News - The Spas-12 Is Broken Warzone 2. Warzone Meta Build. Warzone 2 / Warzone Best Loadout


Wesley is here, and today I'm going to be talking about the Spaz 12 and just how broken it really is. I'm also going to show you guys an absolute meta build for this gun; we'll get into that in just a minute or two, but first of all, I just want to show how ridiculous it is. This means that you can kill people up to 20 to 30 feet away in a single shot.

Typically speaking, it takes one or two shots with this particular build in order to kill people. To unlock this gun, the Reclaimer 18 or the Spaz 12, as it used to be called, you need to get five operator head shots or special zombie kills. With a shotgun, it is very simple to do. Go and do that yourself to unlock this as well as complete that sector in the battle pass.

Another way that you can actually unlock it is if someone already has it, go into zombies, have them drop you their insured weapon, which will be the Reclaimer 18, and then simply extract it with it, and it should unlock. I've heard that is a way that I've never done it personally, but this gun. Bare Bones, absolutely slaps; it's a very good shotgun, and typically speaking, you can get a kill in one or two shots, but with this tack view or this tactical aiming that you can do, you can switch the way that you aim.

black ops

It's terrible i do not suggest doing this with any gun. Definitely not shotguns. Because you'll see here that the hit registration is terrible, guys, I don't understand that's one thing that's broken with this gun that is a negative. I have no idea why, but sometimes I'll get one shot from 20 yards away, aiming at the same exact point that I shoot someone Point Blank, and they won't die Point Blank.

However, with this setup, I guarantee it's one to two shots. At most, Dr. 6 Hand Stop Bryson chokes the 900 heavy barrel for barrel no stock so that you can aim quickly in that rear grip right there, and as you can see here at midrange It takes two shots to kill someone at long range. Obviously, you can't shoot someone with a shotgun without knowing one of those Jack aftermarket attachments or so, but you'll notice the difference right here.

black ops 6

I mean, it's only been about 30 seconds since you saw the last clip. At the start, I struggled a little bit with this, but once you get the hang of it, this is definitely the meta build, as you can see right here. It is very easy for you to run around the map absolutely and dominate people, and the way that I see it honestly is that if a shotgun is able to get most one shot wherever you are standing, from mid-range to short range such as that or right here, it is very easy for you to dominate with the shotgun, so I found myself running and gunning with this now with the no stock you can run around fairly quickly.

It is very good to be agile with a shotgun because, ultimately, this is a small map. Mosh Pit right, so if you think about it, these are the smallest maps that you can get, and there's still a lot of open space, so typically speaking. I'm not usually a shotgun-based player; I like to use the superi, or something like that, like the fjx Horus, and it makes my game play absolutely amazing.

black ops direct

I love those guns, but if you are a shotgun player or you play objective-based maps, I highly suggest that you use this gun for things like hardpoint. Search and destroy things that nature where you are waiting for the enemy to come in almost like you're a freaking spider or something like that right it kind of engage them and wait for them to come into your web and then just fire off your shotgun, this thing holds a lot of ammo by the way 10 shotgun shells are you kidding me so you get 10 separate shots there that you can just fire off over and over again and if you watched up until this point I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

I saw a leak recently. They are going to have a kimbo for the spats now. This is not confirmed; this is currently at the rumor stage, but I'm going to be honest with you if you're watching at this point in the article. About seven out of 10 of every leak that I get is accurate, so pretty much a large majority of what I have been hearing lately whenever you hear things that I've posted in my shorts about, you know.


Black Ops 6 or anything like that, typically speaking, it is accurate, so ultimately. I would highly suggest that you upgrade this gun. You only need to get it to around 11 to get all the attachments that I just showed you today, and if you're missing any of the others, make sure you use your armor unlocks on them and do your thing because this gun is definitely worth having a class for now, typically speaking again.

I am an SMG player, but I will definitely have a sniper shotgun setup or something of that nature, maybe even just a shotgun, class with some C4s or Claymores for whenever I play hardpoint, and other things like that so that you can really hunker down and make it almost impossible to kill you, so that's about it, guys.

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This gun is great. I highly suggest it.

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