News - The 7. Free Rewards On Dmz Ashika Island Made Easy. Fast Weapon Cases - Warzone 2 Season 2

ashika island bombmaker guide

But without further ado, let's jump right into things. Okay, so what you want to do to find the weapon cases is kill the bomb maker located over at the Isuki castle now.

Do this before going for ashika weapon cases

Do this before going for ashika weapon cases

The sun castle is guarded by heavily armored AI from the Shadow Company and even Wilson, so what you want to do is make sure that you go into this point of interest well. Keep in mind that there are other teams and real people that could be lurking in, and you want to make sure that you've recovered before going in.

I mean, it's possible to slow clutch up without a three-plate vest or good loots a gas mask or anything else, but it's highly recommended to actually regain before going for these weapon cases therefore. Anything you can find will obviously make a big difference when going into the Tsuki castle. Building 21 is the fastest recovery method, but the map is only available from Fridays to Sundays every single week.

First boss: wheelson on ashika island explained

First boss: wheelson on ashika island explained

So once you are prepared, you want to go to the Suki castle, and you'll be greeted by the Wilson, of course, if you throw both of your thermites at the wheels, and again, maybe this is going to be. Later on, but as of now, this works. Throw both thermites at them and just walk away. The damage done over time by the thermites will be enough to actually kill them.

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Once that's done, you want to walk up to the wheels and hack them.

Destroy the cameras to avoid difficult ai

Once you do that, you'll be able to then access the castle, since before he destroyed Hack Wilson's, the castle was locked due to some security clearance, so once that's over with, you also want to watch out for all the cameras guarding the environment itself, because if a camera ends up spotting, a bunch of armored AI will infiltrate the area again; after all, it's a shadow company base after all, so you have to keep in mind that.

To the Canon, this It just makes sense that there are a couple of cameras that we ended up seeing around this area. As you guys will see, we shot about four or five of them in each game that we did, and because we did that, less and less AI ended up spawning over time, obviously. It's up to RNG as to where the AI will be when you enter this area, but much less AI will spawn if you destroy these cameras and don't get spotted.

You'll obviously get an indicator on your screen if you do get spotted, and you can also use these windows around the castle to your advantage to actually shoot some of the AI. That's inside so that you aren't greeted at the front door by some of the armored enemies, and you can also climb atop the castle itself and look in some of the rafters, some of the other windows towards the top, and use that to your advantage as well to take out as many enemies as you can so that when you walk in it won't be that difficult, but do keep in mind there are real players around this area.

Watch out for traps, sentry guns & more

Watch out for traps, sentry guns & more

There are UAV towers they can ping, and they can spot your location. There's a lot to look forward to, and there's also a lot to look out for when hopping over the MZ and Chica Island for the very first time, and it's also not the worst idea to bring the DDOS field upgrade. I mean. I'd recommend ammunition and boxes, since you're on an ammo run pretty quickly and there's a lot to shoot on this map, and if you find an armor box, that's even better, but DDOS upgrades aren't the worst things to bring in; they could take out some of the traps you'll find in this castle; he's not called the bomb maker for no reason; he has lots of traps set up.

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You usually need those fuel upgrades to temporarily disable all of those, but at the same time, you could just avoid them by doing parkour and kind of jumping past some of them, or maybe shooting them from a distance; you can do that as well. But there are traps all over this building, so be very, very careful.

Now, upon making it to the top floor, you will see a ton of enemies again.

Second boss: bombmaker & his special m4

Second boss: bombmaker & his special m4

You probably saw sensory guns on the way up here; shoot them from a distance if you guys can, but upon heading to the very top floor, there's a trip mine you have to disable, and once you get up there, shoot that trophy system as well because that'll be in the way if you want to throw some taxes or thermites.

And anytime you see a riot shield user, if you have a therm item that makes it a lot easier or if you have good communication with your team, you can just all dance around them until you finally get them, but upon getting to the top floor, you usually don't even see the bomb maker for himself after all the explosions and shooting that's done.

He's easy to kill; he's not tanky like The Jug or the Chemist or even Velikan Building 21, he's a lot simpler to kill. He's wearing a baseball cap and a small vest. You want to go ahead and shoot him, and the uppercase will be right there on the floor right beside him. The bomb maker is also always holding a maxed-out M4 that does have some good attachments on it.

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I'd recommend storing that or using it as your primary weapon because it does come in handy quite a bit here.

Disabling the alarm system for the castle

On Ashika Island, well, there's also a computer you can interact with on this floor that disables the alarm around the castle. If there are other real people in the area and they get spotted by cameras or interact with a bunch of AI, that'll lead to a lot of problems, so disable this alarm so that it makes your expulsion from this building a lot easier.

Extracting with the weapon case made easy

Extracting with the weapon case made easy

Expect tons of enemies to go and push you because they see exactly where you are that flakes back. Axville After all, Campers is a new map, so there's been a lot of sweating here during the first week of its release. Be very careful and activate every single UAV that you guys can if you guys see supply drops also dropping around the map and in the coastal area.

And hit one of those up, and you might find an advanced UAV also in there, along with other good loot.

Secret underground area for easy exfils!

Against the jug, a lot of help is needed to take down these AIS from this range. This left or right Yeah. I'm going to check out the drug, he's done, he's done, he's done, ah. I just got one tap.

I'm climbing. I'm calling towards you. Lego, well, there's a jog up here that's going to be ready once I get you revised, so if you have any stuns, stunning him would be very helpful. Yeah, I'm going to throw one, and then, all right, let's just go; let's double-team them; go, go. can take them out really quickly and nicely.

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