News - Sledgehammer, You Must Address Sbmm Warzone 2

You know, why would they go into detail? Why would they dissect the matchmaking? If they weren't actually going to go ahead and adjust it, if they weren't going to, you know, mess with it if it's in a perfect spot, it's not affecting anything, and it's only giving them more money, you know, then why would they even talk about it in the first place up until this very current date?

modern warfare 3 2023

You know, we got that post a couple of weeks ago discussing that we're going to talk a little bit more about matchmaking. The only thing we have ever heard was from Michael Condry once he got removed from Sledgehammer Games when he came out and said that it's not their fault, insta Publishers fault that's the only time we ever got any information about the matchmaking, or any discussion or any acknowledgement, about Ski's matchmaking with in COD other than that it's a complete taboo topic and nobody in the world wants to go ahead and discuss it in the development scene of course you know all of us we discuss all the time but within the actual game scene, nobody.

Q&A on Reddit, they weren't allowed to talk about skill-based matchmaking, and then they did a live interview with a streamer, and they actually told the streamer ahead of time that they couldn't ask any skill-based matchmaking questions or he'd get in massive trouble. But honestly, you know back to the fact that I don't want to be completely negative, like I said back to the positives, if they were to go ahead and discuss goas, matchmaking.

modern warfare 3 new sbmm

Honestly, it would only be logical for them to go ahead and fix the SCES matchmaking because they know once they open the gates, it's over. You know, the community will have access to similar knowledge depending on how much knowledge they're willing to give us. I can see the negatives. I could see where they're trying to finesse one over on us, but at the same time, I could see the positives I could see, that you know if they do come out and really discuss these things.

It might be more negative for them to not adjust things afterwards; it might be more bad backlash than good backlash at that point, so, again.

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