News - Top 5 New Overpowered Guns "after Update" Warzone 2. Best Class Setup" Warzone 2 Season 2

So we're going to go to the firing range. You guys are going to see that we don't lose much control with this. It's still very easy to control; it's a little kicky, but hey, we've got to deal with it. The Brewin Venom long barrel is going to be the barrel for this one. You're getting a lot of stuff, like you're getting effective damage range and minimum damage range at 20%, you're getting bullet velocity at 10.5, but you're also getting gun kick control at five horizontal and vertical recoil both at 7.5, so worth having for sure the MK3 reflector because I need it and I feel like it's really needed on the BBY.


I don't like running the iron side of this gun, so definitely throw that on the 30-round mags, which is really nice as well. Then we got the stock that you guys couldn't see because my face was blocking it, but now you could see it. The Ravage 20 has a heavy stock for gun kick control and recoil control.

Now, with the recoil control, we're only getting 4%. Not big or anything like that, but we're not losing any ads, which is good too, and the gun kick controller is getting 20.8, so I think that's worth it. Without that, you would already have seen this gun in the fighting range. It's pretty kicky without this; it's even more bouncy, so yeah, definitely run that as well, and then the turny tack grip because we want that Sprint to Fire, and all that up goes up to 88.9%, which is really, really high, and we're losing 6% in the Recoil control area, but hey, it's not bad, really fun, and use really good Even after Nerf.

class setup

I should say it's going to be insane, so yeah, the AR9 is another weapon I want to talk about, and I gave you guys this exact class the other day. The AR9 is just worth it. In my opinion, nothing really got nerfed on this except for the muzzle. The Jack muzzle was the one; it got a little nerfed, but nothing else got nerfed on this weapon, not that I'm aware of, at least.

So the barrel is going to be the AR9 enforcer long barrel for bullet velocity and range gun kick control, all that kind of stuff. You guys can see you're getting a heck load of range and recoil control with this. Now you also are losing a heck load of ads at 17.5, and a buttload of smart to fire at 8.1, but it's kind of worth it.

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You're getting a lot on this attachment right here, so it's kind of worth losing those you got kind of got to balance it out, and I think it's worth it. The underbarrel is going to be the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop for Sprint to fire ads, gun kick control, and vertical recoil, which we all know is needed on the AR9.


Horizontal doesn't matter; we lose a little, so it's definitely worth running. Good overall attachment to the MK3 reflector because, out of all guns in this game, the iron site on the AR9 is my least favorite, so we got to run something if you guys want the Slate reflector; run whatever you want as long as it's a small optic.

I like the MK3 reflector, but if you guys like the Slate, better go ahead and use that then. For the stock, we got the Wolfhound carbine stock for gun kick control and recoil 8.2 for gun kick, which is really nice horizontal and rec and vertical recoil both at 12%, which is really cool, and then finally, we got the Phantom grip for sprint of fire and ads.

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Sprint of Fire is up 20.5, which is insane advertising, is up 8.7, and the only con to this and the only negative to this whole attachment is the Flinch resistance. You flinch a little more with one shot, which is not even noticeable in the game. Trust me, guys, it's really not. Let's really not.

Let's move on to the final weapon on this list. So we went through the MCW, we went to the striker, we're going to go to the Rival 9, we did the bass B, and we did the amr 9, and now we're going to go to the Rival 9 the Rival 9 literally, this class right here. This is one of my favorite Rival 9 classes in a long time.

cod mw3

Now the purifier muzzle break is going to be the muzzle for this one right here. We're losing effective diamond range, minimum diamond range, and bullet velocity, but ignore that. Just completely ignore it for a second. It's not worth looking at. We're going to get all that back in horizontal recoil at 18%.

Now that Rival C has a clear shot, this is where we're getting it back. Like I said, we lost 10 and 10 before. Who cares we're getting 12.5% effective and minimum damage range now, with full velocity at 15%. But that's not it; we're also getting recoil control vertical and horizontal both at 7.5 with this and gun kick at 5, so it's actually nice those two attachments.

They kind of cancel each other out, but there's more positivity. There's more pros than cons, so they're definitely worth running the DR6 hand stop because this one's insane. You're getting 10.5 ads, 6.8 Sprint to Fire, and then, as my face is blocking out, as you guys can see, we're getting ad movement speed at 7.4%.

cod mw3 best class

Crouch movement speed is 9.2, and movement speed in general is 4.8, so it's really fast, like this gun right here. Before I show you the last few attachments, it is fast, as you guys can see right here, like it is really quick to sprint to fire. Everything is just fast in this class. I like it. I didn't expect the mannequin to move there; it kind of messed with me, but whatever, anyway, the MTZ Marauder stock because we're going to need some sort of recoil gun kick control, they're getting 10% of it right there, only sacrificing Sprint to fire at 2.1, which is really worth having, and then the Rival Vice assault grip for gun kick control firing aim stability and recoil control, we're getting the normal amount that you would get.


Yeah, with this attachment, 10 recoil gun kicks, and then horizontal and vertical both at 7, so really overall. We're going to bring this one to the firing range quickly, and you guys are going to see that it is very, very accurate. There's not much recoil on this one; it is super accurate. I wouldn't use it at this range because we're going to miss a lot of shots, but for close and mid-range for a class that is very, very fast, and the sprint of fire is really quick on it, it is very accurate as well, so definitely use this gun.

It's probably one of my favorite guns. Recently, I would say definitely for sure I still like the BBY and I still like the MCW, but the Rival 9 is definitely going to be one of my favorites. I'm really interested in seeing what people like seasonally. 2 make sure to drop a like on this article. I would truly appreciate that sub to the channel for you guys who are new around here.

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With those notifications turned on, don't forget to turn them on. You need to do it. peace. And if you made it this far, comment hype hype, because yeah, just hype whatever, because I'm going to give you guys a second class right here right here, the retti, as you guys see the Slate reflector, the Exf Eclipser grip, and the MLX, short competition.


Barrel This one is actually going to be really good if you're playing on rank and stuff. I started using this one recently, and I actually like that it's a good secondary to pull out. I even use it on multiplayer; there's no need to throw other attachments. It's good as is. If you guys made it this far to the article, there's a little bonus class.

The TOP 5 Best Class Setups in MW3 Season 2 update! Make sure to use these overpowered guns in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 to IMPROVE your gameplay.
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