News - Solo Tombstone Glitch. Fastest Method - Tombstone Duplication Glitch - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

All right, so to keep things simple, we're going with number 19, here's the code, and where it's going to be bringing you is this location, so go back in the article if you need to rewatch that, but essentially, we're going to enter that code, into this, here's the last symbol right here. Make sure that you know which ones you're clicking because, again, these look similar, and if I actually turn my back, it makes it a little bit quicker, and if you run off after buying it and you want to follow the path that I do, cutting across here is a little bit quicker.

dark aether

And then, if you want to go ahead and drop your weapon, make sure you don't have a scorcher as your secondary weapon, because that will literally slow you down. But even with all of this, I'm still able to beat the time with the other method, which you will see in a minute. I'll actually have an overlay of the other time, and show you how much faster this method is so let's get back to the portal we're going to make our way through the courtyard yet again, and we're going to go up this stairs here now, again I think it's about like 45 seconds I really don't know how long it is but just be very quick with it so as soon as you come out just turn right and run for the water so what you want to do is you want to run for this corner that I'm looking at that is the quickest possible way to get there and then once you get into the water just simply stay near the edge and what's going to happen is you'll be able to still run at full speed and you will get into the Red Zone, even quicker so let's go ahead and compare those two times.

duplication glitch

So just to do a proper comparison with just these two runs, keep in mind that it will vary probably a second or two depending on how fast you are. We're going to compare how fast you got to the outbound zone before. You actually got to zero on the countdown, so you're going to see I actually got close to the edge here, and then I'm going to go ahead and accept the time, and let's compare this to the other method.

Now, even though I had the mishap of the scorcher, as you can see here, I beat it by a full second. What that tells me is that I didn't make that mistake. I could have easily beat this by 2 seconds, and a lot of people I've been seeing with this new method are using the portal and going out of bounds with all of this type of stuff.

Also read:

A lot of people are having issues with timing. They're saying, Hey, my tombstone isn't here, or Hey, I lost all my supplies. It's all about timing, guys. If you don't get this eliminated symbol while you are going through the portal, then you know that you did it incorrectly. So both of these methods together should help you a ton in making sure that you actually get this done and that you get it done right every single time.


Now, lastly, I want to go over what's been going on with the acquisition stash. Now people have been filling up their racks, and then the last couple inventory spaces or the last inventory space they've been putting an elder sigil or a sigil into, they would switch to an operator with a smaller rucksack, and it would actually replace that inventory space with nothing, thus forcing it into your acquisition stash.

I highly suggest that you guys do not do this glitch if you can figure out which items in your acquisition stash actually count by swapping out an item from your inventory with one from your stash and then clicking r on it if you're on PC or whatever the button is to actually stash it on console, and it should actually take that number that you have, let's say 12 out of 10, and decrease it by one.


At that point, you want to delete that item. Delete any items that count towards that 10 out of 10 so that you get back to 10 out of 10. If you are at 10 out of 10, you won't ever have items missing from your rucksack; if you do, say 12 out of 10, and you try to fill, you will be missing two items every single time you XEL, so this is just an in-article PSA that I wanted to give you guys and let you know do not do that glitch.

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