News - The Akimbo Jak Wardens Are Amazing: Warzone Stats, Best Class, And More (also Bugged)

Hipfire spread

modern warfare 3

Which I love now there's also a bunch of attachments that we can actually put on this thing and not a lot but there is some categories we can actually use like the muzzle category and the laser category, and there are ammo types we can use on this but they don't seem to be really that great so for the muzzle category we can basically put on chokes and suppressors and all that now one thing I will point out is that this thing by default has a pretty damn gnarly tight spread like if you look at it it's very tight and all honesty I rock this thing generally without any chokes or anything because in the ranges you should be using it you want a little bit of spread because it makes it just a little bit more forgiving, you don't have to be as precise like it's a damn sniper rifle shot it can be a little bit more forgiving with a little bit of a wider spread , so generally you can rock a choke if you want to but I would avoid it you can rock a laser as well if you want to go for further shots where you're like hitting that three shot kill very consistently.

Are lasers/chokes worth it?

Sure, go ahead and make it super tight. I just don't really recommend it for most people, myself included. I found it much easier to use without any attachments, of course, when it actually worked and wasn't being bugged out.

Slug rounds

Now, getting into the ammo types, we have three: 410 gauge slugs, incendiary, and 410 gauge ball.

modern warfare 3 best shotguns

Now, slugs—I'm going to be honest—just completely avoid them. If you look at the damage, it says 30 for the upper torso. This is completely accurate. If you go into the game and test it, you shoot one in someone's chest for 30 damage, and that's it. It doesn't do any more damage. I think this just might be an oversight, like maybe they didn't intend to have slugs on this, but to me, it's just don't even bother.

I didn't get the ranges. I just saw the damage and was like, "Okay, I'm done." Yeah, don't use these. These are absolutely terrible unless you're trying to go for memes and that kind of hilarity. But in all honesty, you're probably just going to piss yourself off, so I would avoid it.

Incendiary rounds

Incendiary rounds

Then we have a 410 gauge incendiary, and with this, they lower the initial pallet damage, and if you look at the damages, it's really not as good as the base ammo; they kill your range a little bit, so your two shots are really out to about 2 and 1 half merss, and that's it.

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After that, out to about 4 MERS, it's going to take about three shots, and then it just drops off worse after each range. I don't really recommend it; it's got flames. It's kind of fun, but I really, really don't recommend it.

410 ball rounds

Just use the base ammo; trust me, it's well worth it, and then we also have the 1 gauge ball, which basically has the identical damage profile.

modern warfare 3 shotguns

As the base ammo, the only difference is that it's capped at three pellets worth of damage, which is really kind of funny and strange, so instead of doing about 120 damage per shot, you deal 90 in the next range instead of 88, and you deal 66. So you can see kind of the pattern going on here these are more Niche they give a tighter spread which is kind of fun you can snipe people at really ridiculous distances but it's going to take five six whatever shots and you only have six rounds in the gun by the way so it's just kind of there it's not really super good I wouldn't bother using it again it's just kind of Niche and, kind of funny I guess but very useless I would say completely avoid all these ammo types they are not worth it in the slightest to me at all now in terms of what class you should be using I'm going to be honest I think just the base gun itself just putting on the conversion kit is totally fine this is probably the best way to run it for most people I would say and it's just great overall, now if you want to go crazy there's a few different ways you can do that first of all if you want to put on something like the crown breaker choke or the laser like something like the I don't know The Verdant hook cylindrical laser.

Best class and attachments to try

Best class and attachments to try

You can actually get this thing to be incredibly tight; it looks goofy. It's not super practical, I guess, unless you're super accurate with your shot. Again, it's fun; it'll make you more consistent at ranges, but I don't think you should be using it at those ranges where it really makes a difference, so I would say just stick with the base gun itself, and that's pretty much it.

Also read:

Another fun way you can go about this is by putting on a suppressor; use something like the SA MX50. Anything that really hurts your range the less since aim-down sights time isn't really affected much because we don't aim-down sights. You can rock pretty much anything; just make sure you keep an eye on the range.

You don't want to hurt your range too much. That's why I generally go with something like the SA MX50. Another even crazier way to run this if you want to be a little bit more of a daredevil or have a little bit more of a forgiving hipfire spread, one thing you can do is to use the Scarlet cylindrical laser.

ram-9 smg

If you look at the stats for this thing, it gives you an insane hit-fir spread, Min. But it really hurts your max spread now this is generally something you don't want to do with shotgun but with this one since it's already so tight if you equip it you'll notice it starts to feel more like kind of an a Kimbo snake shot with like a very short barrel or something it gives you a lot more of a widespread which can be good this is actually surprisingly, useful and I would say that if you want to be super up close like just getting people's faces and just Spam the hell out of them as much as you can, this is probably a good laser to try and run because again it's hurting your hipfire spread which will actually kind of work well for a shotgun like this because it's already so tight when it comes to that spread so just something to consider maybe Rock a suppressor.

Maybe rock the Bryson choke if you want to go crazy. Rock a choke on a laser if you want.

Sprint to fire speed is insane

Sprint to fire speed is insane

If you want a little bit more spread, use that cylindrical Scarlet Laser also just wants to point out that this thing basically has no sprint to fire speed; it's like 30 milliseconds like the WSP Swarm. I don't know why Kimbo weapons have that pattern, but I'm totally okay with it. This thing is fun.

Overall thoughts

Okay, so I've been talking a lot now. I want to talk even more and share my overall thoughts on this shotgun and War Zone. Where do I see in sort of the meta of the shotgun category? Do I really, really enjoy it? First off, I want to say I'm kind of in love. These things are so badass. They have such great animation.

The JAK Wardens are SO much fun, although they are bugged currently and shots don't always go where you aim. The damage is insane, the movement is great, and most importantly it looks sick.
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