News - Updated Tombstone Method Warzone 2 Zombies (season 2 Guide)



Modern Warfare 3 just had its second season update, but with this update came a patch to the Tombstone glitch, so now there is a new method for utilizing this Tombstone. No, I didn't say a glitch, more of a method, because it's more of a farming of your items that you're setting up in this new method for Tombstone.

Now I'm going to have different chapters that you can jump around, but I highly recommend that you watch the entirety of the article so you can get a better understanding of how this new method works because it is very complex and very complex and very tedious as well. I am also going to go over the solo version and show you how to set it up solo, and then I'm going to discuss how you can do this in a squad and let you know which one is better.

Setting up tombstone

Now Setting up your tombstone The same as before, you're going to bring into the game the items that you want to place in your tombstone, but there is a difference in the items that you're going to want to have before setting up your tombstone. As you can see in the article I have from when I was testing this out, I have all the items that I want to bring in.

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I also have an epic Aether tool, and the reason for that is that right at the beginning of the game. I'm going to use that epic Aether tool on my weapon, and it's also going to open up a slot for me to stow a large rucksack. Now, when bringing in Tombstone, you can absolutely drink this at the very beginning of the game and then set up your Tombstone.

However, as I mentioned at the beginning, you are going to want to either buy or find a large Ru sack, so you are going to have to play the game out until you find that Ru sack. So when setting up Tombstone, you want to make sure you are Solo.

Solo guide

Solo guide

When doing this, you do not want to be in a squad. If you are in a squad after you enter the game solo or randomly join a squad, you want to make sure you leave the squad and are solo. So you drank your Tombstone, you're ready to set it up, and you can now down yourself either through fall damage or by being downed by zombies.

You want to make sure you do not have any self-restraints equipped. You want to drop the self-restraints if you do before you down yourself, and then once you have downed yourself, you are just going to bleed out. Then plead for help now. I highly recommend doing this in a Tier 1 zone, and when you plead for help, don't be afraid to use the chat.

Let somebody know where you're at; somebody's going to come rescue you, and as soon as they revive you, you have now set your tombstone. So once you followed this method and have set your tombstone, you can now utilize the items that you brought in and go into Tier 3, go into the dark ether, and play the game fully out, but you just want to make sure you eliminate yourself, either in Tier 3 or in the dark ether, and have the elimination screen pop up and leave the game. Once that happens, the next time you go into your tombstone with all those items, it will still be.

Tips for solo users

Tips for solo users

So here are my tips for doing this solo when setting up your Tombstone solo. The major tip I do have, and this is the reason why I bring in an epic ether tool, is because you're going to want to build or farm Essence.

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Now, the best way to farm Essence is by probably joining a random squad that's ready to farm Tier 3 in terms of the contracts. You want to build up as much essence as possible before you set your tombstone, and the major key to this new method is having plenty of essence. Here is why: Every time you use this method, you're obviously getting eliminated, which means you're going to lose your insured slot or your contraband weapon, which I highly recommend you use, and you're also going to lose everything.

You're going to lose your gas mask. You're going to lose your three plates. You're going to lose your kill streak, and you're going to lose your backpack. However, if you have a large amount of essence, you can go buy a new large rug sack to replace the one that you're going to use when you go to your tombstone in the next game.

Important for all

Important for all

Note that you have to do this every single game if you want to keep those items; it's no longer a one-and-one thing with Tombstone. With this method, you have to set this tombstone up every single time by stowing the items you grabbed from your initial tombstone and then redring a new tombstone, downing yourself again, pleading for help, having somebody rescue you, and then your tombstone will be set again, and then you can utilize those items that you grabbed from your initial tombstone.

I know it seems very complicated; there's some ups and some downs in this method, but it's the method that I found that works the best now, my next tip, because you have to always reset your Tombstone.

More helpful tips

In your initial setup, I would bring two ether tools and two flawless crystals. The reason for that is that when you start the game right away, you're going to equip whatever weapon you have with an ether tool and the flawless crystal and go into Tier 3 Farm contracts to build as much essence as possible in order to be able to have two rug sacks in your backpack or to just have that large amount of money to be able to buy a large ruck sack in Tier 3 with Tombstone.

Setting up tombstone in a squad

Setting up tombstone in a squad

Before you go and grab your Tombstone again, let's quickly discuss doing this in a squad. Doing this in a squad is a lot easier, whether it's just you and a teammate or you and four to six teammates, because at the very beginning, what you can do, the setup's still going to be the same as solo, but you guys can all go into tier three and farm a bunch of contracts to build a bunch of essence, and then once you're ready to all set your Tombstone, you guys can go into tier one and everybody will do their cash.

Tips for squad users

Tips for squad users

Now the major tip here for doing this in a squad is to always make sure to leave your squad and be the only person, as if you're alone, before setting up your tombstone and removing yourself if you are in a squad. When this happens, the tombstone won't take, and you won't have it in the next game once you get eliminated.

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But again, just like setting this up solo, once you've set your tombstone up, you can then use your items that you brought in or that you've taken out of your tombstone and go into tier three, or the dark.

Consequences of this updated method

Ether, and then you're good to go. Now the major problem with this is going to be your insured weapon slot.

If you have a bunch of contraband weapons, I would highly recommend utilizing them. If you are going to take advantage of this new method, if you do not have counterfeit weapons, be aware that you will lose your insured weapon slot when you are using this new method.

Final thoughts / sub to channel

best weapons in mwz

That is essentially it, so if you found this article helpful, do me a favor and like the article to unlock the Mayhem.

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