News - The Akimbo Jak Wardens Are Amazing: Warzone Stats, Best Class, And More (also Bugged)

riveter shotgun

They look so cool. They are so damn fun to use, granted, when they aren't bugged. Keep in mind that they are bugged currently, like I said, and when they fix it. I do think that this is going to be a very strong option for a lot of CB players who know how to move and use pump-action shotguns. Like I said before, this is a shotgun that you want to be using with finesse and movement; you do not want to go up and straight spam someone.

It's okay in that regard; the time to kill is not terrible, but in more cases, it's not. This is going to be very similar to the lock with 680, which is a great option for a lot of mouse and keyboard players. I think that this is going to be in the same boat. This is going to be very similar to the lock with 680; it plays very similar, and it's very strong.

Keep in mind that this does the most damage you can possibly do with a shotgun. If you fire both at the same time—we're talking 240 damage—it will crack people like nobody's business. These things are just so damn fun, even when they're bugged. I was having a good time. Yes, it was annoying to get weird, like no hit markers at all or kind of just Nick the enemy in some ways, but once it's fixed, I promise you guys.

shotgun best class warzone

I promise you, these are going to be even more fun, and I was already having a blast with them, so if that says anything, well, there you go, and guys, that's pretty much going to do it for this article. I know that was a lot of information and a lot of me rambling and talking, but I'm just super excited about this shotgun.

It's just so much fun, and I really hope you guys enjoy it. As always, I want to know what you guys think.

Also read:
The JAK Wardens are SO much fun, although they are bugged currently and shots don't always go where you aim. The damage is insane, the movement is great, and most importantly it looks sick.
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