News - This Warzone 2 Sbmm Mindset Must Come To An End

Or the other side, where you can't even play with your friends, people who are all across the board in different skill brackets, because if you know your friends so happen to be much lower skilled than you are in a Call of Duty game, they're not even going to want to bother with your lobbies; they're not going to want to play with you because once you enter that game, once you enter that party, the matchmaking is going to prioritize your KD over everybody else's, which means that everybody that shouldn't be in that bracket is going to be forced into that bracket, which I guess is a good thing.

modern warfare 3 2023

If you really think about it, you're kind of like Santa Claus, right? You know you're bringing these beautiful lobbies to all these people out here who are probably struggling with matchmaking as well, but at the end of the day, it's still not fun because you can't play with your friends. You know, that's what we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.

If we all didn't have to deal with that, then we would all be in the same boat, saying that skill matching is not existent, but that's not the case. We all have to suffer through this crap, so to see people coming out once again purposely reverse boosting, not admitting that they're reverse boosting when they're showcasing this type of stuff, and then on top of that, saying that skillbase matchmaking is non-existent and that we need to stop complaining altogether is just horrifying.

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Guys, do not be that person if you are going to reverse boost; like I said, just be open about it. Nobody cares—literally nobody cares, like I said. Nine times out of 10, when you Pub Stomp and you drop insane streaks, it's not people of your similar skill; you have been blessed with a good lobster.

modern warfare 3 new sbmm

Right i think we all pretty much know this, and yeah, you can Pub Stomp, and you've dropped swarms and good streaks against very skilled players. I'm not saying it's always like that, but a lot of the time, yes, that's just how it happens, do you know? Roll out there with this common knowledge. What is there to hide?

Nothing, absolutely nothing, so be open with it and let's stick to Activision. You know Bobby is leaving. In January, Microsoft is going to take charge. This is the time to speak our truth; we have to, and they have already acknowledged it. They said they're going to go ahead and talk more about it; they haven't yet, and I made multiple articles discussing that, saying that you know we still remember, and I'm going to keep bugging them until they do discuss it, but at the end of the day, this is our time, and if there are people out there who are going to blatantly reverse boost and claim that you know there's no such thing as Please, you're not helping anything if you're going to reverse boost.

modern warfare 3 new sbmm info

Just say yes; you know I'm tired of the matchmaking; it's ridiculous. I reverse-boost because so many people have done it and their channels are doing fine because, once again, nobody cares; it's not that big of a deal. Don't forget to subscribe; hit that bell if you want to be notified of more content.

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