News - Top 10 Best Riot Shield Counters Warzone 2

On a similar note, we also have the breacher drone in the lethal category. That will also deal zero damage to a riot shield user if you hit them directly, and again, the splash damage isn't going to be a whole lot if they're using EOD. Same thing with the 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher that does nothing.

I also tested sniper explosive ammo, shotgun explosive ammo, and shotgun incendiary ammo; none of those do anything to a riot shield user, and then finally. I was curious to see if Teagas did anything to their animations that would sort of force them to expose themselves a bit, just like with the shock stick, and unfortunately, that doesn't happen.

Wrap up

Wrap up

Either way, there you go. Those are all the things that I tested against the riot shield, as well as a bunch of my personal favorites.

And overall, as much as I'm not a fan of the riot shield in Call of Duty, I do think the game would be better off without the riot shield.

The Riot Shield in Call of Duty is often hated by many in the community so today, I wanted to share my top 10 best counters to riot shield users in Modern Warfare III.
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