News - Where To Get Every Crafting Schematic Mwz. Warzone 2 Zombies

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Here you are: you've beat every mission in Zombies, you've done hundreds of contracts in every tier, you've run the dark ether, you've defeated the red worm, you've done all the things, and you're still missing schematics. I'm going to teach you how to unlock every single schematic at every tier level in every location, where to get them, and how to get them.

Check it out when it comes to schematics and Modern Warfare 3 zombies. There are three different ways to unlock schematics. The first way is to complete contracts in Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. The next step is to complete story missions in different acts to get the reward of a schematic. The last way is to run ingame areas, such as completing contracts in the Eldersigil dark ether and defeating the red worm, which will unlock more schematics.

So we're going to start first and foremost with what is found in Tier 1 contracts. Now, I say tier one contracts because these schematics can only be unlocked from tier one contracts if you're doing tier 2 or tier 3. No matter how many times you run those, these schematics will never unlock for you; they have to be tier one.

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And they go like this: The first schematic that is unlocked from doing Tier 1 contracts is Deadshot. Dairy. And then you have the Speed Cola recipe, which is the most valuable perk in the game, dividing your reload time in half and your armor plating in half, and then you have the Stamina Up recipe, which is also a very useful perk for Ammo mods.

In tier one, you unlock the brain rot ammo mod, and you unlock the Napalm burst ammo mod as well, so all those are unlocked solely in tier one. If you're one of those people who is a super sweat and went straight to Tier 3 and just started grinding contracts and you've done hundreds and hundreds of contracts, that's great because you'll unlock the Tier 3 ones, which we'll talk about in a little bit.

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You'll never unlock tier one or tier 2 contract schematics by doing tier three. So now for tier 2 contracts, you have your first exciting one when you get it. I remember getting this one personally; it was amazing, and that is the raw ethereum crystal schematic you can now craft. Pack-a-Punch one and come into the round already having a pack-a-punch level one gun, which is a great start when you have nothing for tier two and you get the Juggernog recipe.

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PhD Flopper, which is extremely helpful if you're using the new crossbow with the explosive bolts. I would argue the best gun in the game. Check out my article on that. It's freaking amazing, absolute boss. Shredder, get the PhD Flopper recipe, and for ammo mines, you get both dead wires, which I think is the worst.

And you get shatter blast, which is very, very good, so those are all of the ones that you unlock specifically for Tier 2 contracts. Honestly. I think tier one might be as good, if not a little better than tier 2, because Speed Cola, stamina, and brain rot are all items that you use regularly, even later in the dark ether, using sigils or the elder sigils or the red worm like the stuff you actually use.

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All the time, when the other Tier 2 stuff is not as good but still worth getting, Just not as great; jumping into Tier 3 contracts is where things get exciting. In tier three contracts, you unlock the epic ether tool, which is three times the damage of a gray Rarity gun. From the start once again, it multiplies by Pack-a-Punch.

If you want to learn more about that, check out my article on that. I break all the numbers down, not only what each Rarity does to each gun but also what Pack-a-Punch does to damage each gun and how they affect each other. Now you're coming in with Pack-a-Punch level two, which I remember was an absolute game changer.

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When I could do that for Tier 3 perks, you'd get Elemental Pop, which is a lot of fun and effective. And you're getting Tombstone. Tombstone is a very valuable insurance perk, but if you're like me in probably 50% of the zombie community, you use it for other things. If you want to learn what those other things are and how to make Tombstone the absolute best perk in the game by exploiting some stuff, check out my article here.

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I got extremely lucky on this one. I believe it was the third-tier contract I ever completed. I dropped a ray gun schematic, which I was flipping out because, if you don't know, all of these, like I mentioned earlier, are based solely on a low percent chance of them dropping if you complete a contract.

I don't know what that exact percent is. I'd love to get an actual number on that, and I'd be happy to credit you now. Side note: unfortunately, the ray gun sucks on this zombie if you do the Pack-A-Punch level four. Glitch on the ray gun; it then gets decent to the point where you can actually use it effectively in Tier 3, but without that exploit, it doesn't really work.

If you want to learn more about that exploit and how to do it, you can also watch my article on that; it'll be out real soon, but you can check the link once it's up. That is everything that is unlocked from doing contracts at different tiers. Now we're jumping to the next type of unlock, which is completing certain missions in different acts.

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The first mission that gives you an actual schematic is savitur, and that will give The uncommon ether tool: when you finish the extractor contract while doing this mission, it will reward you with an uncommon ether tool plan. Xfill. Keep it right, that's your first act, one tier three, Sabator. The next schematic you unlock in act one is Quick Revive, and that is under the mission chaperon in tier five of act one.

When you complete this contract while having this mission active, you get the Quick Revive recipe, and with it, you unlock it for good. Now, jumping into Act 2, Tier 2, there's a mission called Safe Cracker. When you complete a raid weapon stash contract with this mission active, it will drop the cryofreeze formula, and you will unlock it.

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And then later on, in Act 2, Tier 5, you come to the exterminator to complete a sports contract that will drop the rare ether tool schematic. Those are both schematics you unlock for doing Act 2 missions. Jumping into Act 3 missions, you have two factor authentications from Tier 1, which is completing a defense ground station contract.

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After a couple of things, you will unlock the death perception recipe, and finally, in Act 3 Tier 4, if you complete an outlast contract, you get the Wonder WF DG2. Plans are unlocked now. This is a fantastic, wonder weapon for crowd control; don't sleep on it, and once you get a pack-a-punch two or three, it absolutely slays.

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