News - There Is Ghost Call Of Duty Warzone 2. And I Have The Proof

cod mw3 review

Right, but I get it, but I don't get it, I guess. I don't know what I'm trying to say here. The concept in my brain of a battle royale is that everybody has equal opportunity to gather up their L loot. Right, everybody can find the same stuff on the map, and yes, sometimes there's rare stuff and there's better stuff, but you have the same opportunity as somebody else to find it with the introduction of loadouts, kind of just.

Spirit spawns ghosts can't be put to rest until you actually finish the tastic hand, and the tastic hand is to kill the person who killed you. Crazy to think about, but that's the way it is, man. It's just crazy. I think spawns are worse now that season one has dropped. I find that I get spawn trapped a hell of a lot more.

I find that we spawn traps a hell of a lot more. I also find that the Revenge spawns are turned up to about 15, 000. There's no reason that on God's green, flat, fermented Earth we should have enemies spawning behind players who just killed them on a map like Afghan derail estate or anything other than maybe shipment and rust.


It seems deliberate; if it isn't deliberate, then it's incompetence. Because there is no way that a six-person team and a Sixers team can't find at least one spawn location that's safe for shipment. It's literally like teammates are spawning with enemies, like you're spawning behind them and you're getting destroyed, and it's like I don't even compete.

There's nothing more that infuriates me than feeling like I got ripped off or cheated, and when you just spawned and you move one exact foot and then an enemy spawns behind you and kills you, that is the most infuriating. Suck it off my, it infuriates me when I die because my guy is like cocking The Gun Man, and if you come at me with that realism [__] man.

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I'm going to come right back at you this game has cats running around in it you turn into fairy pixie dust, when you get shot, this game does not have realism so I think in the smaller Maps like rust and shipment and nuk town when if that comes back, get rid of that little cocking animation because there's not enough time for it.

ghosts in cod

There truly isn't when you spawn in there's not enough time for your guy to sit there and finger his gun for 5 minutes. It should just be right away, ready to go, and you can start firing. I'll go get detachments; it makes it better to shut up. I'm so sick and tired of the minmaxing in this game, man.

I really, truly feel like you need a university-level degree in order to actually be able to compete in Call of Duty anymore. It's no longer about just picking whatever makes you happy; there's no longer having fun with different classes and setups; there's no longer making goofy classes; it's all about midmaxing.

Even in hardcore mode. I'm starting to see it slowly creeping there because the time to kill isn't short enough for the one guy who's sitting there snorting his g-feel, so he's got a min max, so it's even quicker. I just want a shooter to come out that isn't annoying. You know what I mean—like, you're not annoyed.


When you're playing the game. I don't want to see ghosts of players who have died sliding across the map, and I can't hurt them when they're in ghostly form, but then the second they spawn, they just level you. I don't want to see that it's broken. I don't want to stand there while my guy slowly [__] his gun while he's getting fired at because the game decided we needed an annoying animation at every single death, especially in a map like a shipment.

You spend most of your time watching your guy animate, animating all over that gun. You can't wait to get it back. I'm going to fire this gun so freaking I died I don't get it man I know that's a really Nick picking Niche thing but you really notice it if you don't notice it go play shipment go play the ship miss or r or whatever it is where it's just those small maps that's where you're going to really notice these animations, and that's where you're going to be able to see Ghost of Dead players pass floating around your map killing you that's where you're going to notice the spawns, like I feel bad for the people that go in there.

modern warfare

Because they have to do what I'm doing and level up their guns I do but you have to do it you can't go ruining other people's games man you can't be rocking over to D domination and destroying somebody else's game because you can't hack it in that Lobby did I enjoy my time in shipment, no did I enjoy my time inside the Rus, playlist or whatever it is no but I did it because I have respect for other people I want other people to be able to go play their objective based game modes and actually have fun so I'll go to the game modes where you are supposed to be grinding skins cuz remember that's the whole reason they added these 24-hour, playlists is cuz people were complaining about the fact that cam Grinders were ruining the game and yet the camo Grinders still continue to ruin the game because they don't want to go die 75 times inside of that map I literally died once 150.

modern warfare 3

Times on kill confirmed today. I didn't even record it I was so freaking mad built my coffee on my desk cuz I punched it punch it but you know like you slam your hand down like a hammer, man and it made a mess and then that made me upset and that's where I took a break just being honest with you guys man I will always tell you I'm 100% a regular player I do not reverse boost I do not cheat I do not try to look up any of that stuff I literally trying to just make the class that I find on the war zone game on the ground when I kill people with the Dual Tire pistols I always do better that game because those pistols are broken when I find the person that's got the lmg, like I'm building right now then I do it I'm simply trying to play war zone better in order to play war zone better I have to go cry in ship miss or whatever this playlist is called.

I read them all. I don't reply to them all. I can't keep up with that in the day, but I do actually read them all, and I reply to. I'd say, 70% of the comments, so make sure you do that, and as always. I hope you have an amazing day and a Merry Christmas. Yeah, I said it. Come at me.

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