News - Shotguns Were Secretly Buffed (warzone 2 Zombies)

We've only blown up one face. Okay, we cannot let these mimics become a problem; they need to be gone before they take me out. I think we got the Abomination to glitch out. He's not moving over there now. He spoke too soon. The game heard me. Both mimics have been taken care of. We got an instant kill.

modern warfare 3

I shouldn't have picked that up. Actually, I want to start working towards my Aether Shrout, and I don't want this to affect the damage we do against this Abomination, so you're just going to have to wait a nice 20 seconds, sir. You get three more seconds of living. Better enjoy it while it lasts.

We go you can Bob and weave through this laser just to get extra damage on both. Faces, come on, I know you want to break. I know it's close to breaking. Yeah, come on in here. I'll loop all the way through this as many times as you want, pal. There we go. The middle face is gone. Did he get out of range?

Look how he's running. Is he stuck? Did he regain his health? re gain Health, maybe a little bit, but he's still pretty low. That's not too bad, and this could be the last, Laser. He stopped short. This tree is really giving him the business; he can't even move through it. We're almost there.


I think the Haym Maker is officially decent; it's had a revival, no rebirth, and there's another one right away. I guess to be fair to the river, we can give it a chance against this Mega Abomination, but you guys just saw what it did to a hellhound—almost nothing. It was hit, marking a hellhound pack three epic Rarity, this Riveter is cooked, but I'll give it one little chance against the mega bomb, and I do also want to point out that we didn't even run out of ammo using the haymaker against this mega abomination.

With a lot of weapons we use to fight it, we always just have to leave and go replenish ammo somewhere, and I don't know how much longer I want to use this with no more. Self-revive, no, okay, we got to run. No, the mimic almost sniped me, and speaking of running for ammo, we just have to go do it.

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We need to grab some decoys so we can use them to safely buy ourselves, revive, and damn mimic. Mim's way too accurate today, and somebody activated this deadbolt turret. You know what? That's my saving grace. I'll take it. Let's go get some self-revivals and then go test out our Haymaker Against the Storm caller if it's still here.

mw3 season 2

Storm caller, I got somebody. I want to introduce you to this new and improved hay maker. We have already stopped them from healing. Let's hit our ether shroud. We're doing decent damage to him. He broke his mask. Oh, zombie, stay back. It's actually doing pretty good damage to the zombies that are in it, Storm, and the zombies are doing pretty good damage to me.

I should probably pay attention to my health a little bit more, let's say. Shroud again; this ain't bad so far. It's not like Toma's levels of damage, but it's pretty good compared to what it used to be. We already got him to half health, and we just got in here. It's our first day out here. We wonder if we do more damage up close.

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I think we might be getting back here. We can't run from this. I think this might be doing more damage than our Ram 9 did, and the Ram 9 is probably the best weapon they added to season 2 so far. This should be the end of them, right here. Just don't fly away from me, damn. Who would have thought I even had to go refill my gas mask?

mw3 season 2 zombies

I am very close to running out of ammo, though, so we got it just in time. Let's see if we can find anything good in this stronghold. We can easily clear this out. This is one of those weapons that you need no thought to use—just brain empty. Shoot what's in front of you. I wonder why they decided to fix the haymaker and not the radiator.

They also don't like the Riveter, or is it like a balance thing because there's so much ammo with it, or maybe they accidentally buffed it? I feel like that's the most likely thing here. It seems like all they've been doing recently is nerfing weapons in zombies, and it turns out there's not [__] in here in terms of loot.

Well, let's try to knock out a few minutes left, and since this thing's doing so well, let's try to knock out a few contracts here and see if we can't get some decent loot. We have another megabomb over here. Actually, under the contract I'm trying to fulfill, you want to die just like all your siblings.

mw3 secret buff

I'm going to get this weapon stash contract done. Let's start it up. Please don't kill me while I'm putting the drill on. Stop it, haha. Shroud, no, why does this happen? Should I close out? Should I close out of the game while I save all my stuff? Because either way, no matter what, if I stop lagging right here, I'm still going down.

If I close it, it goes to a black screen, so I move forward. I might have buffed the shotgun, but the serers definitely got nerfed. We kept all of our stuff perfect. I'm glad I closed it when I did, and I'm glad I actually didn't waste this stuff on a Riveter. So it does look like they actually secretly buff the shotguns, or, I should just say, the shotguns.

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The Haymaker is the only one that really looks like it's worth using now. Well, besides the Lockwood 680, the Riveter still seems like it's garbage, though maybe a different ammo type might be better for it, but I'm not about to go into a game with the river again and waste some supplies on it. We got lucky once we got them back, but I'm going to go ahead and end it here.

We hop in game to check out the Secret Buff to the shotguns and see if it makes the Haymaker and Riveter viable in zombies.
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