News - Tons Of Warzone 2 Leaks Have Come Out. New Multiplayer Features/content


Potentially with season 2, hopefully with season 2, and then, of course, the seasons to come after that, so all this information is going to be coming in from seex leaks. There's lots of really good information there. We're going to be covering war as well as a bunch of other stuff here today, but according to him and according to the game files, there are going to be three so far three, new war maps coming to Modern Warfare 3.

We're going to have Operation Avalanche. Operation Exodus and Operation Kusa. Kuska I have no idea how to pronounce that, and then he went further and, pulling this from the game files, found the descriptions for the objectives for one of these particular war maps, and what's interesting is that these objectives are not as simple as the old objectives that we had back during Call of Duty: World War II or what we have right now in Modern Warfare 3 with the current War map, so let's just go ahead and check out the descriptions of these three objectives, a convoy you must escort and protect to a dedicated location.

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Okay, that's pretty basic. In the second objective, one team will be given a list of specialist targets they must eliminate while the other team defends them, so I wonder if certain players are going to become specialist targets or if there's going to be AI on the map that we're supposed to protect one way or another.

cod modern warfare 3

I'm really not sure, and then the last objective revolves around a base of hostages with valuable intelligence. One team is trying to save the hostages while the other team tries to take them and fill Via helicopter, we're kind of expanding upon some of those game modes that we saw back during Black Ops Cold War as well as Modern Warfare 2.

Overall, that's very good news. I talked about it recently, like war is very fun to play here in Modern Warfare 3, but the game's been out for like two to three months now, and we've had one map, and it was cool to see, you know, the maps that are here. It was really cool, especially the first time you got to run through Crossfire again.

cod news

I'm like, man. Crossfire should be a map in the multiplayer, but regardless, it was cool, but now we've been playing the same map for so long that I feel like a lot of people forgot War even existed, despite the fact that it was kind of a selling point for Modern Warfare 3. It does look like at the very least they're going to be adding in three new war maps at some point in the future for the game, and I'm definitely pretty excited about that, but the leaks and rumors don't end there, ladies and gentlemen, so as most of you know, we're going to be getting the F2000 assault rifle with season 2, but right now the game files are also suggesting testing that we're going to get a bow-style weapon, whether or not it's going to be a crossbow or a regular bow.

I don't know because the other weapon that's currently in the game files is an actual sword. That's pretty crazy, so with the sword potentially coming to the game as a melee weapon. I can definitely see them maybe going away from the crossbow element and having a proper, like old-school, recurve bow.

leaked mw3 guns

Maybe they do that, or maybe they won't. I'm not entirely sure, but keep in mind anything is on the table so far for Modern Warfare 3 because a lot of you forget this because it happened back when the game first came out, like we're getting leaks for season 3 around launch week of Modern Warfare 3, but we did have the leaks that showed that season 3 of Modern Warfare 3 is going to be all about Advanced Warfare, pretty much like we're talking about the return of the ball 27, the asm1.

The EM1 laser weapon and all those things are supposedly going to be returning with season 3. In fact, their calling cards and things are currently in the game files right now, so it's not too far-fetched to suggest that we might get something like an old-school Skyrim-style bow, a sword melee weapon, and things like that with season 2.


I guess we're just going to have to wait and see. On top of that, there are also strings in the game files that point towards a ninja vest. Which will likely have the effects of covert sneakers built in similar to how the Assassin vest that recently came out in season 1 basically has the ghost perk built in well this sounds like a ninja perk built into the vest which sounds pretty wild honestly because if you don't have to run covert sneakers, because of your vest that opens up the rest of your boots you can use the lightweight boots to move around really quickly or you can use the mantle boots to quickly mantle over things on maps like Quarry and Skid Row, that's sounds ridiculously powerful and it sounds like something I would personally run on pretty much every single class so we'll have to wait and see if that actually does end up coming to the game and finally last but not least ladies and gentlemen Sledgehammer Games, being Sledgehammer Games, has to go back to the call of duty of the Vanguard for something, don't they?

Well. Dos House is going to be returning here within Modern Warfare 3, which honestly sounds kind of fun, like I'm all for them bringing back these fun smaller maps, but at the same time, it is fun to see the actual original maps being added to the game, like most recently. Rio here was season one reloaded and we had grease.

modern warfare 3

You know. I like having original maps in the game as well, but it does look like they're going to be dipping into the Vanguard well and they're going to be bringing back Doss House because, of course, in the game finals themselves, we have references to all these different playlists that are going to be coming out.

There's Dos House 24/7. Greasy Meat 24/7, Meat House 24/7. Rusty meat 24/7, Rusty ship meat there you go ship hos ship meat shoot the ship hos as well as shoot the ship these are such stupid names but you guys know what these are basically just rotating. You know shipment dos house rust meat and all those things all together into these different small Close Quarters playlists where people can just grind their camos and level up and get their weapon levels very quickly, so overall, that all sounds fine, that all sounds Dandy, that all sounds fantastic, but the big question is, when is this stuff going to be coming out and will it come out in time for fans to really get excited?

mw3 das haus

I do feel like we're still feeling the effects of the really bad launch that Modern Warfare 3 had. I'm sure you guys remember the percentages: 38%, and Modern Warfare 3 sold 38%. Less in the UK during its first month than Modern Warfare 2 did, like sales are down pretty much across the board, and then they took their big vacation, then season one reloaded came out, and that was completely busted.

Today we take a look at a bunch of leaks for content that is right around the corner for MW3.
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