News - The Akimbo Jak Wardens Are Amazing: Warzone Stats, Best Class, And More (also Bugged)

haymaker shotgun modern warfare

Well, folks, the time to stir the Hornet's Nest is now because they finally released the new season 3 Reloaded update for the model 1887, Akimbo. This is an aftermarket part for the Lockwood MK 2, known as the Jack Wardens, but come on, we all know and love them as the model 1887s. I've spent a good bit of time testing them in war zone using them and of course Gathering all the stats that I could about it in terms of its damage profile and I also want to point out that they are bugged currently, but they are being looked at by Sledgehammer Games and when they fix the bug with it which I'll get into in a second these are going to be even better so just keep that in mind these are currently bugged but they will be fixed very soon so if you want to hop to a certain part of the article where I talk about the damage or the bug itself or what class you should be using, make sure to check the time stamps Below in the description because I will be having time stamps for each of those sections .

It's bugged (for now.)

It's bugged (for now.)

So first off, let's talk about this bug. A lot of people have been noticing that there's this sort of weird Bloom when you use these things, where essentially you shoot and the pellets don't really go where you aim them they go completely outside of the reticle sometimes they'll go like a foot higher than they should, or just weird things like that, and this only really happens when you shoot them together, so if you shoot these things both triggers at the same time, you'll notice that it's very inconsistent, and that's because of the pellets.

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Don't go where you aim them; if you alternate them, it doesn't have that effect, but most people aren't going to know that, and most people are just going to go shooting him at the same time, so they're just going to think that it's like this is really bad, this is terrible. I'm not even getting hit markers; it's just because it's bugged once it actually starts to work as intended.

Damage. range and ttk

lockwood 680

It's going to feel a lot better and trust me these things are pretty formidable up close as you'll see soon from the damage profile that I got from testing them and speaking of the damage profile let's go ahead and take a look at that real quick now this thing has a ra a fire of roughly 95 rounds per minute this is hand tested it could be a little bit off but this is basically shooting just a little bit faster, than the Lockwood 680 pump action which was already pretty good in terms of how fast that thing could shoot this is going to feel even faster, now if you take a look at the damage and the ranges out to about 4.6.

You deal 120. damage per shotgun, so if you fire both of them at the same time, preferably when it's fixed and not bugged, you'll notice that you do 240. Damage per shot both of them at the same time again that is a lot of damage if you compare that to the lock with 680 that's basically 40 more points of damage so this is no joke that's a ton of damage, now of course that means all it takes is basically two shots from each of those guns so Bam and they're dead the time to kill for that based on the 95 rounds per minute is roughly 631, again these are hand tested values so keep that in mind it might be slightly different on Sim when it comes out with the update now while the time to kill realistically might be slightly different than what you see on screen it's generally in the ballpark of a lot of SMGs I mean, it's around that 600 millisecond mark, maybe a little bit higher, maybe even a little bit lower; it's kind of in that area, and it's going to be actually comparable to some SMGs like the new meta Striker 9 or something like the WP9. It's not going to be as fast, and it's a lot more unforgiving than those, but it's actually kind of close in time to kill Department, which is kind of crazy considering how strong these things are.

Headshots are instant kills

Headshots are instant kills

Now, one huge thing I want to point out that some of you guys are probably going to overlook is that this thing with head shot deals 40 damage; propelling it 40 * 4 is going to be 160, meaning you can deal over 3 health and one shot, or basically twap someone if you hit head shot with this thing in its first damage range, that's right, so basically out to 4.6.

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If you're hitting two head shots at the same time and you hit two head shots, they are dead; they are gone. It's an instant kill; it's over 300 health; it's 320. So I figured I'd point that out there it's not very well known but it is entirely, possible, it's just kind of unlikely because again you're hitting head shot but aim high if you were using this thing and you want to go for that one shot it's totally possible aim high for it now I'm a little skeptical about this I hope that if they do see this as being too strong they just Nerf it down to where it's 30 damage like the rest of the body and not just kind of Nerf the whole gun because I think the rest of the gun is perfectly fine I'm a little scared this might be too much for some people, but I just wanted to throw that out there it is entirely, possible with headshot damage to kind of basically insta kill someone this is a shotgun that is meant to be played like a pump action this is not a spammy shotgun.

This is a finesse/movement gun (damage cont.)

This is a finesse/movement gun (damage cont.)

You can't go around and just go up straight to someone and spam away unless they're really bad. I guess, but this is something you need to shoot once you get into cover play, cat and mouse slide cancel, try and maneuver and finesse people, and get your second shot off. If you play it like that, these are going to be incredibly good now with this two-shot potential.

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It extends out to about 6.6. M, and its first drop-off does less damage, but it's still capable of getting those two shots with about 176 damage per both shots at the same time, so again, the time to kill is good, and this range is pretty comparable to the Lockwood 680's two-shot potential. I think the lock with the 680 is about 6.8.

modern warfare 2023

This is just shy of that, which is actually really good considering how fun these things are. One thing I want to point out as well is that each of these shotguns shoots six pellets, which means you basically get 12 pellets downstream when you shoot both of them together, which is really nice. So, in all honesty, this kind of feels like a slightly better version of the Lockwood 680.

To be honest, even though you're kind of limited on attachment in some ways, this thing is actually a lot more formidable than the Lockwood 680. Now at range, of course, this thing drops off pretty hard. It's going to take basically three shots, so your time to kill just goes down the drain. I mean, that's just terrible, but again, it's not super important because this is more of a finesse machine than a Spam shotgun, where the time to kill is important.

This is a cat and mouse-style shotgun.

The JAK Wardens are SO much fun, although they are bugged currently and shots don't always go where you aim. The damage is insane, the movement is great, and most importantly it looks sick.
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