News - Top 5" Loadouts For Ranked Resurgence. Warzone Ranked Loadouts

Those are the two main setups, though for this, they all have the exact same barrel under the barrel mag in stock. You're just going to find that variance on the Ram 7 with the muzzle. Those are the main two that I talked about for the third primary.

Primary #3 - pulemyot 762

Primary #3 - pulemyot 762

As kind of just a little bit of a bonus, I'm not even going to explain why the pulami has been beat to death when it comes to these attachments. It's been the exact same setup for literally 3 months now, and some people are still using it at some of those lower ranks.

It's because it's a really easy gun to use, and it has that high ammo count to also help with assists and downs, but it doesn't kill as fast as that Ram 7; it definitely doesn't kill anywhere near as fast as the MTT 762. Maybe use this if you're just starting out ranked and don't have the other guns leveled up; otherwise, I would stick to either that Ram 7 or the Mt.

Secondary #1 - ram 9

all right So now that we kind of talked about the main primaries, we talked about the MTZ, talked a little about the ram 7, we talked about the pulat, and we're going to talk about the two SMGs you guys should be using in this game. Those two SMGs are the RAM 9 and the HRM 9. This is the RAM 9 setup that pretty much everybody I've seen is using.

ram 7

It has a little bit more recoil, doesn't feel as if you will be mobile as that HRM does, and it does kill way faster than the HRM. That's the only reason you'll run into this, because this gun will outgun the HRM up close, so make sure you guys try this out and see if you like it. If you don't like it, it's totally fine; we'll switch back to HRM.

But this Ram 9 setup that I'm showing you guys on screen now will 100% kill faster using the stock for the movement speed we're using the rear G for. The Recoil Control 50 Round M because it shoots quick The DR6 is simply for a little bit of extra movement speed, and this is a compensated flash hider for the exact same reasons that we use it on the ARs.

Secondary #2 - hrm 9

Secondary #2 - hrm 9

And then lastly, we're going to be talking about my favorite SMG, HRM 9. I kind of wanted to use the RAM 9 because I think it's the less popular of the two.

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For the HRM 9 setup, we're going to be running the fold stock because it's going to be significant. To help with our recoil control, we're going to get 14% in each direction, and it's only going to slow down our ad speed by 9 milliseconds. You literally won't notice we're going to be running the 50-round mag because we need as much ammo as possible on this gun.

I don't know why I don't have any of the camos I need to start unlocking them. Let's shoot insanely, quick like most of the subs and most of the guns in general in this game do, so to be able to get those squad wies with these, we're going to be using the Victor mag for the muzzle. We're going to be using everybody's favorite muzzle, then compensating.

ram 7 3

The flash hider for the ESS said the exact same reasons for every other gun. This has been beat to death, and I've been explaining it in literally every article, so I think that's the last time I'm going to explain why I don't want to waste anybody's time or anything like that. For our fourth attachment, everybody's pretty much in agreement that the Dr.

6 hands-up is the best under Barrel, you should all be using it because it boosts our ads and our movement speed, and then for the fifth attachment, this is where you really start to get the variance. When it comes to this setup, the main variance that I'm seeing now at the fifth attachment is between two different class setups, the first setup being with Thor 90 barrel.


For the fifth attachment, the reason people like to use the Thor 90 is because it gives us a little bit of that hip fire spread back that we actually just lost by putting on the Dr. 6 hand stop on top of countering that hip-fire spread that we just lost. It's also going to boost our ad speed by a crap ton, and it's going to help with our sprint to fire speed and our overall sprint speed, allowing us to run faster around the map.

It does a pretty good bit of stuff just for a little bit of extra recoil control—just 5 and 6%. In the horizontal. And vertical directions, respectively. Making this barrel incredibly popular. This is a class setup that I've been using personally for the last 2 weeks, and I honestly think it's the best.

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That second class set up I'm starting to see pop up now. People are taking off the barrel, and they're starting to use the high-grain ammo type. Now, the high-grain ammo type will help you get some of your bullet velocity back, and it's going to help boost your damage range. When you look at the stats here, I know it says that it boosts it by 15%.

But we're losing a lot of recoil control here, and when you compare it without it versus with it, you're only getting two extra meters of damage range on this, which realistically isn't that much. On top of that, the damage range is already at 13 m. I think most of your gunfights are going to happen under 13 M.

ranked resurgence

This ammo type wouldn't even make a difference anyway, but some people swear by it. They think that the high-grain ammo helps them win more gunfights, and technically, past 13 meters, it will as long as you can control the recoil, so those are the two different setups. One of them has that Thor 90 barrel, like I said, and the other has that high-grain ammo type.

I don't think High Grain is worth it again. The bonuses you get just aren't worth losing that much recoil. Try it out and see what you guys think. I personally know I'm going to be sticking with that Thor 90 barrel so I can have crazy movement, mobility, pacing, and resurgence, especially everything.

Secondary #3 - amr 9

Secondary #3 - amr 9

And then lastly, for the SMG meta, I just want to throw this in here. This is the AM9. It does technically kill the fastest out of all the SMGs, even faster than that Ram 9 over.

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It's a lot harder to use the recoil on it because it is significantly more bountiful, so you can kind of get away with using it from far away, but especially like some of those medium-range gunfights past like 20 M, you're not going to be able to hit shots of this consistently. Despite having that crazy fast time to kill movement on it, it's all right, and you can still get away with using it in some situations.

This is the class set for that. If you guys want to try that, if you really struggle with the recoil on this gun, take off this barrel and Chuck on the big boy one, the AR9 enforcer barrel. It's going to help you a little bit more with the recoil control, but it still isn't honestly that great. Hopefully, you guys found this article helpful.

top 5 ranked loadouts

If you guys want me to do something like a full breakdown or anything like that of rank play, that's literally all that I've been playing for the last two weeks now—how to get more Sr, or tips and tricks—little things that I found around the map to help you guys regain whatever it may be. I'll try to answer you guys' questions and see if I can put anything together for you guys.

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