News - Sbmm" Is Ruining Call Of Duty. How To Get Vpn Bot Lobbies On Warzone 3



hello YouTube In today's article, we're going to go over something slightly different from our usual war zone content, and we're going to be covering VPNs. More specifically, we're going to cover what a VPN actually is and how it works, why people are turning the VPN into a more fun experience, and finally, and probably the reason most of you clicked on today's article, the VPN that I use and how you can get it and start up.

What a vpn does

actually do so, it takes some of your data and tells Call of Duty that you're playing in a different location than you actually are. Most of the locations are strategically picked where there tends to be a lower-player account overall on the servers. This gives the matchmaker a decision to make: either make me wait—God knows how long it takes to find a lobby with my skills and credentials with very few people playing anyway—or put me in the next available game so that I'm not waiting a lifetime.

So that's exactly what matchmaking does; it puts you in the next available lobby, but this is where people get vpns all wrong. People think that this means every lobby is a bot lobby, and you're going to ruin a lot of people's gaming experiences that are protected by SBM. But that is just not the case; it simply puts you in the next available lobby.

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This could be a top TI sweat lobby or an average lobby with some good and bad players, or it could give you a bot lobby where the majority of players are below average. That part is random; that's why there are different locations to choose from so you can get the best experience for you. The specific VPN that I use, which I'll come on to later on in this article, comes with a geo fence, which most other VPN providers don't have, and it simply puts an imaginary fence around a location where you want to find servers.

So I'm in the UK, so I set my geo fence to the UK, and I'll only find servers within that specific area. This, coupled with a VPN, works extremely well.

Why people vpn

Why people vpn

Do people actually VPN? Now that we know what VPN does, why do people feel so grieved by the skill-based matchmaking system that they FK out their own money to purchase a VPN? Well, there are many reasons. It means that you can have a more relaxed, casual experience while playing the game. It means that you can play with all your friends of any level as normally with spmm.

You have to play with your high-skill friends just to give you any chance of winning a game. It means you can run off meta loadout or play the game differently than you normally would certainly from a content creator point of view. It makes my job so much easier. It also gives you a chance to swap from controller to keyboard or mouse or vice versa and try a different input device, because otherwise, for instance.

I play a controller at a 3K level, and if I were to swap the keyboard and mouse. I know I would be at the very bottom of players on that input, playing at a literal 0.1 KD, but with skill-based matchmaking, it can't tell the difference. All that would happen is that I'd throw every game, for God knows how long until the sbmm adjusted to my ability, which brings me onto another point with spmm, and that the algorithm places your stats on the basis that you're playing at 100% of your ability all of the time, which is just not humanly possible.

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Finally, and probably the most ridiculous part of SPMM, is that it prioritizes skill over connection. So not only do you have to play against the very best players to ever play the game, you have to do it with the worst possible servers with high ping and stut run, which creates the most anger-inducing experience you could possibly get, so just to quickly add before I show you my VPN Call of Duty has come out in the last month or so with a statement that, for the first time ever, admits the use of skill-based matchmaking.

Cod sbmm statement

Cod sbmm statement

In the statement, they go on to say that they are going to be more transparent with skill-based matchmaking and how it works, which we are still waiting to hear out more about, but I personally believe that there's more to this. I think that they know the community is up in arms and sick and tired of the current SPMM system, and it's finally reached a point where they are losing players because of it.

Most other gaming developers that use SP spmm are very open about it and work with the community to find a happy medium where most players are going to get the best experience from the game, and I think that's what Call of Duty is going to start doing and need to do so to keep the player base and keep them happy, but to also stop forcing people into purchasing third-party software to enjoy the game, which is just.

My vpn and how it works


ridiculous, so just a quick disclaimer before I show you exactly how the VPM works. I do believe it only works on PCs, so if you're on a console, this probably won't work for you. In fact, I think it definitely doesn't work on consoles whatsoever, but if you're on a PC, you can definitely go to the website.

Download the software this week. Off, I'm not affiliated in any way like that; it's just what I use and what I like. The reason I've chosen it is because it's a one-off payment you make, and that's it. Most VPNs have a yearly subscription, which I don't think is worth it also with spmm off I don't know about other vpns, but I know most of them don't have this feature, but this has geofence, which again I'll show you how this works when we'll go through it.

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So straight away, once you've downloaded it, you'll get the software you log in to, and then you'll simply be met with this. On this page, there are 52 different locations to choose from, and you can choose from open-type to strict. Again, I don't know how that works, but it's something that you can fiddle with to find what works best for you.


I found that strict works best for me and I just tend to go to Kazakhstan for my location, from there you simply connect and you wa for it to do its thing and whilst that happens I normally go to Geo fense so firstly you need to select the game that you use them which for me it's obviously Call of Duty, and then you choose which location you want your GE friends to I choose the UK so that means that I don't find any servers outside, of the UK which gives us the best possible paying in like I say you pair that up with a VPN and it works incredibly well so just to make sure that the VPN is connected and is working you go into Call of Duty you go down into accounting Network, like this.

You go down into Network Info, and as long as the geographical region is the location that you've selected—whatever that is. KZ is Kazakhstan—that means that it's worked, and I'm now playing on Kazakhstan servers. Thanks to everyone who got to the end of the article. If you want to check out the website, you could potentially download the VPN.


And don't forget, guys. I'm live right here on YouTube every Monday.

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