News - These Secret Pro Tips Are Insane Warzone 2



Today I'll be giving you guys 10 secret war zone tips that are game changers, and you definitely don't want to miss a single one. The last one is going to blow your mind, so let's get right into it.

Ping color

For example, with this green right here now, if I ping something, you can see it's a very dark green and it's not that white color, which is very hard to see, See.

Triple play

Whenever you are in a gulag and you want a triple play, here's a nice little tip: you can find a triple play here on the floor, and now you have to replace it, but you can actually play it up in the gulag once you find it. Now that I've fully played it with three plates, I can push mine to me, and he doesn't know and says there's no chance now. The triple play will either spawn on top of the plot in the middle or right next to the staircase, so keep that in mind.

Gas stations

Gas stations

For, the next secret tip that a lot of people don't know about is that gas stations are your best friend now whenever you're trying to get back on the map or even trying to find some money, and some little gas stations will have your teammates' backs every single time.

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Now let me show you why. Not only is there a guaranteed cash register with money, but as you can see, you get money at every single gas station. I'm about five babies in and I don't even know if I had money to begin with, but I'm about six thousand dollars richer.

Carry 3 weapons

For this next tip, this has never been done before, but you can actually carry three weapons in War Zone 2, so if you have a medium or a larger backpack, you can carry an extra weapon.

So, you see, I have my two main menu weapons here, and then I can carry an extra one. To do this, obviously, you go to any weapon once you have a bigger backpack; it says "Hole to Stole" and, boom, so now this is really beneficial if you, for example, want to have a sniper or if you want to have like a sub-AR and a sniper, so for example, on a map like this where it's very long range gunfights and long range sights, if I have a sub-AR, which is usually what people use, or a sub-AR and a LMG.

And then I want to be like, Hey, if I can't kill that guy. I'm going to switch to my sniper. You equip it, boom. I get my sniper to take care of the guy, boom, you switch it back, and just like that, it's really freaking good. It's handy, for sure.

Reset tax sprint

Reset tax sprint

Try it out. Now this is very important to what I'm going to be talking about next in Warzone 2. We are in a war zone. As a matter of fact, we still have the sly cancel to reset our tax sprint, but now in war zone two, the sly cancel is no longer a thing, and after sprinting for a little bit of time, you start to sprint at a slower speed, which is a regular sprint instead of the tactical sprint, so you want to be able to do the tactical sprint most of the time.

These are the three main ways to reset it; there are other ways, but this is usually what you can do. So the way to reset this tax sprint is to start sprinting, and then as soon as it's done, you want to punch the air, and then you sprint again, punch the air Sprint again punch the air Sprint again, and as you can see.

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I always have my taxes done now. You can time it so that you're completely done, or you can time it so that you're about to be done, and this way you just always have the attack sprint now. This can be faster and can be faster certain situations. Another way to do it is to go dolphin diving. This is the way I like to do it just because it propels you forward and it's kind of fun, but you basically dolphin dive pretty often. The last way is better and more beneficial for close combat, but if you kind of spam your ads, you're going to kind of always have your unlimited tax Sprint if you do it correctly, and this is another way to do it, but it is, as I like to save a little bit tedious, but hey, if your gun is down, you're ready to shoot, and there So in War Zone 2, they added two new features to the zip line, the thing we all love but hate at the same time, but with these changes, it's definitely better.



For the first big thing, you can actually parachutist, and this can be done anywhere on the map, even in the part of the high-rise where the buildings are very high and the zip lines are very long. Basically, You can zip line; you can jump into any zip line and start zipping up midair, so, for example, I'm like this, and then you're going to suppress the zip line and grab it.

You can grab the mid-air. This is very beneficial if you don't want to go all the way down to the floor, especially on bigger parts or bigger buildings. If you're flying down kind of already trying to fly down to another zip line, you can kind of do this technique. It's definitely very beneficial.

Another thing to know in this game because a lot of people don't know it is that you can actually get off the zip line, so you can basically jump off it whenever you want, and this was kind of a problem. I like to say "war zone one" because you get stuck in a zip line sometimes and you can get killed from it very easily, especially because it's a little bit delayed sometimes or most places you couldn't do it, so it's definitely good to know.

Low dots

Low dots

So what you want to do is always, and especially if you're about to push one, leave a ping near the loadout.

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That way, you know that they disappear right away as soon as someone grabs them they disappear on the map for example, someone just grabbed this one. So what you want to do is always, and especially if you're about to push one, leave a ping near the loadout so you know where it last was and, as long as I pay attention, I can kill this guy.

Extra tip

and now go grab the loadout he was just on, but wait, there's So that is one of the loadout tips because as soon as someone grabs them, they disappear, so usually you want to leave a ping right next to it, not on it, because as soon as they grab it, you will no longer have the icon on your screen, but right next to it.

That way, you know where the last one was, or you ping it to a teammate so you have an idea. But, there's an extra tip with this, and this is a whole new tip: when you grab a loadout and you have money, it actually takes away five to six or seven hundred dollars from here, and this could be beneficial -- no, this could be devastating if you're trying to revive.

A teammate If you're trying to help a teammate buy UAV and you're like, "I have 4K," then you just don't have it anymore, so something you want to do and you can do is it's a little bit risky but not really dropping all your money and grabbing the loadout, so for example. I'm going to grab my loadout and then pick up the money back.

That way, you didn't lose anything.

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