News - Top 5 Best Glitches - Warzone 2 Zombies Mwz (after Patches)

The mask has to be in the equipped spot; you can't put a mask in that's just in your backpack, and you also have to already have ether blades equipped in your lethal, so you have to have ether blades in your lethals. And a gas mask is in the gas mask-equipped spot right here. I'm showing you I don't have my blades equipped, and I'm going to put my gas mask-equipped gas mask into the dogghouse.

And it does nothing; it just disappears and doesn't turn into anything, and I lose the mask, so make sure you have the ether blades equipped in your lethal slot, and it will duplicate them, and you can just collect them out of the doghouse. And just hand them out to the players, and you can do this over and over and over again as long as you have more masks.


If you put a mask into the dogghouse and it turns into ether blades, you don't collect the blades if you back up. Then it's going to turn into a bad dog, and you're going to have to kill it, and you also destroy the house so you can't use that anymore, but again, you can do this with the circuit turrets that are around the map.

This one is so bizarre. I'm sure this one got Treyarch's attention, so I expect this one to be patched with season 2. Number two on the list for most useful is the PhD flopper and the ability to stay underwater and never drown. We have no idea if this is intended or not or if this is a straight-up glitch.

I think if this isn't patched by like season 2 or season 2 reloaded, then this is intentional; this is number two on the list because me and my friends use this every single game, it's incredibly useful anytime I have to, like, go answer my door or we got to go to the bathroom or go get something to drink or have to put our controller down for any reason or even just go into the menus and look for ax fills or, you know, get organized, like we all dive into the water.

It's simple, but it's incredibly useful. Also, I tested this, and you can stay underwater for the entire game and it will not kick you. I've been kicked twice. From this game, I don't know why. I don't know if it was because I was standing too still. I was on the Dr. Jansen Story Mission. I was standing by the turret, just letting the turret kill, and I've gotten kicked every time if I'm not moving around, so I don't know if that's a situation.

I've just never really wanted to test it because the tombstone struggles are real—this is the last one and number one on the list. Is one that me and my friends use every single game, and in fact, we make sure we're like so careful that we don't screw this one up and that is the infinite ether blade glitch this allows you to bring in the same ether blades in your lethal slot every single game so you don't have to worry about that cool down that's like 3 months long having these blades on you when you spawn in when you have nothing is going to keep you alive these are an instakill for most everything, around you so when I don't have these I feel a little bit naked so yeah I'm definitely spoiled by this glitch and I don't think they're ever going to be able to patch it.

The method for keeping these equipped in every single game is to find a story about Mission Xville and leave it on that chopper. For me, it's on the PlayStation. What I do is, when the chopper tilts and I'm about to see the black screen, that's when I close the application. This works really well for me and my friends.

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I've got friends on Xbox, but I'm not too sure about PC. It's my list of the same, like whatever you got to do to get the game closed, you do it, like right as you see that black screen, then when you exit and go back into the main menu, you'll see them still equipped, and you'll be able to bring them back into the next game.

So that's my list of the top five glitches that are most useful now. I know Tombstone is definitely the most useful, and I think that one's just a little too obvious, so I didn't include that one; I included others that maybe people weren't so aware of.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. Here are the Top 5 Glitches that are the most useful and 2 After Patches. MW3 Zombies Glitch Glitches, Legendary, Pack-A-Punch, Crystals, XP, Rank, Duplication. Shout out to my buddies Cereal Glitchers.
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