News - Top 5 New Overpowered Guns "after Update" Warzone 2. Best Class Setup" Warzone 2 (season 2)

best ranked play class

Now, my AM-9 class right here is actually not the one that I recently made. I forget which one it is. I have a lot there. I have a lot of AM-9 classes, and this one right here is actually my favorite one, so I'm going to move my face one more time. This is weapon number three. If you guys want to go ahead, go ahead and take it.

Do what you got to do with it, and I'm coming back three, two, and one Kaboom. Here I am. Once again, we got the Jack BFB for the muzzle, the AR9 Enforcer, and the long barrel of the Chimera Chimera. I don't know what it is, man, the R 3, vertical grip is really nice, and then the sack ZX grip and the Cronin mini dot, we're going to go ahead and show you guys just basically what this gun does, and you can see that even this one for an AR9, even at distance, it's going to draw people nicely.


I ran out of bullets, so obviously you're going to miss that, but it's probably just going to take one shot. Yeah, there you go. Overall, really good class, and I would recommend using it. On smaller to medium maps, I wouldn't say use it on the large ones or anything; I mean, I did, and I absolutely shredded with it, but use it for the smaller maps, and you will be satisfied.

You'll be satisfied, and you'll like this one a lot, so the Jack BFB We already know this one right here is going to give us all that recoil control that we need; it makes you visible on the radar, but it's kind of a sacrifice that I'd like to take, you know, because I don't mind being visible if I'm going to be hitting a lot of easy shots.

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At long distance, the barrel is the amr9 and 4, so this one gives you that gun kick control, recoil control, bullet velocity, and range. It gives you quite a bit all right, so that recoil control is 9% vertical and horizontal, and the recoil gun kick is 5%. But the best part of this one is that the effective damage range is 20; the minimum damage range is 24; and the bullet velocity is up by 13%, so it's really good.

class setup

It makes this gun into an AR pretty much. Then we got the Chimera Ryan 03 vertical grip as well. This one is really cool because we're getting gun kick control, vertical recoil, and all that kind of stuff. We're losing some horizontal, but I wouldn't worry about that. Then we got the Cronin mini Dot and the sack ZX grip for the rear grip, which is good because, again, gun kick, you're getting 10%; horizontal and vertical, you're getting seven for both, so I mean, why not, right, and then finally?


Actually, let's go back to this. I'm going to show you guys these two classes right here: the MCW, which I think is awesome, and the BP50. So let's start off with the BP50 and then get into that MCW class because it's one of my favorite MCW classes as well as the BP50. Through this thing, this thing has no recoil, like I don't even know how to explain it; it just literally shoots and doesn't miss, like there's nothing else to say about it; it just shoots and literally doesn't miss a shot, like you're even if you have the worst aim alive, use this class, and it's going to do half the work for you, like you just have to do the aiming; it does all the recoil control for you, and that's because of the attachments that we got on, so the Jack BFB is going to give us, you already know 55, gun kick 20 horizontal, and 35.

Vertically, we got the Lore 9 heavy barrel, which is going to give us even more distance effective damage range up to 15, minimum damage range up to 15, bullet velocity up to 18, but also getting gun kick at five and then horizontal and vertical recoil both at seven, so this gun right here is just it's so easy to just hold it, and by the way, guys, let me just move my face.

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I completely forgot about this one. Here you guys go. You guys can see it on screen right here. This is all the attachments that we have for it. I'll put my face back, and then yeah, pretty much that's it for that one. So we got the FTAc MSP 98. Again, it's just pretty much for vertical, and I guess with gun kick control, you're losing some horizontal at two, but you guys see, this gun just doesn't have any horizontal that you need to worry about.

cod mw3

45-round mags are awesome, and then the Moe 40 stock for gun kick control ads aim for walking speed and recoil control as well as five gun kick control, which is nice, and six horizontal. And six vertical, which is great, and with all of that recoil, you think you'd lose ads, but you're actually getting seven, so it's actually kind of nice right there.

Now, finally, the last weapon on this list is the MCW, and for this one right here, we're using three aftermarket parts, as you can see from the three of them, which is quite a bit now again. I'll move my face for this one just so you guys can kind of see the class, take a screenshot, and do what you have to do with it as usual.

cod mw3 best class

And I'm going to get into the firing range and show you this one right here, and I don't have a sight on this one; I actually have an iron sight on this one. Most cards I don't run sights on, but this one here, a lot of the iron sights are just very, very ugly, and again, this one right here, you're going to hit those shots; you're going to hit every single shot that you take with it, and it's actually really, really nice.

I don't know how I missed it. I shot right in between the legs for practically every single shot, but that's on me. That's definitely on me, but yeah, this one right here again, we got the Jack BFB. You already know 55, 20, and 35. I don't really need to tell you guys; it's pretty much the same for every single weapon.

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I'm pretty sure the barrel is the Chimera, a black iron heavy short barrel, so it's a heavy and a short barrel at the same time, but we're getting spr to fire speed on a heavy barrel doesn't make sense, but it is what it is, you already know, this one right here we're losing, some effective damage range, minimum diamond range, and bull of velocity.


It probably explains why you miss a few of those shots in the firing range, but. I'm going to move my face just so you guys can see that the only Pro is not just Sprint to Fire. All right, we're getting quite a bit; actually, we're getting movement speed at four Crouch, movement speed at four ads, movement speed at eight, and then obviously the Sprint of Fire speed, as you guys can see at six, so it's not all cons; it's not all cons; it's actually kind of worth running 40-round mags.

And then the Regal, heavy, the RB Regal heavy stock right here, which is really good. You're getting gun kick control, recoil control, and all that kind of stuff, so 27, gun kick, 22 horizontal, 22 vertical—this kind of sick. Now I do have the Jack Raven or Raven, my bad kit. On this one as well, which increases your fire rate, it increases your mobility and handling damage at close range, and it hits fire and attacks sand spread.

The reason I wouldn't use this gun for long range is not just because it missed a few shots you guys saw in the fire range, but because the bullet velocity and range are down. We're losing quite a bit of recoil as well, but it doesn't make sense because this gun doesn't have recoil. You guys saw that as well.

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