News - Top 5" Loadouts For Ranked Resurgence. Warzone Ranked Loadouts

Secondary #3 - wsp 9

Secondary #3 - wsp 9

I just mentioned now that the third gun I want to talk about is the WP9, which is honestly something you probably don't see too much of in ranked play.

The reason I want to mention this is because if you pull up the tck chart here, and this includes things like open bolt delay and Sprint to fire delay things that actually matter when you're taking this gun from Sprint into gunfights, if you sort this by time to kill, this is the result that you get, and out of the main most popular subs, the wp9 actually kills the second, fastest.

mtz 762 ranked

It also has incredible movement—way better movement than that of the Ram 9 and the HRM 9, so I'm honestly kind of surprised that this gun doesn't get as much love as it should. We're going to be starting this setup off by using the 50-round mag, and just like a lot of the other setups we've been using, we're combining that mag with the WSP, a factory stock that's going to also help with our sprint speed, our movement speed, and our ad speed, kind of similar to what the barrel did on the HRM.

The cool thing about this stock is that it's going to help significantly boost our Sprint speed movement speed and our ad speed, and it's not going to totally torture recoil too much. Like I said, the movement speed on the 9 is so much better than the HRM. And the ram 9 you literally feel like you're flying around the map when you're using this setup and that stock 100% contributes to that third attach we going to be chucking on a laser something you honestly don't see too much of anymore, and for that laser we're going to be using the VK laser the 7 m reason we're using this is it's going to help significantly boost our Sprint speed and our Sprint to fire speed which look at that Sprint to fire speed look how low that is it's one of the main ways this gun outguns some of the other SMGs in the game cuz when you're taking this gun from Sprint and have to stop and shoot somebody you're able to outgun pretty much everything our fourth attack we're going to be using the hi.

ram 7

SS short barrel the reason we're using this is because it's going to help boost our Sprint speed, like the Ram 9 barrel, and it's going to help boost our ad speed. This is also a big contributor to the crazy movement that this gun has, and like I said before, the movement is what makes this gun really fun, and then lastly, we're going to be using the XRK.

Edge hand stop for our under barrel, and for all the other subs, we use the DR6, hand stop, but the XRK is really going to help that crazy buttery smooth movement that we just don't get on the other subs. This underbrella is going to help make that quad even better, and it's also going to help a little bit with our ad speed as the WSP 9.

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Like I said, if you compare the time to kill charts and sort the main SMGs, they're coming out of Sprint and have to stop and shoot somebody. This gun is the second fastest; when it comes to it, it's crazy.

Primary #1 - ram 7

Primary #1 - ram 7

ram 7 3

But enough of me talking about the SMGs and the subs; let's go ahead and talk about the primary guns, the ARs, and the LMGs. Or consistent, feel of the gun that's why the ram 7 is the most popular gun for resurge and drank it's the most well-rounded and consistent, just like that H Ram 9 SMG, is I've already posted a lot of articles on the ram 7 so I don't want to beat this to that too much but we're going to be stck on the 60 R mag we're going to be using the recoil stock just because it doesn't SL ads speed and we get a ton, of recoil control by using this stock 20% smooth recoil pattern 8% each Direction, super worth the slightly sow Sprint speed which to be honest we're not going to notice anyway cuz we're running around with our sub out for our third attachment we're going to be chucking on the Cronin headwind, long barrel this going to help with our bullet veloc in our damage range and they nerfed this gun a couple of weeks ago I think it was like three or so weeks ago now the Nerf that they applied to this was a damage range Nerf meaning that it doesn't hit as hard from far away so using this Barrel is going to pretty much cancel that out we're going to see a 21%.

Boost both the minimum damage range and the effective damage range, and we're going to see a 25%. Boost our bull velocity. Bull velocity on this gun is crazy, and this attachment is going to basically mean we can just point and shoot the gun at people from far away while still doing the most damage.


and then for our fourth and fifth attachments, we're going to be focusing on the horizontal recoil. This gun doesn't have a whole lot of vertical recoil, but horizontal recoil definitely does, and so the cassus break muzzle for the first attachment is going to help significantly remove that horizontal recoil by taking away 18%. Of it when you combine that with the brew and heavy under Barrel they're going to pretty much remove, all the horizontal recoil on this gun now this attachment does kind of stink in the sense of it slows your ads speed down by a pretty good bit a 9%, slow ads speed however this in combination with that cast sprak muzzle means that all you have to do when you shoot this gun is just pull down on the analog stick a little bit and once you figure out the right amount to pull down cu the gun is so consistent and has pretty much the same recoil pattern it turns this gun into a no recoil beam that's why everybody thinks all the streamers using the ram 7 have no recoil, it's literally just finding the correct amount to pull down on the analog stick and once you find that gun's even easier to use that's the ram 7 setup man let's go ahead and jump into the next gun I'm so tired of talking about the ram 7 but it definitely is the best I'm not going to lie to you it's the most well-rounded .

Primary #2 - soa subverter

Primary #2 - soa subverter

In our next gun, we're talking about the SOA subverter. Like I just mentioned, the reason I'm even bringing up the SOA subvert is because it does have a faster time to kill than the ram. If you hit every shot, that's a big F. This gun is a very hard-hitting, slower-firing gun that you can also use the iron sights with, and it definitely has a place in The Meta.

ranked resurgence

You will see this gun a lot in regular pubs and restaurants. I don't know about the big map; it's kind of hard to use iron SS on the huge map, but 100% on regular surgence, you will see this gun a ton. The reason people aren't using this in ranked play is simply because of that unforgiveness. That it has because of the slower fire rate, whereas the ram is much more forgiving, so it has that consistent time to kill, and also because the bullet velocity on this isn't as good as the ram, meaning that when you kind of have people say floating in the sky, for example, or nose diving, try to not die out of the sky, this makes this kind a lot harder to use because you are going to have to worry about leading your shots.

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