of those things that we saw were happening every single game. If you picked up a load, you would break your game. You could not play War Zone as intended, and to me, that's ridiculous. You can't have a game where people are paying for in-game items, and you simply cannot play the game whatsoever.

That is a very, very big problem. Editor note I forgot to mention this, but also, like, half the people playing the game simply couldn't get into War Zone; they'd be constantly fetching profiles, and if you didn't join someone's game who was already in it, you just couldn't get into a game, so literally, it's completely unplayable for half the players and broken for everyone else.

However, let me put an idea in your head just really, really quickly: people are mad about this. People are mad that the update came out and then it was broken. Let's say it was broken for 24 hours. It came out at noon, and it was broken till noon the next day. That's not what happened; it was more like, I think, 16 hours or something like that, but it doesn't matter.

modern warfare 3

Let's say it was broken for a day. People couldn't play for a day. They were mad. They were upset. They were angry at the game. They were angry at the developers. If every single time an update came out like this in season 1.5, or, let's say, season two, what if every single time an update came out for the game?

If they took the servers down for 12 hours, you literally could not play the game. Is that better, or is that worse? In my opinion, fewer people would be mad because I think a big portion of this is just people being mad at the game and coming up with a reason to be angry about it, and I also think a lot of it is just people.

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Everyone pulls up a dump truck; everyone hops in and dumps all over the game. I think that's a part of it too. Don't get me wrong. I think it's ridiculous how broken this actually was. I think a lot fewer people would have been mad, but at the same time, a lot fewer people would have been able to play the game, so really, which one is worse?

modern warfare 3 hate

I don't know the answer to this. I really don't know. Raven actually had a response to this the next day they put out this statement so they said we wanted to address the issue that players encountered during the season 1 reloaded launch period we have been laying the groundwork for the return of some fam favorite features in upcoming season which has required a degree of preemptive setup in our live environment yesterday's update shipped with some of that work and we unfortunately encountered a conflict between live player data and our servers, our teams were made immediately aware of the issues and began investigating shortly after the update went live we rallied Studio teams from around the world to get these issues resolved as swiftly as possible we as devs, love this game and apologize for the disruption.

modern warfare 3 review

That resulted from these events; please know that we hold ourselves to a high standard, and yesterday's issues did not align with that. With that said, we are also very excited for what's ahead and look forward to bringing the best we can to the war zone. Honestly, this is the best thing they could have done, like I'm not even going to beat around the bush; they owned up to their mistakes, they explained why it happened, and then they said we have fixed it, and we are looking forward to the things that caused this to be brought into the game and it being that much better.

Honestly, kudos to Raven for this; however, as I talked about earlier this week. I think in the back of everyone's head they're like, okay, this transparency is nice; can we not see more of this, and the specific thing to do with this rank play was supposed to come out with this rank play was supposed to come out with the launch of season 1.5; it essentially didn't come out till like a day later, honestly.

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To me, it was not a big deal, and I would have preferred if they had told us exactly when it was coming out. When they delayed it, it just kind of got dropped out of nowhere, like with three hours notice, but honestly, is it really that big of a deal now if a war zone was broken for a week and a war zone was broken for even a couple days?


I think everyone could be pretty mad, like if this is your game that you play every day and you're looking forward to it coming out with a big update and then it's completely broken and you can't play it. Number one, let's be honest, it's kind of funny. Number two, it's annoying because you want to play the game and you can't, but number three, if they're that transparent and they fix it that quickly, is this not a good thing?

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