News - Tombstone Glitch. Dark Aether. Solo Or Team - Tombstone Duplication Glitch - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

On that statement. I'm not really sure, but you can do it with, say, two players, three players, or four players; it doesn't matter; the only thing that matters is that each one of you follows the glitch to a tee, so let's go through like what the actual steps would be in that hypothetical scenario.


So if you have a teammate who wants to go into the dark ether with you and both of you want to save your Tombstone, you're each going to want to make sure that you do the glitch to a te, so for example, let's say that you're player one and your friend is player two. The best possible scenario that you could do is that both of you have Tombstone and you go over to the dark ether portal.

Now one person is only going to have to actually trigger it; it will be easier with a team, so you may be asking yourself, Why would it be easier with a team than with an individual? So let's actually review some footage real quick, and I'll explain to you exactly how you could do it in the most efficient way possible.

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All right So here we are back at the portal. This is the footage from earlier, obviously, and what we're going to do is go ahead and enter the code, but think about it: with two players, all right, you have two resources that you can utilize, so let's go ahead and enter this code now. Let's say this is player one.


You no longer have to rush in these scenarios. That's kind of the big benefit of doing it with a team. Now technically speaking it would be just as efficient if you had three players versus two, it does not matter because there's only two tasks that really need to get done now the third player can just be on standby, and get ready to actually enter that portal there I would say that number one you should have a player at each one of these portal so for example if you had player one at that portal back there ready to activate it you don't actually need to rush so this player can go ahead and activate this you have that 30 second mark this player will need to rush a little bit obviously because you only have 30 seconds but the player at the portal can Now activate it while they're midf flight, right and they'll have the maximum amount of time they definitely won't miss this portal on the wall all players will enter this wall, and then you all just need to make sure that you accept, that's the main thing right because, when you have a team you need a certain amount of votes you can see it on the left there one vote.

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