News - Tactical Waiting Killed Call Of Duty Warzone 2 - Sounding Cool Doesn't Make It Cool

I love it, and somebody else is going to be like, I hate doing unlocks. Every single time you used to do that [__] for fun back in the day before the crybabies took over, you'd Prestige and redo the progression system. Now there is no progression system. It's just unlocking a gun, getting the camo, going to the next gun, getting that gun, getting the camo, and going to the next one.

modern warfare 3

Before, you used to unlock things and then Prestige, and then you did it again, and every time you got Prestige, you got a token, and you were able to use that token to permanently unlock something else. There was an actual progression that kept you in tune with the game. Now, what do you go for?

You ain't going for kill streaks. Nobody's running swarms of Chopper Gunners in this game. I see I can still count on one hand the number of times I've run into a Chopper Gunner in this game. I can count on two fingers the number of times I've seen a juggernaut, and I can only count two times for the number of times I've seen swarms; everybody just runs UAVs; sometimes a Sentry turret; most of the time it's a predator missile; and OverWatch heilo; that's it.

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Everybody runs the same guns because, God forbid, we have any variety in the game. Everybody goes to the same camping spots because, God forbid, we have any variety in the game. Sorry, it's not camping; it's a tactical sight line holding tactical waiting. You're not a camper; you're a sentinel, because somehow making your name sound cooler means that you're cooler.

modern warfare 3 2023

No, you're still a piece of [__]. You're still sitting in the spawn, and you're still not doing anything. You're the whole reason we're in this mess because of Call of Duty. Activision decided to protect your bracket of players and to make sure that you have a fun experience rather than worrying about the general population.

And then I get stuck on the team where I have to carry your sorry ass because it's my job because I move around the map, so Call of Duty throws me in there to be the cannon for the two teams that are spawning and not moving. Just the way it works, I understand my role. My role is to make sure that your games actually have kills in them; otherwise, it's just a whole lot of people sitting around doing nothing.

modern warfare 3 slow gameplay

Sorry, learn to adapt. I guess I'm doing it. I'm trying my best to adapt, but God damn it, you guys have ruined Call of Duty. I 100% put the blame on the camping community. I don't give a [__] come at me; you guys literally did this. We had movement inside Call of Duty: You Guys Camp some times, but you guys were looked at as vile worms of the community in Modern Warfare 2 Black Ops 2, and all the boots on the ground before Advanced Warfare, you guys were regarded as the scum of the community, which you are.

Sitting in a corner is not a skill; it's not tactical waiting; it's not tactical sight line holding; it's not being tactical; and sure as hell, not being a sentinel, it's sitting still, which you could do in any game. Play how you want, man. Don't let me try to encourage you to try to explore the map.

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Just keep making it so every single map sits and fights in one corner because you won't move. Keep doing it; you want proof that that's the case. Watch my subbase gameplay, where we called it adapting. I anchored the spawn, and my team spawned in the exact same location the entire game because I was spawned.


Camping, that's you, so yes, I put the onus on you to explain why these games stink. Pink bunny costume, you stupid [ __ ]. This is the reason that Call of Duty has gone downhill, 100%. I have to run back to the same location to get back into the fight because everybody else is spawning there. I know how about instead of going after the players, we go after the developers; they ain't going to fix spawn; they haven't since the very first Call of Duty; they ain't going to start now.

You have to go after the players. You have to shame the campers. You have to shame the guy who's sitting in the spawn. In fact, in hardcore mode, you have to pop him one, get him done, and get him out of the flashbang. He a million times ruin his game. If you could get him to spawn somewhere else, you'd see the map all of a sudden switch, and the fights would be somewhere else crazy.


I know, but every map plays the exact same way, and if you were to look, there's always one guy that's sitting in the spawn holding down the anchor, one guy being a tactical, waiting Sentinel. Give your head a shake, man; you ain't no Sentinel. You're a bottle-sucking baby; you're too scared to move because you just want to have that precious KD.

Getting a 7 KD with zero deaths is not a very good KD, especially when you stand still and are stupid. Yes, don't let what I said

Hope You Enjoy The Video! Now it has to be said that no matter how cool you make it sound if you stand still for longer then lets say 30 seconds Just as a rule of thumb then you are in fact a camper. This Problem of people Tactically Waiting is killing Call of Duty. THIS IS A YOUTUBE VIDEO.
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