News - How To Have Movement Like A Pro Warzone 2. Ultimate Movement Guide



There is a long list of techniques, including drop shotting, jump shooting, dolphin diving, snaking, and even slide canceling or sliding. I'll be giving you the secret sauce in the last one, so you don't want to miss it. Now let's get right into.


I'm gonna be breaking them down to the T and helping you guys get so much better, but to start off, we're going to be talking about the best movement in Modern Warfare 2, and that's going to be the jump shot now.

Jump-shooting in this game is the new camera. It's the new peekers' advantage. In the previous games, there was a slight cancel, but sliding and slight canceling are not as good in this game, so what you're going to do is you don't want to jump-shot a lot of gunfights, but how do we execute it perfectly?

2022 mw2

So there are three main tips when it comes to jump shooting: one, jumping and shooting around corners. Something like this is going to be your best friend, and that's how you're going to be able to camera people and get that peaker's advantage and get kills like that versus good players. So something I like to do is always jump shot around corners, especially when I'm anticipating an opponent, because that's going to give me that peaker's advantage just like that, and it's going to allow you to get some crazy kills if you ever watch me live or watch me play.

You're going to see me do the jump shot frequently because it is the best movement for actually engaging the camera. If you're like, "How do I counter campers?" or "How do I counter someone premium me around a corner?" Do this: jump-shot around the corner and get that first shot. Even if they're in a head glitch or in a better spot, you should still be able to get the kill, but how do you jump shoot even better?

2022 mw2 trailer

Well, the secret sauce to the jump shot is that you want to pre-aim mid-air, so when you're jumping around a corner, you don't want to jump then aim in; you're going to be very accurate, but slow, and it's kind of defeating the purpose. You don't want to do this, and then amen. So the sauce to this is that you want to jump and you want to obviously land in the middle, and as you're jumping mid-air, you're already in the air, so it's going to look like this.

So by the time you're already around the corner, you're ready to shoot at your target, so it's going to look like this. So as you can see, as soon as I jump around a corner, my line of sight is already on my target, and all I have to do is shoot to get the kill. Now, this is a very important part when it comes to jumping and executing the jump shot perfectly.

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Not only do you do it around corners, but you also want to time it so that you jump in and, as you're jumping, you're basically already down in your sights. You're enabled you're able to shoot just like this. When you get better at the time is when you get better at this movement, you're going to start doing it very well.


Another important thing to note when you want to jump mid-gunfight So for example, as you're shooting, shoot in midair, and it's going to help you secure some kills that you probably wouldn't get otherwise; it's going to throw off their aim and obviously allow you to hit your shots a little bit easier, and I like to do this in a lot of gunfights.

You see me like this; sometimes I jump shot like this, sometimes I stray, but then you can just jump shot now. That was the best movement in Modern Warfare 2 in my opinion; it is the new slight canceling in this game, but let's move on to the next thing, and it's going to be the drop shot now in Modern Warfare 2.

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Drop shotting isn't as good, but it's still very effective, and there are a couple things to know. Drop shotting normally is going to be kind of slow when you do it this way, so you can see it's kind of slow here, but there's a way to insta-drop shot, and it might not look as crazy in my POV, but it's going to be a straight flap to the floor, so what you want to do is you want to auto-attack, sprint forward for a split second, and it's going to look like this, and you're going to want a drop shot.

And as you can see, it's going to be a quick drop shot. Let me show you through my enemies' kill cam.



So, the kill count was a perfect demonstration, but if you know basically what you want to do, you can tell the difference between this and this. So remember to print forward and then take a drop shot, even two, but you want to aim and shoot as you're dropping to the floor, and again, it goes with the jump shot.

How you advertise on the air is very similar. You want to pre-fire the aim and drop shot and start shooting; you don't want to wait until you're on the floor and then shoot, so what you want to do is do the quick drop shot or even like a regular even if you're doing a regular drop shot, and you want to start shooting as you're falling to the ground.

You want to advertise and start shooting like that, and it's going to get you some crazy kills. I've got some crazy clips of players doing this. This drop shot is absolutely insane; it'll throw off your opponent because it's so fast, and like I said, from your POV, it may not look as crazy, but trust me, that flop to the floor is absolutely insane.

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One last thing to know about the drop shot is that this is a very good technique: dropping the ball around corners like this. Now, this is a technique even the pro players use, and it's so effective because they expect you to be high or in the middle, but you drop low, and you've got to time it correctly; this is the important part.

You gotta do it in a way like that you got to do it in a way where, as you're dropping to the floor, you're automatically peaking them, versus going this way and then going slowly. So you've got to time it like this. This is the perfect way to do it, right there, in that exact way. So anytime you're doing this around a corner, you got to give yourself some space; you kind of want to drop shot, and you want to land as soon as you fall completely to the floor; you want to land right at the edge of the wall, corner, or whatever it is like that, and it's going to get you some crazy kills.

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Now let's move on to slide canceling, or sliding, in Modern Warfare 2. So, there is a way to slide cancel or slide and challenge in Modern Warfare 2, and you don't have to use the basic side Slide The basic slide is not as useful in this game; it's more used to evade, like if you want to cross like this but it's kind of slow at that point, you might as well just dive across, but there is a way to slide and challenge like this.

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