News - Top 10 Best Guns Warzone 2. Dec 2023

cod mwiii

Also, of course, weapon balancing will change over time, so if you happen to be watching this article down the road a little bit, it may not apply anymore simply due to weapon balancing.



And let's just start this off with what may be a bit of a surprise to some of you this is actually a Modern Warfare 2 gun this is the M4 A1, and this is the build I'm using in the gameplay here just keep in mind this is not necessarily, a perfectly optimized build just something I threw together and it worked out quite well and you might be wondering, why is there a Modern Warfare 2 gun on this list don't all of them suck in this game, and the answer is not quite all of them most of them are not going to be your best option and Modern Warfare 3 guns tend to be better but the M4 got a buff a little while back and since that buff it's actually a really solid option now in this game, got a very solid time to kill potential at 296, milliseconds.

And the nice part about this one is that it applies anywhere in the body, so you don't even have to make sure you're hitting upper torso shots or anything; you literally just shoot them anywhere, and as long as you're in your maximum damage range, you're going to get a nice, consistent time to kill potential with decent accuracy and solid handling as well.

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So there we go—a little bit of a curveball to start this off.


As for the next one on my list here that I feel deserves a top-10 spot, at least this is the striker. Not the striker 9, but the regular striker or striker 45.



Previously known as the dg58, they snuck that change to the name under the radar, but with this, it's a three-round burst gun with a very forgiving burst delay; there's not much of a burst delay on that at all; it's very accurate, great handling, easy to control, and generally speaking, you're going to be just two bursting people, and even with that, you're going to be quite competitive with it, but you also have the potential to get a one-burst kill as long as two of those bullets in the burst land on the head.


After that, let's talk a little bit about the MTZ 556. This gun, in my opinion, has always been a very solid choice. I understand some people aren't a big fan of The Recoil on it; it can be a little bit tricky to predict sometimes, but if you treat this right and you keep yourself in those closer to somewhat mid-range engagements, this is where this gun really shines, and it actually has one of the best times to kill potentials up close to the body out of all of the assault rifles in the game.

It actually competes quite well against SMGs up close, and I would say it pretty much dominates any of the assault rifles up close. It's just that if you do try to stretch your range out a little bit, you may not find the most success with the MTZ.

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The article is all right. Getting back to it, the next gun I have on my list here is yet another Modern Warfare 2 gun that I feel definitely deserves a mention here, and this is the M3B. Just like with the M4 A1 this has a solid time to kill it actually has a bit of a better time to kill than the M4 A1, but it's not to the full body you do have to be mixing in some torso shots there which is pretty easy to do overall additionally it's very accurate solid handling on there and one of those guns that just flies under the radar since most people are focused on the Modern Warfare 3 guns as they probably should be I just wanted to point out that you shouldn't sleep on the m3b, if you're looking for a solid setup next up I wanted to include my favorite lmg in here at least the lmg that I find is the most versatile and I'd say the easiest to use this is actually the hogar 26.


Now for me. I like running this like an assault rifle, so I like creating a build somewhat like this, and when you do this, this gun is ridiculously accurate; you get solid handling for an LMG at least, and honestly, it wouldn't even be that bad for an assault rifle. Our base time to kill potential in the body may not stand out, but the moment you mix a single head shot in there, you now have a highly competitive time to kill at 255 milliseconds.



And since this gun is so accurate it's typically not that difficult to land that single head shot mixed in with torso shots and this just makes for an excellent versatile all-around sort of gun I probably would avoid using it in really close quarter situations but mid to somewhat longer ranges the hoger 26 does very well after that let's throw another SMG in here I would say my favorite SMG in the game at the moment is the Rival 99 this gives us a very solid and competitive time to kill potential up close to 264 milliseconds, it's got an amazing aim down sight time as well as Sprint out speed it's quite accurate or at least you can build it to be very accurate without too many downsides to that and in general this is actually my favorite SMG to use in the entire game at the moment , now before we get into my top three I did want to give one honorable mention here to my favorite sidearm and this is the core 45.

Honorable mention (my best sidearm)

modern warfare 3

Using one of the triggers that improves your fire rate now admittedly this gun will depend on your trigger finger if you don't have a really good trigger finger this gun probably isn't going to be that great for you but if you have a really good trigger finger and let's just say you can reach 600 rounds per minute or so you get a time to kill potential of 200 milliseconds, which is ridiculously fast in this game there's not much in this game that can compete with a 200 millisecond time to kill especially when you also factor in the fact that it's a pistol so it's handling a Mobility stats are really good it's also super accurate I can pick people off across the map with this gun and honestly with the right setup I can use the core 45, much more effectively than many of the primary weapons in this game I feel super confident every time I pull this pistol out and I'd highly recommend giving it a go if you have a solid trigger finger and now let's get into what I consider to be the top three guns in the entire game at the moment, the first one I'm going to mention here is the MCW.

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