News - The "new" No Recoil Striker 9 Is Godly Warzone 2. Best Striker 9 Class Setup" Cod Warzone 2

mw3 best striker 9 class

So the only con on this one is the fact that when you're advertising, Your actual laser is visible, which kind of stinks. Don't get me wrong. It does stink, but We don't have to worry about it too much it's only when you're adsing, if you're pushing a lot and you're running around a lot with this class you guys are watching the gameplay in the background you don't need to worry about it too much now the ads speed and the Sprint of fire are both going to go up 5% with that one right there so it's really nice then we got 40 round mags all right this is definitely needed, on a gun like this you don't want to run around the map without bullets like if you have 25 or you have 30 or something it's just it's not worth it in my opinion okay so definitely run the 40 round mags, especially if you're playing all ranges it's going to take more bullets at longer ranges you definitely want to have that for sure and then finally for the final attachment, this one I love cuz you're getting gun kick control You're getting firing aim stability.

mw3 best striker 9 class setup

You're getting recoil control, but you're also getting ad speed, which is really awesome, and this is the RB crotalus. Assault stock now you're getting 13 or sorry 12 not 13 12% recoil gun kick control you're losing three horizontal and vertical not to worry guys it's not too bad but you're getting 5%.

Ads as well, so it's actually really nice; it makes the gun pretty stable, it's not too bad, and overall, your ads don't lose any, which you would think you would lose running that now. For the next attachment, the actual class setup that you guys want to run if you want this thing made for all ranges, I'm going to share that with you right now.

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And it's actually really nice; it's actually a solid gun to use for really, really fastpac gaming as well, so we're going to go ahead, and like I said, we're not going to use a muzzle on this one. This is going to give you sprint-of-fire speed; it's going to give you ad speed; it's going to give you aim-walking speed.

mw3 striker 9

It's going to give you literally everything, all right guys, you're getting 9%, ad speed of 10%. Sprint to fire with that right there, and it just makes you really fast, and it's really fun to use in all honesty going to the under Barrel, we're going to go ahead and we're going to go Ahad and put on the DR6, hand stop.

This is going to give you sprints of fire, movement speed, ad speed, ad speed, and aim walking speed. The good thing about it is that you're getting 11 ads and 10 sprints of fire, so it's really cool as well. And then we're going to focus on another attachment, another one, which is going to give us a bunch of stuff that we definitely want as well, like ads and all that kind of stuff, and sprint of fire, and why not?

And it's going to be a laser once again, all right, and this is the Chimera R Y L 33 laser light. This one is going to give you aim-walking steadiness, which is great. This is because of the fact that we're not putting a lot of recoil attachments on this gun. This one is really nice to have. So when you're actually advertising and strafing back and forth and stuff, your gun is not like kind of looking all over the place, bouncing all over the place.

mw3 striker 9 best class

It's pretty nice that your attack stand spread goes up a lot, your Sprint of Fire goes up a lot, and your ads go up a lot as well. Now the Sprint of Fire goes up 18%. With this attachment, your ad speed goes up 10 and your taxon spread goes up 16, so it's really nice to throw it onto the actual gun.

Now there's two things that are really bad with this attachment that I don't like, but there it's worth it; it's really worth having. Now another attachment that we got to throw on is going to be the same one that we had on the last class setup for this, and that is the RB crotalus, assault stock.

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We need this again because we need some sort of recoil control. We need some sort of gun kick control, but we don't want to lose ads or anything; we're actually gaining ads with this one. Like I said before, we're gaining four ads with this one, so it's worth it in my opinion, and we're also losing four sprints of fire, but we've already got so much spensive fire in this class that we don't need to worry about that too much.

mw3 striker 9 class

Now the ad speed boost is good on this; it's great because it's paired with recoil gun kit control, which is really nice as well, and for the final attachment on this one. We could focus on another thing that's going to give us recoil control, gun kick control, and all that kind of stuff because it's kind of needed.

Let's be honest, and that's the sack ZX grip. Now this one right here is going to give you 10% recoil gun kick control and 7% horizontal, vertical, and vertical. I mean, horizontal, vertical; that doesn't make any sense. horizontal and vertical recoil control, so this one's going to be actually really nice to use, and this class right here is a very fast class; it's not the fastest SMG, don't get me wrong, but it's actually really good.

no recoil striker 9 class mw3

It doesn't have too much recoil, but the recoil that it does have. I'm going to warn you guys, is a little more horizontal than vertical all right, so the vertical is super easy to control, but it does go left and right a bit, which could be a little harder to control for people of the overall great class, and in all honesty, if you're going to be running the second,.

I don't know, man, the Renetti got nerfed, guys. I don't know if it's on multiplayer. I'm hoping it's only in the war zone, and I think it's only when you run the full auto attachment onto it in the conversion kit that it just kind of sucks. I said it was going to happen. I don't want to get used to using that class, so I didn't, and I'm kind of happy that I didn't, because, dam, that thing just seems useless at the moment.

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