News - Spectating Is More Fun Than Playing Warzone 2 Lol

best warzone 2.0 loadout

So in today's article, I decided to do my first ever solo spectating article in Warzone 2. I've done a few of these on Rebirth Island and on Caldera, but I've never really tried it for Warzone 2. It's just more fun to do content like this than a normal loadout article. So the guy landed back in, and he landed at a building, which is obviously, as you know, a big brand.

Brand I think most people would do that, but for some reason he's deciding to shoot the child of this kid with a pistol. Is he going to do it, ladies and gentlemen? I personally think he should have looted up a little bit more, but there we go, almost on the side of the game, ladies and gentlemen.

The good old third party, am I right, probably looted up a little bit more, maybe gotten like a purple vest or something; I personally like getting a purple vest before I try to tell anybody, and I don't tell anybody purposely until I find a purple chest, unless it's somebody really far away and I have a gun that has like good recoil control; you know.

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I'll try to beam them, because you have the advantage of seeing them first, but in close-range combat like that when I'm landing in a gulag. I'm finding a purple vest before I do anything, but now we got Daddy, and I think Dad is going to be out. Daddy's pretty talented. I can't lie. Good job daddy I respect it.


I don't know how that kid hit you with a claymore, broke all your plates, and still died, but you know I respected Daddy. He does have four kills, so it's a pretty good indicator that he's not completely terrible. You know his aim was really good. He saw the kid get hit by the claymore and still managed to maintain accuracy.

He's looking for the stronghold; that's what he was doing most likely—opening the map and looking for the strongholds. So we know that he is, you know, probably a bit more of a pushy player, so this should be a bit more entertaining to watch than the other person that we were just watching. Sincerely, I mentioned it in the Caldera article, where I think he's just going to be basically lost.

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I, too, would try to judge him off of his overall movement, but as you can tell, there's not really much movement in this game except for pushing forward, so I give him a 10 out of 10. I'm pushing his left thumb up and forward; he was the mirror. Okay, good listeners should decide for themselves that he's a smart player, He hears the shots, ladies and gentlemen, and he's analyzing the situation.

I think he keeps looking at his minimap for some reason, but he has no interest in going to the stronghold. He's looking for them, but he's not going to them. The shots did sound a little far away; it's kind of hard to tell sometimes in this game, but it definitely didn't sound like they'd be in front of that blue building.

Okay, there he is; let's see how he engages this guy. A gun that he's using right now might not be the best for that range, but he is, okay. You don't see him behind the tree, man; all right, his vision's a little shaky. Who's that is he right there look at him; ah, you had such an angle. What did we just witness, ladies and gentlemen?

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He had such an angle he could have just beamed him before this kid got a heady that was bad that was bad. I gave him a negative five points for that one. Let's see what this guy does. He's got his loadout; he's got one of the solid-color camos, so you know it's semi-grinded camos; he's got the metascope on; the attack is 56, so he probably keeps up with the meta a little bit; this guy might be a good player too; let's find out.

You don't gotta call me out on that game boy; you know what I meant, it's just people in a line, Does diving often become the new thing to do in place of side-cancelling? No, but I'm glad you brought that up. Dolphin diving doesn't make you run faster. Did you notice that he was dolphin diving when he was out in the open?

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So, he is a pretty smart player. I do that sometimes too, especially if I think somebody's around me. If you're dolphin diving while you're moving, you'll move at the same speed as sprinting, but it'll be a lot harder for a random enemy to beam you from a random distance. You know what I mean. So the fact that he's doing it out in the open is actually pretty smart; he's not doing it for a speed boost.

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But if the little Timmy Two-Tender across the bridge starts to take a shot at him, it'll be a lot harder for the little to take a shot because this dude's like, you know, flying through there over and over again, you know. Ladies and gentlemen I'm curious. Why are there so many riot shield kids lately?

I feel like Rye shielding has been becoming way more common. Now he's getting fourth-partied right now, and this is voice on two in a nutshell. Ladies and gentlemen I just asked, and I want to see him get the right shield kid so bad. Come on, you got this; ah, you forgot about how you did you do that how did you forget about the guy behind you.

Yeah, at least I should have checked. I expected more from him. I expected more from him. He just ran in the open, and it was like, "Oh, the guy that just almost downed me must not be there anymore, right?" I expected more from him. This is the guy that got third-partied earlier. For some reason, this guy doesn't know how to shoot, and then Ryan showed the case of poop in the corner.

spectating warzone 2

Right now, he's going to be in front of the building any second, unless he's not running anymore. There he is; we must have seen him. I can't believe we just watched that kid play so well just to get infested by logic. my, I think we might have found a new bear to watch. Why are we watching a bear pig when you can just watch a bear?

And honestly, yeah, that last guy that we were watching was like, "Somebody shot at me from the right." Let me heal up. Wait two minutes. Then go back outside and don't look to my right. I said it was going to be cold, so, like, what do I do? It's outdoors, like, is it outdoors or indoors? And then if it's cold, it's going to be warm at five but then cold at night, so what do I do?

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I wear a hoodie and then take it off and carry the hoodie, like my ladies and gentlemen, in the foreign game today. No. I think this is actually going to be it because I have to get this edited for YouTube and then the gameplay we got earlier edited for YouTube and scheduled because then tomorrow we have to get two more gameplays.

Spectating in Warzone 2 may be more entertaining than playing Warzone 2. Hope you all enjoy the Video.
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