News - The Canter Laser Riveter Build: God Tier Shotgun Setup For Warzone



War Zone season 2 is just around the corner in just a few days, and with it, we're probably going to get a balancing patch, and with that, we're probably going to see a Nerf to the Riveter and the Haymaker shotgun, so this article is one last hurah for the Riveter before it catches its inevitable Nerf into the.

Twitter clip gaining traction

Now, over the weekend, there was a clip on Twitter catching some traction about a particular build for the Riveter someone was using, and I thought I would share with you guys the secret sauces for that build and share with you guys what the build is exactly and which one you should be using in my opinion because this thing is absolutely disgusting.

Canted laser secret sauce

If you remember a while back , I think it was in Modern Warfare 3 in particular for multiplayer. I talked about the caned Vibra laser. Normally, it just turns your gun into sort of a caned aiming style gun, which isn't really always the greatest, but for these two shotguns that have it, which are the Riveter and the Haym Maker, it essentially turns your projectile into all of your spread Buckshot.

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Into one condensed pellet, so essentially it turns it into somewhat of a slug. Like I said, I've talked about this before. If you want to go watch that article, go ahead and check it out on my channel, but yeah, essentially, with the Riveter and the Haymaker, you put this thing on, you get that caned aiming, and boom, all your pellets condense into one when you aim, so you essentially get a really nice compact package of damage for a shotgun, and with the Riveter in particular, it's really good because you only have four pellets for the Riveter, so any little bit of spread really hurts the gun, but this thing since you basically shoot a projectile with the caned laser. All that just kind of goes away, and as long as you hit your shot, bam, you are getting the maximum damage that you can possibly do with that gun in that particular range.

Riveter incendiary ranges

Riveter incendiary ranges

And given these ranges you see here for the river with incendiary ammo, you can see the damage you can inflict with this thing is just insane.

This thing is ridiculously good with this caned laser, and I don't know why it took me so long to actually try it out again in the war zone, but man, it is so good. It is so awesome. I can see people really liking.

Potential downsides

this, but there is a downside of course in that is you don't have spread, so when you aim, you get to hit your shot like it's just a normal gun, like there's no spread, so up close, it can make it a little bit trickier if you're not really spot on with your tracking, but the nice thing is that it makes it so useful at ranges like even at 20 M if you're hitting your shots and actually hitting the target, with this like it's a projectile or a slug. You can do some nasty things and make some nasty plays with this thing it's just kind of crazy and what's nice too is when you use this laser since you get such a tight spread you don't have to worry about using a choke or having a tack stance build you can just pop on that 30 round mag put that big barrel that gives you 34%, more range on maybe have an attachment for recoil like I do cuz this thing's got a lot of kick and Bam you have incredibly versatile, close range weapon and yes if you even want to shoot like it's a normal shotgun, just don't aim just hit fire it and it has decent spread so where if someone's in your face you don't have to aim you get that benefit where it's got some spread and you can still kill very quick so What's a particular build I'm talking about?.

Canted laser incendiary riveter build

Canted laser incendiary riveter build

Well, here you go. This is the new caned vibber that was laser-built for the river with an incendiary. And it is godtier. This is amazing. Again, like I said, it does make it slightly harder to use since you kind of have to aim and hit your shots well, but the thing is, if you use this and you use that skin for the incendiary ammo where you can see a little bit better, there's no flame shooting, you can track people fairly well and fairly easily, and still get that incredible damage potential at even further distances where, because of the normal spread and the fact it only has four pellets, wouldn't normally be possible otherwise, the muzzle attachment I'm rocking is the best one you can use for the Riveter when it comes to just pure recoil control, it's probably the best one I could find no This gun sadly does not have the Jack BFB attachment muzzle that you could get with some of the other guns, which is really unfortunate.

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I think it'd be really useful on some shotguns like this one, but this particular muzzle attachment works very well, and I recommend it because this gun does have a little bit of kick, but if you're okay with it and you want to rock no stock instead, then by all means go for it, but I really recommend using this for recoil control. Trust me, it's going to make your shots at long distances just a little bit easier.

Overall thoughts

Overall thoughts

As for my overall thoughts on this build, the caned laser. I don't know if the caned laser will necessarily get nerfed, but I do know the Riveter will get nerfed, so use it while you can.

Also read:
The canted laser is an amazing and overlooked attachment for the Riveter and the Haymaker. This loadout focuses on that laser and it gives you some amazing potential, even at ranges you wouldn't think possible for a shotgun.
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